Medicine 2024, October

Possible complications after pneumonia and their consequences

Possible complications after pneumonia and their consequences

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, despite the fact that there is a large arsenal of drugs to fight the infection

Balzer's test: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Balzer's test: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Diagnosing lichen is painstaking and time-consuming work. Its complexity directly depends on the type of lichen itself. However, there are those types that are very easy to identify. These include pityriasis or multi-colored lichen. Its diagnosis involves the Balzer test, which medicine has not yet found simpler and more effective

How to improve blood circulation in the legs: effective folk remedies, drugs and recommendations

How to improve blood circulation in the legs: effective folk remedies, drugs and recommendations

If a person's circulation is disturbed, then this is fraught with the development of a large number of diseases, some of which are very serious. The brain, blood vessels, heart are damaged, and after a while problems arise in other organs. Violation of the circulation of the legs can indicate hidden diseases, and the person does not even know about it. This pathological condition entails various consequences. So how to improve blood circulation in the leg

Sterilizer "Maman": description, instructions for use, features and reviews

Sterilizer "Maman": description, instructions for use, features and reviews

The Maman sterilizer is a great helper for everyone who has babies. The device quickly and efficiently sterilizes bottles, nipples and other baby items that are loaded into it. The manufacturer also produces a Maman brand sterilizer with a heater function. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these devices? How to use them correctly so that they serve for a long time?

Pension "Magnolia" (Crimea, Alushta): rest, recovery. Description of rooms and reviews of tourists

Pension "Magnolia" (Crimea, Alushta): rest, recovery. Description of rooms and reviews of tourists

Favorable conditions that the boarding house "Magnolia" has attract an increasing number of vacationers who want to improve their he alth. The unique nature and weather conditions make it possible to take them for recovery all year round

What hormones to pass on the thyroid gland? Preparation and interpretation of the results of the study of the thyroid gland

What hormones to pass on the thyroid gland? Preparation and interpretation of the results of the study of the thyroid gland

Since thyroid hormones regulate vital processes, take part in mental activity and the functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, all people, regardless of gender and age, need to control their condition

PCR analysis and its benefits

PCR analysis and its benefits

One of the most important goals of medicine is the timely diagnosis of infectious diseases, since they occupy the bulk of all known nosological units. In this regard, the emergence of new research methods such as PCR is an excellent indicator of the development of science

The first human head transplant. Is a human head transplant possible? The man who agreed to a head transplant

The first human head transplant. Is a human head transplant possible? The man who agreed to a head transplant

Human head transplantation is a very important step in the development of the science of transplantation. Previously, such an operation seemed impossible, since it was not possible to connect the spinal cord and brain. But according to the Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero, nothing is impossible and this operation will still happen

Xantoprotein reaction to protein: signs and equation formula

Xantoprotein reaction to protein: signs and equation formula

To establish the qualitative composition of many food products, a xantoprotein reaction for protein is used. The presence of aromatic amino acids in the compound will give a positive color change to the test sample

Cheap analogue of "Kudesan": rating, composition, instructions for use and reviews

Cheap analogue of "Kudesan": rating, composition, instructions for use and reviews

To prevent heart disease, eliminate fatigue and reduce the negative effects of adverse factors, drugs based on ubiquinone are used, which include analogues of the drug "Kudesan"

Tuberculosis risk groups among adults and children

Tuberculosis risk groups among adults and children

Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that needs to be detected at an early stage. Contrary to stereotypes, not only socially disadvantaged people suffer from tuberculosis - anyone can get sick. In this article, you will learn who should be especially attentive to their he alth so as not to miss the onset of the disease

Vitrification of embryos on individual carriers

Vitrification of embryos on individual carriers

This article will discuss such a concept as vitrification of embryos. The course of the subjective development of the organism, ontogenesis, originates from the moment of fertilization and ends with its death. This movement is continuous in time and has an irreparable character. And there is no way we can stop it or slow down its development

Ultrasound of the thymus: technique, norms

Ultrasound of the thymus: technique, norms

Ultrasound of the thymus in children and adults allows you to identify problems with its development and condition in time to prevent serious diseases

