Not everyone knows what Muller's hormone is, but some women are too well aware of all directions in the research of this substance. These women cannot become pregnant on their own, in connection with which they undergo a variety of tests, including those of the endocrine system. Muller's hormone is determined at the stage of preparing a woman for IVF - in vitro fertilization.
Where did the name - anti-Mullerian hormone come from

What does it mean - Mueller's hormone and why is it called AMH - anti-Mullerian hormone? It all started with Johan Müller, who studied human anatomy in the 19th century. He discovered that in the human fetus in front of the uterus there is a certain duct, which he called - Müllerian.
He is in the embryos of the male and female. In newborn boys, this duct resolves under the action of a hormone called Anti-Mullerian. Which is logical, because it dissolves the Mullerian duct.
In the female bodythis hormone appears with the first mature egg and from that moment takes part in the work of the female reproductive system.
What does AMG do in a woman's body

Muller's hormone in the body of women has a number of important functions. It is produced by the egg itself, located in the ovary. Its task is to ensure the development of the primary follicle, and further prepare the woman's body for conception. Müllerian hormone prepares the body for FSH.
Without it, the full maturation of the egg and its release into the fallopian tube during ovulation is impossible. At the same time, the described hormone in women is responsible for protecting the body from the harmful effects of the environment.
What is it - müllerian hormone in women in modern medicine? This is a kind of marker, thanks to which doctors can determine whether a woman is ready to conceive, whether IVF is possible, whether a girl has reached puberty, and a middle-aged woman has menopause.
By the way, AMH is a marker not only in humans, but also in animals, which helps veterinarians and biologists regulate populations of the studied species.
In the male body, AMH is involved in the formation and growth of the genital organs in childhood and adolescence, and in middle age its level drops to almost zero.
Now it is clear what it is - Mullerian hormone in women and men. It remains to be found out about its norms in the blood and various deviations.
Normal hormone content in the female body
The norm for women Mullerian hormone does not depend on days at allmenstrual cycle. This, by the way, is its main difference from all other hormones of the endocrine system.
Müllerian Hormone Rate reflects the actual number of follicles capable of becoming normal eggs. That is, the value of the hormone in the blood reports the number of mature eggs.
The normal range for a fertile woman is 1 to 2.5 ng/mg. All other deviations up or down indicate the presence of a pathology that can prevent conception. What exactly the amount of the hormone determines a particular disease - only the doctor will determine.
In the male body, the normal level is from 0.49 to 5.98 ng/mg. In old age, this figure may change.
Indications for studying the level of AMH
What is the Mueller hormone test for and what is it, of course. In what situations is it being studied? Indeed, to analyze the ability of a woman to conceive, such specific hormones as FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone are studied.
The fact is that if it was not possible to understand the reasons for the impossibility of getting pregnant, the study of AMG is the last chance in resolving this issue.
Also analyzed:
- with increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone;
- suspected of the occurrence of cysts in the ovaries of a woman;
- oncological disease of the reproductive system;
- delayed puberty in a girl or, conversely, early maturation.

Muller's hormone level can show gender quite accuratelyunborn child in early pregnancy. And, of course, the level of the hormone is studied in case of an unsuccessful attempt to carry out the IVF procedure.
In what situation is it necessary to take an AMG test
In different situations, doctors prescribe a variety of tests to understand the cause of infertility or the development of pathology.
But there are a number of conditions in which it is impossible to do without an analysis for AMH:
- Studying the level of the hormone is necessary when determining the cause of the girl's violation of the timing of puberty.
- It helps to determine the sex of the fetus in the development of hermaphrodism syndrome. Situations when the fetus simultaneously develops both female and male genital organs.
- When to donate Mullerian hormone, an oncologist can indicate in the process of diagnosing pathology in the female reproductive system.
- An analysis of hormone levels can reflect the total number of remaining follicles in a woman's ovaries ready to mature and conceive.
Preparing for the test
In order for the level of AMH in the blood to be reflected adequately and there is no distortion of information, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure for donating blood samples:
- It is believed that the day of the monthly cycle does not affect the content of the hormone in the woman's blood, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to take the test on the 5-6th day after the end of ovulation.
- 3-4 days before visiting the laboratory, you must stop physical activity. If the work activity is related to physical work, you need to take a sick note for this time, you should cancel allsports activities.
- 1-2 days before donating blood, you need to try to calm your nervous system. Stressful situations must be avoided. Sleep recommended.
- For 12 hours before the analysis, you can not eat, drink, and even more so smoke cigarettes. On the day of the test, it is recommended not to even brush your teeth.
If a woman is on hormonal drugs, the interpreter should be informed.
In addition, if a woman is sick with an infectious disease, it is recommended to postpone the analysis until the time when she is he althy. If this is not possible, then the doctor should be informed that the analysis was taken during the period of illness. He will be able to make the necessary adjustments to the results.
If AMH is low

