For what reasons does the joint crunch?

For what reasons does the joint crunch?
For what reasons does the joint crunch?

Diseases of the joints are a very common phenomenon in our society, and the number of causes of arthritis and arthrosis is constantly growing. Why is this happening?

crunch the joint
crunch the joint

Cracking joints: causes

In fact, there are many reasons, we list the most common of them:

1. Heredity.

2. Little activity.

3. Wrong diet.

4. Past infections and colds.

5. Improper absorption of minerals, failure in metabolic processes.

6. Old injuries and bruises.

7. Poor ecological environment.8. Fast pace of life, disregard for he alth.

The age of the patient also plays a big role, because over time the musculoskeletal system wears out and, as a result, the joint crackles, or even several. Sometimes this phenomenon is caused by various physiological processes that are observed during sprains and increased physical exertion. For example, stretching is accompanied by an increase in the joint bag. At this time, bursting and draining of the bubbles of the joint fluid occurs. Because of this process, the joint crunches. Such cases are not uncommon.

Why does my shoulder joint crackle?

crunchy shoulder joint
crunchy shoulder joint

It is often the knee and shoulder joints that crunch. This fact is due to their increased activity. Any movement is accompanied by the production of connective tissue protein. This leads to hypermobility - the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus. If the ligaments are weak, then a painful crunch and clicks can be observed during active movements. You can’t fix this, it’s a matter of heredity. It remains to take care of your body and avoid heavy loads and sudden movements.

The most common cause of cracked joints is arthrosis. This disease is manifested by thinning of the cartilage plates, which leads to a violation of sliding and provokes pain.

Symptoms of arthrosis:

1. Physical activity provokes pain in the depth of the joint.

2. Joint crunches.4. Difficulty moving, especially in the morning.

Arthritis symptoms

Arthritis of the shoulder joint is the most common joint inflammatory disease. The symptoms are:

1. Difficulty moving arm.

2. The pain is sharp and cutting.

3. The joint swells and changes shape.4. The temperature rises, skin hyperemia is possible.

crunching in joints causes
crunching in joints causes

Reactive arthritis is common, which develops after infections or ingestion of chlamydia. Only a specialist can determine the specifics and cause of the disease. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment.

Active sports can also provoke a crunch of the shoulder joint. This can be associated with stretching, which provokes excessivemobility. In such cases, you should limit mobility, use elastic bandages or fixing straps. After normalization of the state, the crunch will disappear.

Causes of crunching may lie in long-forgotten injuries, chronic sprains, undertreated or received untimely treatment.

In any case, if the joint crunches, then there is a problem in the musculoskeletal system. In order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should consult a specialist.
