Tendons of the hand: anatomical structure, inflammation and damage

Tendons of the hand: anatomical structure, inflammation and damage
Tendons of the hand: anatomical structure, inflammation and damage

How often among people there are those who at least once faced pain or stiffness in the tendons. The reason for this could be injuries, sprains or excessive loads. Discomfort is also caused by a disease called tendonitis, which results in inflammation of the tendon of the hand. Treatment of these processes requires a lot of patience and attention.

tendons of the hand
tendons of the hand

Anatomical features of the tendons of the hand

Tendons are part of the muscles with increased density, which do not have elasticity. With their help, muscle tissue is attached to bone. In this regard, if the integrity of the tendon is violated, one of the functions of the hand may be lost. The flexors are located on the palm of a person, and their extensors are located on the back of the fingers. These tendons make it possible to clench the hand into a fist. With their help, a person is able to take any object.

In this case, each finger has 2 flexor tendons. One of them is superficial. Heassociated with the middle phalanx. At the same time, the second in the depth of the muscles is attached to the nail phalanges. The first has 2 legs, between which there is a deep flexor. When it is damaged or broken, the end of the tendon is pulled up. And this can lead to difficulties in the process of treating injuries. In the case of the extensors, the position of the tendon of the hand practically does not change, which greatly facilitates the work of doctors during operations.

hand tendon treatment
hand tendon treatment

Causes of tendinitis

Among the causes of hand tendon disease, the most common is prolonged exercise. As a result, the places where muscle attachment occurs are affected. As a rule, these diseases of the tendons of the hands most often occur in athletes or builders. Often those who constantly lift something heavy suffer. In addition, there are a number of other circumstances in which hand tendon problems can also occur:

  • Single or multiple joint injury.
  • A bacterial infection affecting the tendons.
  • Rheumatic joint disease.
  • Diseases of the spine.
  • Anatomical disorder in the structure of the joint.
  • Various diseases affecting the endocrine system.
  • Some diseases of the immune system.
  • Congenital or acquired hand joint dysplasia.
  • Neuropathy.

When an inflammatory process occurs in the body in the form of tendinitis, this is considered a normal reaction toirritation.

hand tendon inflammation treatment
hand tendon inflammation treatment

Tendinitis symptoms

Symptoms are most likely to occur depending on which area of the hand tendon was damaged.

  1. Painful sensations occur at the site of the lesion. Often they are long-term. The pain may come on gradually or come on all at once. When feeling the site of inflammation, you can detect the boundaries of the affected area of the tendon.
  2. Swelling appears in the affected area. This is due to an inflammatory reaction in which transudate and exudate are formed. These substances affect the change in the size and shape of the affected areas.
  3. There is hyperemia and redness of the tissues around the affected tendon.
  4. The body temperature rises.
  5. Sounds appear when moving the joint (clicking or creaking).
  6. There are problems with the normal functioning of the brush. Most often due to the fact that the joint cavity is filled with fluid. At the same time, the tendon itself hardens and contracts. This can result in complete loss of the ability to move the hand (ankylosis).

Types of tendinitis

Inflammatory processes can occur in tendons throughout the body. Depending on the location of localization, several types of tendinitis are distinguished. Each of them has its own characteristics and individual symptoms:

  • Lateral tendinitis. Inflammation covers the area on the outer part of the elbow. Most often occurs in people involved in sports. Symptoms of this type of ailment are: loss of strength inhand, violation of its functionality. Tendinitis affects the flexion of the wrist. Pain is felt in the forearm.
  • Medial. The flexor tendons of the forearm become inflamed. The localization of the focus is on the inside of the elbow.
  • Tendinitis of the shoulder joints. It most often occurs due to an injury to the shoulder joint. If the tendon is torn as a result of the injury, immediate medical attention is needed.
  • Achilles tendonitis. When it occurs, the ability to stand on toes disappears, or severe pain is felt, due to which it is impossible to do this.
  • Posterior tibial tendinitis. Often, due to the appearance of this disease, flat feet develop. When it appears, pain is felt while running and lifting weights.
  • Tendinitis of the tendon of the hand. Difficulties arise with the performance of habitual actions. The diagnosis is made after a series of tests that help detect the disease.
hand tendon disease
hand tendon disease

Identification and treatment of tendinitis

Treatment of the tendons of the hand first of all begins with an examination and identification of the causes of tendinitis. The diagnostic process is carried out in stages:

  1. Inspection. At this stage, the doctor may detect visible abnormalities in the form of swelling or asymmetry at the site of injury.
  2. Testing. This stage is necessary in order to identify the presence of inflammatory processes that may occur as a result of infections entering open wounds.
  3. X-ray. Carried out in any case, iffound the above symptoms.
  4. Ultrasound. A study is scheduled to detect any change in the structure of the tendon tissue.
  5. In some cases, special orthopedic tests are used to help identify the localization of inflammatory processes.

Tendinitis with timely start of treatment begins to recede after a few days, but the final recovery should be expected after 1-2 months.

hand tendon surgery
hand tendon surgery

Sprains and their types

Sprained tendons of the hand can have 3 degrees of severity, depending on the injuries received:

  • 1st stage. Micro tears appear in the tendons, which are characterized by minor pain and discomfort.
  • 2nd stage. As a result of partial tears, edema occurs. The hand becomes less mobile, and when you try to move it, there is a sharp pain.
  • 3rd stage. The tendon strain is so strong that it leads to rupture of the ligaments. It is accompanied by severe pain and instability of the joint.
hand tendon diseases
hand tendon diseases

Methods of treating sprains

After an injury, you may need to see a trauma doctor who will prescribe treatment. The first steps to take when a sprain occurs are as follows:

  1. Fixing the brush in a stationary state.
  2. Applying a cold compress.
  3. Delivery of the victim to the hospital.

Depending on the degree of damage, as a treatment in the 3rd stage ora plaster cast is used, or an operation is performed on the hand. Tendons in this case are restored for quite a long time. The first and second stages can be treated at home.

sprain of the tendons of the hand
sprain of the tendons of the hand

Tendon injuries

The most common are open tendon injuries that occur as a result of a cut or exposure to various mechanisms (for example, in the production of something). The main task of the victim is to timely go to the hospital, since in order to preserve the functionality of the hand, first aid must be carried out within a day after the injury. If the patient asked for help at the wrong time, then a delayed secondary suture is applied to the damaged tendons of the hand.

At home, the problem is eliminated with the help of complete immobilization of the hand. In addition, the patient is shown various physiotherapy. In most cases, he is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial and restorative drugs.