Reduced AMH levels are fixed in middle-aged women and precede the onset of menopause. During this period, she begins to delay ovulation and disrupt her menstrual cycles.
Such an analysis predicts menopause with an accuracy of 1-2 months, which gives a woman a chance to become pregnant if she does not yet have children and put it off “for later”. After all, after the result of the analysis, she still has 3-4 years for this.
If a young woman has a low AMH level, then this indicates her early puberty, overweight, or is a consequence of taking hormonal contraceptives, which caused tension in the ovaries.
If the low level of AMH was a congenital phenomenon, then it is not possible to artificially bring it back to normaleven with replacement therapy.
If AMH is elevated

When an elevated AMH level is observed in a woman's body, this can be a sign of rather dangerous conditions:
- It can be systemic diseases and the development of tumors. For example, polycystic pathology in the ovary.
- Possible delayed sexual development of a girl.
- All women who smoke and drink alcohol have elevated Müllerian hormone, and to a critical level.
- The mental state of a woman also leads to an increase in AMH - stress, depression, neurosis.
When detecting an elevated level of the hormone, first of all, the doctor establishes the cause of such an increase in the substance in the blood. Only after this, therapeutic measures begin, the direction to eliminate the causes of the increase in AMH and normalize it in the blood.
If you follow all the prescriptions prescribed by the doctor, the elevated AMH level quickly returns to normal.
The problem of hormonal imbalance, and in particular the Mueller hormone, is de alt with by an endocrinologist or a reproductologist, depending on the situation in which the woman finds herself.
What should be done to increase AMH
How to increase Muller's hormone when its content is low and vice versa - to lower it in the opposite situation, the doctor can tell.
In general, the normalization of hormonal levels in the blood is a rather delicate topic, and not every specialist succeeds the first time. So in this case, self-medication is ineffective and dangerous.
But there isa number of recommendations, following which, you can independently normalize the level of AMH, while not forgetting to regularly check with a doctor.
First of all, you need to bring your body back to normal - get rid of excess weight or excessive thinness. To do this, you need to normalize nutrition and revise your diet. You need to eat in small portions, but 7-8 times a day. Then the stomach will not be overloaded, and all the nutrients from food will be able to enter the bloodstream. Be sure to diversify your diet. You can not get involved in mono-diets and vegetarianism. The body needs vitamins, vegetable and animal protein, fats and carbohydrates. It is only necessary to remove fried fatty meats, sweet pastries, carbonated drinks from the diet.

Be sure to get rid of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. After all, it is known that alcohol kills not only brain cells, but also the eggs of a woman. When there are a lot of them, it is imperceptible, but the number of eggs is limited by nature, and sooner or later they end. And if you drink alcohol, then a young woman will never give birth. So "one glass" in a restaurant may be the limit that will take away a woman's opportunity to become a mother.
It is impossible to lose weight by eating right. You definitely need to play sports. At the same time, it doesn’t matter which ones - the main thing is that training becomes a habit and becomes regular. Even if it's just a nightly walk. Swimming and jogging are ideal for a woman. Is notonly strengthens the body's immune system, but also improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This means that the eggs will mature on time and be he althy.
Folk treatment

You can take a course of treatment with herbal infusions and decoctions, they definitely cannot harm. It is proposed to drink a tincture of sage or boron uterus. You can prepare the remedy at home. It is necessary to brew the grass with boiling water, in the ratio of 200 g of water per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry plant. After the infusion has cooled, it is necessary to strain it and consume 100 g 3 times a day before meals. The entire course of treatment is 15 days, then a break of 10 days, and you can repeat the cycle.
The ancient Greeks knew what a hormonal failure is. Therefore, they came up with the idea of brewing rose petals with boiling water to improve women's he alth. This drink should be taken at bedtime, 30 g at a time. Before starting any treatment with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor.
AMH analysis is included in the complex of measures in the study of infertility problems and attempts to conduct IVF. But if nothing helps to conceive a child, you should not despair. After all, there is such a thing as surrogate motherhood, when another woman carries the egg or, in the end, adoption.