Male pattern baldness: causes and treatment

Male pattern baldness: causes and treatment
Male pattern baldness: causes and treatment

Male baldness is not such a rare problem. And it is faced by both the old and the young generation. Hair loss can be due to various reasons. The publication will tell about this, as well as how you can deal with this disease.

Hereditary factor

In some cases, a man begins to go bald due to a significant increase in testosterone (androgens). The disorder is inherited from the mother or father and can present at any age after puberty. This type of hair loss is called androgenic.

Usually, first of all, the hairline decreases in the temporal zone. In this case, you can notice not only a reduction in the density of the hair, but also a slowdown in its growth phase. Also, during androgenetic alopecia, hair shafts in men decrease in diameter, length, and even begin to lighten.

Autoimmune disorder

Male pattern baldness may be due to an autoimmune mechanism. With such a violation, the hair follicles are perceived by the human body as foreign bodies, so it begins to get rid of them. The causes of this phenomenon have not yet been fully studied, so the treatment should be selecteddifficult. It is believed that autoimmune baldness is inherited or occurs due to intoxication of the body.

Endocrine diseases

The usual remedy will not help with hair loss if the cause of the disease lies in the dysfunction of the internal secretory glands (including the thyroid). Then the treatment of baldness in men will primarily be associated with the elimination of endocrine diseases.

With this deviation, the hair becomes dry, dull, sparse and thin. The first bald patches, as a rule, are formed on the back of the head, near the forehead and in the area of the eyebrows. With atrophy of the gland, intense hair loss can be observed, which is characteristic of older people.

Early male pattern baldness
Early male pattern baldness


If a person experiences severe stress for a long time, then early baldness may occur. This is not uncommon for men. It all starts with a narrowing of the vessels that are located on the head. Because of this, the hair roots are deprived of sufficient nourishment. If this continues for several months, then baldness will begin. If emotional or nervous strain occurs rarely, then hair loss will be temporary.


Taking strong medications often has side effects. For example, these are drugs such as antidepressants, aspirin, diuretics and other drugs. In some men, the negative consequence is manifested in the form of baldness. If such a side effect occurs after taking the medication, you should immediately contact your doctor. Maybe,the medicine just doesn't work and the doctor will prescribe another one.


The dangers of tobacco have been spoken about for a long time and everywhere. But it is not always mentioned that smoking can cause hair loss over time. Moreover, due to this addiction, the risk of baldness in men is much higher than in women. Research from Taiwan University has proven this.

Scientists analyzed the he alth status of more than seven hundred men. Their average age was 60 years. According to the results of the study, when smoking from 20 cigarettes a day, most patients lost a significant part of their hair. This pattern is explained by the fact that when using tobacco, the hair follicle, in which the root part is located, is quickly destroyed. Moreover, because of this bad habit, the circulation of hormones is disturbed. Therefore, estrogen production increases and baldness begins.

Cause of male pattern baldness
Cause of male pattern baldness

Other causes of male pattern baldness

The following factors can also be sources of the problem:

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Radioactive exposure.
  • Various diseases (anemia, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus and others).
  • Constant fluctuations in temperature.
  • Staying in the frosty air.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Mismatched hair care products.

An experienced and qualified trichologist will help to establish the true cause of hair loss. Therefore, contacting him for help should not be delayed.

Treating male pattern baldness

The fight against hair loss must begin with an attentive attitude to your he alth. At the first negative symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. He will be able to establish the source of alopecia and prescribe the necessary course of drugs. Depending on the cause of baldness in a man and the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Some one remedy to eliminate the disease will not be enough. The problem needs to be addressed as a whole. As a rule, local preparations, vitamin complexes, physiotherapy, normalization of nutrition and folk remedies are involved. Further, the publication will tell you what you can take at home. But before using the product, be sure to consult a doctor.

Topical preparations

Typically, substances such as minoxidil, nicotinamide and ketoconazole are used to treat male alopecia. They are part of many drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies.

Baldness treatment with medicines
Baldness treatment with medicines

Minoxidil is an active ingredient that dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and hair growth. It is part of the baldness remedy of the same name, which requires long-term use. The most effective remedies for male pattern baldness are drugs from American companies. As for domestic manufacturers, it is worth paying attention to the Alerana company. It offers an effective complex against hair loss, to enhance hair growth and against alopecia in both men and women.

Drugs with nicotinamide also dilate blood vessels and improve local blood flow. In composition, this substance is close to nicotinic acid, which women have long been using to grow braids. After these funds, the blood rushes to the roots faster, which is why the strands grow faster. After the course of treatment, a fluff appears, which indicates the activation of new bulbs. Nicotinamide is found in many cosmetic products. To choose an effective remedy, it is important to know the cause and stage of alopecia.

Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent that is excellent at fighting seborrhea. Sometimes it is she who causes baldness in men. Hair due to dandruff begins to grow poorly and fall out. The pores on the scalp are also clogged, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in this area.


Cosmetic products (masks, lotions, shampoos, balms) that are designed specifically to combat male pattern baldness work effectively. The result can be observed after their regular use. This usually takes two weeks to several months.

Baldness Shampoo
Baldness Shampoo

When choosing a product, you should carefully study the composition. It should not contain harmful components. These include surface-active substances (surfactants), such as sodium s alts. They damage the hair and slow down its growth. It is very good if the composition contains natural ingredients, essential oils that are of plant origin, and thymus (thymus) extract. They will help stop hair loss.and activate hair follicles.