Mesotherapy will help prolong youth. Patient reviews

Mesotherapy will help prolong youth. Patient reviews

Correction of age-related changes, moisturizing the skin, eliminating pigmentation, stretch marks, cellulite, post-acne, skin care for the decollete, eyes - this is not a complete list of problems that mesotherapy solves. Reviews of women who have undergone this procedure only confirm its effectiveness and safety

Respiratory chest excursion: what is it, how to measure it, the norm

Respiratory chest excursion: what is it, how to measure it, the norm

In order to correctly collect an anamnesis, students learn for years to question, examine and measure the patient. This is a whole art - to quickly and accurately fill out the primary card so that even a doctor who has never met with your patient can immediately understand everything

Cajeput oil: properties and uses

Cajeput oil: properties and uses

This article will talk about exactly what properties cajeput oil has. Several options for its use will also be given, both in the presence of diseases and for cosmetic purposes

Toxoplasmosis in humans: causes, types, symptoms and treatment

Toxoplasmosis in humans: causes, types, symptoms and treatment

Toxoplasmosis is a pathology caused by protozoan parasites - Toxoplasma. The disease is very widespread. It is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy

How long does alcohol disappear from the human body?

How long does alcohol disappear from the human body?

Many people wonder how much alcohol is eliminated from the body, but it is impossible to answer it unequivocally. It all depends on the type of alcohol and its amount

Skeleton of the human lower extremities: structure and functions

Skeleton of the human lower extremities: structure and functions

The human musculoskeletal system is a complex system that works continuously from birth to the last day of life, performing a number of vital functions. Maintaining a constant body shape, upright posture, protection of organs and tissues are its main functions

There is nothing better than a he althy kiss

There is nothing better than a he althy kiss

Ah, those romantic dates and sunset kisses… Isn't it one of the best moments worth living for? And, of course, there is nothing better than a useful kiss

Sheep brain: description, characteristics of the parasite, life cycle, symptoms of infection and necessary treatment

Sheep brain: description, characteristics of the parasite, life cycle, symptoms of infection and necessary treatment

The Sheep Brainworm is an extremely dangerous parasite from the class of Tapeworms. It affects the central nervous system of humans and animals, causing cysts to form in the brain and spinal cord. In humans, this helminth is quite rare, more often it lives in the body of sheep and dogs. However, the possibility of human infection cannot be completely ruled out. Such a helminth invasion without treatment has an extremely unfavorable prognosis, and most often only surgery can save the patient's life

What your blood counts say

What your blood counts say

Usually, when a patient first seeks medical help, a general blood test is done. Normal blood test results indicate the proper functioning of all organs. After all, blood is the main environment of the human body, and it is she who carries nutrients to the organs and removes metabolic products

ALT blood test: the norm in adults and children

ALT blood test: the norm in adults and children

The abbreviation ALT, which stands for alanine aminotransferase, is a special endogenous enzyme. It is included in the subgroup of aminotransferases and the group of transferases. This enzyme is synthesized intracellularly. It enters the blood in a limited amount. That is why, when an increased concentration of ALT is reflected in the analysis, one can judge the presence of some deviations in the body and the development of serious pathologies

How to get rid of yellow spots under the arms. Simple and effective ways

How to get rid of yellow spots under the arms. Simple and effective ways

How to get rid of yellow spots under the armpits? Is it possible to save your favorite blouse with improvised means? Let's answer these questions that have been asked more than once by millions of women

Common urinalysis. How to collect and interpret the result?

Common urinalysis. How to collect and interpret the result?

Urine analysis is one of the tests that help diagnose a person's condition. As a rule, it is aimed at identifying abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system

How to bring down the temperature of a child without drugs?

How to bring down the temperature of a child without drugs?

Fever in a child is so commonplace that it would seem that everyone has long known how to deal with it. But how to bring down the temperature without drugs? After all, there are situations when the child is still very small. In addition, the disease can catch at the most inopportune moment, when there are no medical facilities and the necessary drugs nearby. What to do in this case?

