Medical Center "Capital" is a multidisciplinary institution that provides all kinds of services, from teeth whitening to phallus enlargement. The employees of this clinic are always happy to welcome people who turn to them. Before prescribing treatment, the doctors of this institution will conduct a thorough diagnosis in order to understand the causes of the onset of the disease, as well as to make an accurate diagnosis. Today we will find out in what directions this institution works, as well as what the patients themselves think about it.

Description, address
Medical center "Capital" is not one institution, but a whole network. There are four such branches in Moscow. One of them is located near the metro station "Prospect Vernadsky".
Stolitsa Medical Center has the following address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 90. This is at the intersection of Kravchenko Street and the Prospect itself.
This center is a single integrated system that provides treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of variousdiseases. By coming to this clinic, a person will solve all his problems in one place, within the limits of only this institution.
Treatment directions
Medical Center "Capital", the photo of which can be seen below, provides examination and treatment in such areas as:
- Allergology, immunology (selection of drugs for asthmatics, nutritional recommendations, pharmacotherapy, determination of measures to prevent the disease, etc.).
- Manual Therapy: The use of various therapeutic massage techniques.
- Gastroenterology: treatment of digestive problems.
- Hematology: the study and treatment of blood diseases.
- Gynecology, obstetrics: examination and registration of pregnant women; treatment of various diseases in future women in labor; observation in the postpartum period. Therapy of various ailments of the genital organs in women, menopause, operations, etc.
- Dermatology, dermato-oncology (diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases such as acne, atopic dermatitis, eczema, moles, warts, candidiasis, onychomycosis, seborrhea, etc.).
- Dietology: anti-cellulite massage, myostimulation, ultrasound liposuction, mesotherapy.
- Cardiology: diagnosis and treatment of various heart diseases.
- Cosmetology: laser hair removal, contouring, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasmolifting, cellular rejuvenation, etc.
- Therapeutic exercise.
- Mammology: diagnosis and treatment (including surgery) of various diseases of the mammary glands.
- Neurology: diagnosis andtherapy of diseases of the nervous system.
- Neurosurgery, microsurgery.
- Oncology: diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Using methods such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical methods.
- Orthopedics.
- Otolaryngology: treatment of diseases of the throat, nose, ears.
- Ophthalmology: diagnostics and therapy of problems of the organs of vision. Correction of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. Getting rid of strabismus, dystrophic eye diseases, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.
- Pediatrics: observation, diagnosis, treatment of childhood diseases.
- Plastic surgery: plastic surgery of the face, chest, body, penis.
- Proctology: treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, chronic constipation, fistulas, etc.

- Psychotherapy.
- Rheumatology: treatment of diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout, lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, etc.
- Vascular surgery: treatment of varicose veins, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, venous insufficiency.
- Dentistry: restoration of lost teeth, whitening, implantation, bite treatment, etc.
- Traumatology: helping with fractures, bruises, wounds, nerve and vascular injuries, dislocations, animal and insect bites.
- Urology, andrology: diagnosis and treatment of causes of male infertility, endoscopic surgery, treatment of bladder diseases, etc.
- Physiotherapy: electrophoresis, UHF, currents, laser use,ultraviolet irradiation, lymphatic drainage, etc.
- Endocrinology: diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.
Judging by such an impressive list of services, the medical center "Capital" can really host people with all sorts of ailments. Moreover, specialists will help get rid of both a banal SARS and a tumor in the chest.

Applied diagnostic methods
Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. The medical center "Capital", reviews of which will be written below, offers such methods for diagnosing various diseases as:
- Ultrasound.
- MRI.
- X-ray.
- Computed tomography.
- Colonoscopy (examination of diseases of the large intestine).
- Allergy testing.
- Anoscopy (examination of the rectum).
- Biopsy.
- Diagnosis of eye diseases: ultrasound A-scan, computerized perimetry, ophthalmoscopy, pneumotonometry, etc.
- Arthroscopy (diagnosis of intra-articular problems).
- Investigation of ENT organs: audiometry, impedancemetry, tympanometry, endoscopy.
- Gastroscopy.
- Dermatoscopy.
- Orthopantomography, etc.
The Stolitsa Medical Center on Leninsky Prospekt offers the most effective methods that have been tested in Russia. They have proven to be effective and safe. Now this institution is popular with people, because the treatment here is carried out at the highestlevel.

What is it that attracts people to the medical center "Stolitsa" on Leninsky Prospekt? Benefits include the following.
- Convenience of location. You can get here both by metro and by car.
- Providing a wide range of services. A person can solve all his problems in one place.
- Polite and friendly attitude towards all patients.
- Professional team of doctors.
- Flexible discount system.
- Regular promotions.
- Free online consultation available.
- Round-the-clock operation in diagnostic areas, as well as traumatology.
- Assistance in accommodating out-of-town patients.
- Available for online appointments.
- Affordable prices for services.
Medical Center "Capital" is considered a modern clinic, which employs professionals who can cure most diseases of both adults and children.

