Diagnostic tests for diseases are often done to confirm or refute them. X-ray examinations reveal shadows in the small pelvis, which, when differentiated, can also be residual effects of thrombophlebitis, phlebitis. Shadows on radiographs are differentiated from ureteral stones and phleboliths.
Discovery and description of phleboliths
Phleboliths in the pelvis - what is it? These are vein stones, which are calcifications of shrunken blood clots and look like beads of different diameters.

Phlebolites were first described and discovered by Albers-Schoenberg in 1905. The nature of their origin was described by pathologists Frenkel and Forsel. Phleboliths have a homogeneous and layered shadow with a dense center. Homogeneous phleboliths are formed during the sequential calcification of a thrombus. And layered - when attached to the process of calcification of fibrin threads.
Localization of phleboliths in the human body
Continuing to talk about what it is - phleboliths in the small pelvis, it should be said about their placelocalization. This is a formation that, with numerous studies, finds its presence in the following places:
- spleen;
- in the veins of the lower leg;
- in hemangiomas - vascular tumors.
Physiological rationale for the formation of phleboliths in the pelvis of men and women
The pelvic blood supply is represented by many veins and their anastomoses. In a woman, these are uterine, paraovarian, vaginal and hemorrhoidal, predisposed to the formation of varicose veins. In men, the veins in the scrotum and spermatic cord are affected, this is due to a malfunction of the venous valves. Phleboliths in the small pelvis in men are formed relatively less frequently than in women. Detection of formed phleboliths in the pelvic region of men was detected in the prostatic and vesico-intestinal plexuses and anastomoses. Thrombi, when passing through the bloodstream, are subject to hyalinization, calcification and partial ossification. Ossification occurs when the phlebolith grows into the tissue of the vessel and its vascularization. Phleboliths of the pelvic cavity are in a free suspended position inside the vessels and are not attached to their walls.
Localization of phleboliths in the pelvis
The chemical composition of phleboliths and ureteral calculi is identical, which gives them the same shadow density on radiographs.

Phleboliths in the projection of the small pelvis are represented by shadows at the nameless line from the ischial spine down at the pubic symphysis. Pain symptoms and phleboliths in the small pelvis with theirdetection is differentiated from stones in the ureters by the introduction of a contrast catheter into the ureter, which makes it possible to establish a true diagnosis. The stones of the ureter are located above the line drawn between the spines of the ischial bones, and the orifices of the ureters and their stones are projected onto this line. Prostate stones are differentiated by the location of their clusters at the symphysis of the pubic bones and differ in size and shape from phleboliths.

The localization of spermatic cord stones and phleboliths coincides, which makes it difficult to differentiate them.
Causes for the formation of phleboliths
The formation of phleboliths in the pelvis in women and men has much in common.

The main factors contributing to their formation are:
- Violation of hemodynamics, congestion become a trigger for the development of varicose veins. Shrunken blood clots as residual effects after suffering thrombophlebitis are the basis for the formation of vein stones.
- Hereditary predisposition to the development of vascular diseases can cause the formation of phleboliths in the vessels of the small pelvis.
- Inactivity is becoming a very common cause of many systemic diseases, such as varicose veins of the small pelvis, obesity.
- Inflammatory processes in the body serve as a prerequisite for the development and formation of vein stones, these are diseases such as cystitis, prostatitis.
- Pregnancy andchildbirth changes the position of the veins. Pregnancy can provoke a change in the position of phleboliths in the vessels and the development of their accumulations, which may be accompanied by pain symptoms.
- Heavy lifting results in hemodynamic compromise.
Symptoms and signs of phleboliths
Is the symptomatology pronounced when phleboliths form in the small pelvis? What kind of formation is this, which, when they grow to the size of the lumen of the vessel, can be accompanied by pain symptoms? The problems that arise during the formation of stones in the small pelvis may be implicit, uncharacteristic of this pathology. The manifestation of pathology is possible with an increase in their number in the lumen of the vessel and obstruction of blood flow through the vessel.
The combination of symptoms characteristic of phleboliths is expressed for a woman in a delay in the menstrual cycle and vaginal discharge, spider veins in the pelvic area and discomfort, pain when standing for a long time and being in an upright position.
Age and gender indicators of phleboliths are typical for women at an earlier age than for men. But at the age of 50 years and older, their rates are almost halved.
Treatment and prevention of phleboliths
Complex impact in the treatment of phleboliths implies a therapeutic and prophylactic complex of gymnastics, compression underwear and medication.

The treatment-and-prophylactic complex is carried out in the same way as for varicose veins of the small pelvis, and is aimed at reducingblood stasis. A set of exercises for the legs with the participation of the buttocks is used. These are squats, leg swings, lifting and lowering, and a number of other exercises that help normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area. sitting and other pathologies leading to stagnation.

The venotonic action of drugs is not enough for the prevention and treatment of phleboliths in the small pelvis. What is it with the formation of vein stones, if you do not take blood thinners, which allow you to dissolve and remove drying blood clots in their body!
Diet for phleboliths
Nutrition for vascular diseases is aimed at strengthening the venous walls, normalizing blood flow and diluting it. The use of vegetables and fruits containing vitamins and quercetin, routine contribute to blood thinning and improve the overall condition of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, fiber, useful for blood vessels, they can be consumed in any form. You should refrain from vegetables that contain starchy substances and increase blood sugar levels. Fruits and berries, such as apples, cherries, cherries, rose hips, containing vitamin C and K, are very useful for poor blood clotting and as antioxidants. Frequent consumption of melons and watermelons, which contain a very large amount of liquid and sugars, should be avoided. vegetableoils containing omega acids have a venotonic effect, contain vitamin E. Drinking regimen should consist of water, natural diluted juices.
It is not recommended to eat muffins, confectionery, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, pickles and alcohol.
Traditional medicine
Treatment of phleboliths of the small pelvis with folk remedies implies the prevention of their formation and is aimed at combating varicose veins of the small pelvis.

They use baths, decoctions and honey treatment.
Herbal bath. To prepare it, you need to take:
- 500 grams each of oak, chestnut and willow branches;
- 200 grams each of chamomile flowers, cudweed grass, St. John's wort, succession.
Put the branches in an enameled bucket and pour cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, boil for half an hour. Add flowers and herbs to the broth and leave to infuse overnight. Before taking a bath, steam 3 loaves of rye flour bread and pour them into the bath along with the decoction. The temperature of the water should be 38–43 degrees, and the time for taking it is 40 minutes. Take a bath before bed.
Healing decoction. Ingredients:
- 1 tbsp. l. chopped branches of oak, chestnut, willow;
- 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, cudweed, succession and chamomile flowers.
Shredded branches are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and put on a slow fire for half an hour. The broth is cooled to 70 degrees and grass is introduced andflowers, leave for 12 hours. In the strained broth add 2 tbsp. l. honey. Take a decoction 3 times a day according to the scheme: 2 days - 50 ml, then another 2 days for 100 ml and from the 5th to the 20th day for 150 ml. After that, take a break for 5-7 days and repeat again with the same course.