Spermogram. Pass correctly and decipher the result

Spermogram. Pass correctly and decipher the result

Spermogram is one of the most important tests that must be taken by a couple who want to conceive a child. This is a detailed study of male sperm, which is carried out under a microscope. A spermogram, which is necessary to pass to determine the ability of a man to conceive a child, allows you to identify a problem when a couple cannot conceive for a long time

For expectant mothers: embryo development by week

For expectant mothers: embryo development by week

The birth of a child is a very complex and responsible process. Every expectant mother wants to know how the embryo develops by week

Coprogram. What is this analysis and how should it be taken?

Coprogram. What is this analysis and how should it be taken?

With the advent of a child in the house, his parents are faced with the need for regular visits to the pediatrician and passing a lot of tests. Tests such as donating blood or urine, as a rule, do not cause unnecessary questions and difficulties. And if you need to pass an analysis called a coprogram? What is it and how to take it? Let's look into this issue

The best clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

The best clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

He alth is the most precious gift that is given to people, but often taken for granted by them, and which will accompany them all their lives. Numerous clinics in Nizhny Novgorod, like any other city in Russia, say otherwise. If a person valued their he alth, carried out prevention, ate right and exercised, then doctors would be needed for consultations, and not for the treatment of diseases

Tendons of the hand: anatomical structure, inflammation and damage

Tendons of the hand: anatomical structure, inflammation and damage

How often among people there are those who at least once faced pain or stiffness in the tendons. The reason for this could be injuries, sprains or excessive loads. Discomfort is also caused by a disease called tendonitis, which results in inflammation of the tendon of the hand. Treatment of these processes requires a lot of patience and attention

Probing is Preparing and conducting

Probing is Preparing and conducting

Probing is a manipulation in medicine. It can be carried out both in the hospital and at the patient's home. The process itself consists in the fact that a probe is inserted through the oral cavity or nasal cavity into the stomach area

Common urinalysis and blood test: donation features, indicators, norms and deviations

Common urinalysis and blood test: donation features, indicators, norms and deviations

In our high-tech age, doctors still stick to proven diagnostic methods such as blood, urine, and stool tests. As a rule, not a single appointment with a therapist is left without a referral for these tests. But are they informative?

Autopsy is a post-mortem autopsy, a post-mortem examination. Autopsy

Autopsy is a post-mortem autopsy, a post-mortem examination. Autopsy

Autopsy is a post-mortem study of corpses in order to determine the causes and circumstances of death. These studies began in ancient times, and only in the 19th century, with the discovery of the cellular theory of pathologies, did they begin to acquire new features

Reabsorption is How is the process of reabsorption in the kidneys

Reabsorption is How is the process of reabsorption in the kidneys

Tubular reabsorption provides the body with nutrients and is an intermediate step in the formation of final urine. Read more about this in this article

Phleboliths in the pelvis: what is it and how are they treated?

Phleboliths in the pelvis: what is it and how are they treated?

Phleboliths, or vein stones, are formed as a result of drying and calcification of blood clots. They have the appearance of beads, which are reflected in dense shadows on the radiograph and resemble ureteral calculi

Description of the sanatorium "Oak Grove" in Zheleznovodsk

Description of the sanatorium "Oak Grove" in Zheleznovodsk

Sanatorium "Oak Grove" is located in a picturesque place near the sea. Here guests are offered excellent conditions for living and service. In the he alth resort there are many options for the treatment of various diseases

How to choose a maternity hospital for a future mother? The best maternity hospitals in Moscow

How to choose a maternity hospital for a future mother? The best maternity hospitals in Moscow

Pregnancy and childbirth is a joyful but responsible process, so many women are concerned about choosing a maternity hospital already in the first weeks of pregnancy. To choose the right clinic, you need to consider many factors

Reviews about the 17th maternity hospital in Moscow. Maternity staff

Reviews about the 17th maternity hospital in Moscow. Maternity staff

The article reveals the features and benefits of the 17th maternity hospital in Moscow, provides information about its location and contact information

First aid for sprains and dislocations

First aid for sprains and dislocations

Emergency medical skills often help save lives. After all, doctors can not always arrive instantly. Therefore, we suggest that you study what first aid is for joint sprains, bruises, dislocations and fractures. If you learn these simple steps, you can cope with mild forms of injury on your own