Programs and subscriptions
This clinic offers the following services to its patients:
- Voluntary he alth insurance.
- Annual subscriptions for the right to reduced cost of a number of medical services.
- Benefits for women. This is the choice and purchase of programs aimed at providing a full package of services for the fair sex of all ages. You can choose suitablea subscription for yourself, for example, the program "Thrush - diagnosis and treatment of candidiasis." Or, for example, the following subscriptions: "Selection of intrauterine contraception", "Planning pregnancy", etc.
- Programs for men. There are many of them, ranging from preparation for fatherhood to general he alth characteristics. Each program has several options for people of different ages.
- Subscriptions for children. You can buy your child an annual monitoring and treatment program at this center.
- Subscriptions for the whole family.
Also, this medical institution often holds promotions, for example, a reduction in the cost of Botox, relaxing massage, laser correction, etc. The administration often gives pensioners various bonuses (for example, 10% discount on all services). If a person invites his friends to subscribe to the site of this institution, then he can really get a discount on the services of the organization.
Medical Center "Capital": positive feedback from employees
Doctors, working staff, workers of this clinic are mostly flattering about her. Employees like adequate management in all plans, the team itself. The administration selects employees very carefully, so there are real professionals here. Doctors like to work with modern equipment, because this, in the end, determines the exact diagnosis of the patient.
Many employees of this establishment leave positive feedback. Nothing to even complain about. However, as it turned out in reality, not everything is so rosy in thisinstitution.

Negative evaluations of former employees
Medical center "Capital" feedback from employees is not always positive. There are a large number of people who regret this period of their lives. Former employees argue their negative assessments about this institution as follows:
- Deception regarding social conditions, wages. People say that at the interview with the management everything seems to suit everyone. However, as it turns out in practice, salaries are issued in envelopes, and belatedly. Instead of the prescribed 24 days of vacation, they give only 14, and even they need to beg. There is no need to talk about sick leave at all: the administration does not welcome this.
- Many doctors cheat patients for money.
- Staff turnover. What happy employees write turns out to be lies. In fact, there is a turnover of specialists in this center. Experienced doctors do not tolerate this attitude, so they are looking for new places.
Many former employees believe that those positive reviews about the medical center "Capital" on Leninsky Prospekt, 90, which are on the Internet, are left by corrupt people or simply stupid. And on the website of the institution itself, in general, responses are written by a whole staff of people specially trained for this purpose. And if someone visits this resource and wants to leave a negative review, then he will not be able to do this, because the moderators carefully check all user ratings, so they throw out negative texts.
Flatter responses from patients
Medical Center "Capital" reviews of people who seek help there, receives different. Those men and women who liked this medical institution note the following positive aspects of it:
- No queues. Everything in this clinic is thought out to the smallest detail. Appointments are scheduled, so patients do not have to sit and wait for their turn.
- Efficiency and effectiveness of treatment. Doctors provide care quickly and professionally.
- A real opportunity to consult a narrow specialist by phone.
- Friendly atmosphere.
- Competent doctors.
Disapproving responses from patients
Unfortunately, the medical center "Capital" on Leninsky Prospekt, 90, does not always receive positive reviews. There are many forums that criticize this institution. Firstly, people do not like that the staff itself treats them not as patients who require help, but as another client to extort money. True, not all doctors give referrals for unnecessary tests or impose on a person the purchase of a gift certificate. There are those who really care about each patient. But the opinion is based on both positive and negative aspects. And more often than not, negative impressions prevail. Secondly, many people believe that the administration of the establishment charges for their services above the average for Moscow. Thirdly, some doctors are downright rude at the reception or generally ignore the patient's questions. Fourthly, somepatients after treatment in this institution, the state of he alth deteriorated. And this can only mean one thing: the qualifications and experience of some doctors of this clinic are in doubt.

Risk it or not?
Given that this metropolitan medical center receives both positive and negative reviews, it is sometimes difficult for people to decide on the choice of an institution for the treatment of various diseases. But, to tell the truth, it is hard to find the ideal clinic, which is only flattering. After all, people are different, each person has his own vision and understanding of the situation. It is acceptable for someone to overpay than to sit in line. For other patients, this alignment is not suitable. Some patients like excellent service, a friendly attitude, others believe that it is better to have old equipment, but an experienced staff. Therefore, it is impossible to say that the Stolitsa medical center is considered a standard or, conversely, an unsuitable institution. You need to visit this clinic yourself in order to understand for yourself whether this place is suitable for you according to your criteria or not. In any case, there are many doctors here, and no one has canceled the human factor. Some specialists can cheer for their patient with their soul, worry, call and be interested in the state of his he alth. Others, on the contrary, after the first dose forget about the patient. It is not worth lumping all doctors under the same brush. After all, in every clinic there are both experienced and novice doctors. And it’s not a fact that a newcomer will be worse at taking appointments or, conversely, an experienced, but already tired pension doctorage will make the correct diagnosis.
From this article you learned a lot of interesting information about such an institution as the medical center "Capital": description, location of this clinic, list of services provided. We found out that this institution has both its supporters and people who did not like the service provided here. But people are different, everyone has their own point of view, so this center cannot be written off. Still, there are specialists there who can really help a person, enter into his position, calm him down and get rid of the problem.