Ah, those romantic dates and sunset kisses… Isn't it one of the best moments worth living for? And, of course, there is nothing better than a useful kiss. Yes, you heard right, it really is. According to the results of studies conducted by scientists around the world, it was found that a kiss is useful. And the answer is banal - the creation of a hormone of happiness. In scientific terms, at the moment of a kiss, two hormones begin to be produced in our body: serotonin and endorphin. They are responsible for creating our good mood. In addition, they are an excellent pain reliever. Therefore, today headache pills are less effective than a he althy kiss. By the way, unlike drugs, kissing affects our body only positively. Therefore, doctors recommend doing this as often as possible.

Now let's look at why the kiss, the photo of which fascinates with its beauty, has received such huge popularity. Why is it considered a cure, if not for all, then for most diseases? And is it true?
- Good mood. This is the first thing that can give uskiss with your loved one. It is thanks to the release of two “hormones of happiness” that we feel an improvement in mood and well-being. Scientists from the University of Berlin have proven that a twenty-second morning kiss can put you in a good mood for the whole day.
- Slimming. According to research conducted by US scientists, one kiss (even if not passionate) burns about five calories. This is a great way to lose weight because it's simple and very enjoyable.
- Improvement of immunity. Have you noticed that lovers go to the doctor much less often? This is another plus of kisses, because neuropeptides begin to accumulate in the human body - the smallest microorganisms that contribute to the destruction of bacteria and viruses. We do not argue that our body already has a similar function, but it is neuropeptides that perform it most effectively.
- Positive energy. In Japan, it is believed that one kiss can bring positive energy to the universe. That is why the country invented the art of kissing - sepun. And really, what could be nicer than a useful kiss? And the answer is obvious - nothing!
- Excitement. If gentle kisses evoke only positive emotions in us, then passionate kisses awaken the most secret desires in seventy percent of people. If the tongue is involved in kissing, then this is considered a great start for love foreplay.
- Protection against caries. Scientists have been able to prove that chewing gum is less effective than a he althy kiss. It's believed thata minute kiss restores the acid-base balance of the oral cavity. This is what helps reduce your risk of developing caries.
- Longevity. Scientists from an American university have shown that lovers who are attached to kissing live a little longer on average than people who do not want to do this pleasant thing.