Today there are many hair loss products for men - shampoos, balms, masks and much more. As the reviews show, the following cosmetics work well with this problem:

  • Himalaya Herbals Cream.
  • Alerana spray.
  • Lotions Minox, Folten Pharma.
  • Kera Nova, Moroccan masks.
  • Balsms "Actuel Placenta", "Revivor Perfect".
  • Shampoos Revivogen, Alerana, Progain, Fitoval, Provillas, Nizoral, Nioxin, Sulsena.

The choice of a specific cosmetic product depends on the cause of hair loss and the individual characteristics of the man.


Vitamin complexes

Alopecia can be caused by a lack of vitamins in the body, because it is the hair that begins to suffer first of all. Therefore, taking the right complex can solve the problem.

Fortifying vitamin medicines are needed to strengthen the immune system. The body needs them twice a year, especially if the diet is not balanced.

Vitamins for the nervous system are useful to take if a man has baldness due to stress. But only a neurologist can prescribe such drugs.

There are also special vitamins to strengthen the hair. They act directly on the follicles, supplying them with the necessary substances, which include biotin and calcium. A remedy that will help in each individual case can be advised by a trichologist.

It is worth mentioning that you can not drink several at the same timevitamins for various purposes. Otherwise, there may be an excess of some substance, and this is even worse than its deficiency.

At home, for the treatment of baldness in men, you can resort to folk recipes.

Pepper tincture

Judging by the reviews, this is a very effective remedy for hair loss. It is actively used by both men and women. The mask with pepper irritates the scalp. Therefore, there is an influx of blood to the roots and stimulation of the bulbs, which causes hair growth. It is worth noting that there have been rare cases of allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a reaction test first.

Pepper tincture against baldness
Pepper tincture against baldness

Mask composition:

  • Pepper tincture - 60 milliliters.
  • Castor oil - 35 milliliters.
  • Bay oil – 6 drops.

Mix the indicated components. Apply only to the roots and rub in gently. Wrap your head in cellophane and insulate with a towel. Keep for an hour, and then wash off with shampoo. Such masks are recommended to be done 3 times a week. The course of treatment consists of 20 procedures.

Onions and honey

This mask is truly masculine, because its smell is quite vigorous. And all because the composition includes onions. But, as reviews show, baldness in men passes quickly. Hair grows strong and new follicles appear.


  • Small onions - 2 pieces.
  • Natural honey - teaspoon.

Turn the peeled onions into a pulp using a blender or grater. Juice releasedno need to pour it out, it will come in handy. Add honey, bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency. Rub the composition with your fingers into the scalp, which must first be washed with shampoo. Leave the mask on for forty minutes. Wash off with warm water and medicated shampoo. You need to repeat the procedure twice a week. The duration of the course of these masks is three months.

Yolk mask


  • Chicken yolk - 1 piece.
  • Cognac (or vodka) - big spoon.

Whipped egg yolk mixed with alcohol until smooth. Rub the mask only into the scalp, previously washed. Put a plastic bag on top and warm with a hat or towel. In this form, be like forty minutes. Wash off the mask with clean water (no shampoo). After that, it is recommended to rinse your head with nettle or chamomile decoction.

eggs for the mask
eggs for the mask

This folk remedy for baldness in men will only help if the cause lies in the weakness of the hair follicles.

Mustard poultices

If new hairs do not grow, then this mask can. It activates the follicles and improves the structure of the hair.


  • Mustard powder - tablespoon.
  • Burdock (castor) oil - 40 milliliters.

Mix the ingredients, leave for about half an hour. During this time, the powder should completely swell. Stir the resulting mixture well and apply to the roots. Cover your head with polyethylene and a towel (or hat). Keep the composition for half an hour. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation will be felt, thismeans that the composition is working. If it bakes very strongly, then the mask should be washed off. Next time you just need to add less mustard and more oil. Mustard mixture is recommended to be washed off under a warm shower. After that, you can use your usual shampoo.

Herbal decoction

This home remedy for male pattern baldness can be prepared with a variety of herbs. But the following plants are considered the most effective: nettle, sage, coltsfoot, wormwood, centaury, plantain, burdock roots and leaves, willow bark. In folk medicine, these herbs are often used specifically for the treatment of alopecia. A decoction can be prepared from a single herb or from a mixture of plants. But the last option is preferable because it will give more effect.


  • Herbs (above) - 4 tbsp.
  • Water - liter.
  • Linden honey - 2 dessert spoons.

First you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, boil water, add dried herbs and hold on fire for seven minutes. When the liquid has cooled, it should be filtered through a sieve. Dissolve honey in the solution and rinse your hair. This procedure is preferably carried out after washing your hair with medicated shampoo.

Herbal remedy for baldness
Herbal remedy for baldness

Nettle lotion

This remedy heals and strengthens the hair, stops baldness.


  • Nettle leaves (young) - 50 grams.
  • Water - 500 milliliters.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 50 ml.

Mix the ingredients and heat in a water bath. Important notbring to the boil. Cool the finished composition, filter and apply to the roots. No need to rinse. The lotion is recommended to be used every other day before going to bed. The course can last several months.

Now you know how to stop male pattern baldness. This problem requires an integrated approach, which necessarily includes a consultation with trichologists. Moreover, a visit to a specialist should not be postponed until the last moment, so as not to receive a hair transplant instead of treatment. Also, as the reviews of men show, folk remedies show themselves very effectively. They give stunning results, but only with regular use.
