Synechia in girls in medicine implies a gradual fusion of the labia minora. According to experts, this kind of problem in infants is relatively rare today. The most dangerous age is considered to be between one and three years old.

Primary Causes
Doctors today identify several primary reasons why girls can develop synechia. Most often, this is a lack of the hormone estrogen. That is why children after 10 years old should not be afraid of this diagnosis, since by this age the body can already independently produce the required amount of this hormone. On the other hand, synechia in girls also takes place due to the increased content of pillar cells in the body. In only a few cases, this problem appears as an allergic reaction to certain foods or popular hygiene products.
Parents should first of all notice signs of abnormal development of the labia minora in a child. In addition, synechia in girls manifests itself in the form of painful sensations duringthe next urination, as well as the deviation of the urine stream from the correct angle. At the first suspicion of this disease, experts strongly recommend that parents show their child to doctors. Otherwise, bacteria will constantly multiply in this zone.

Treatment and preventive measures
Before starting the therapy itself, the doctor must take several tests from the child, which include a swab from the vagina, feces and urine samples. Most often, according to experts, the treatment of synechia in girls, a photo of which can be found in specialized literature, does without surgical intervention. If the film on the labia is translucent and it is thin, most likely, you can stop using special hormonal ointments. Otherwise, when this drug therapy does not give the desired effect, and the adhesion of the labia is strong enough, an operation is prescribed. Modern medicine allows it to be carried out almost painlessly and in the shortest possible time. Note that in 25% of all cases after surgery, relapses occur.

Helpful tips
First of all, it should be noted that as a preventive measure, parents must familiarize themselves with Komarovsky's lectures, which are popular literally all over the world. He talks in as much detail as possible about how to properly monitor the hygiene of the baby, so that later neverthe question arose of how synechia is treated in girls. Komarovsky is actually considered a fairly qualified doctor, whose experience is beyond doubt. In addition, the disease should not be started in the early stages. The thing is that, as noted above, under the film on the labia, bacteria can begin to multiply, and this will significantly complicate further therapy. Stay he althy!