The physical education system is part of a he althy lifestyle. Without moderate loads, it is impossible to gain spiritual and physical strength. Physical education is a set of exercises aimed at improving the human body, strengthening its emotional state. It is used as a prevention of diseases, as well as their elimination.
What is this?
Physical culture refers to the sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening human he alth. With its help, you can develop psychophysical abilities. Physical education is not just specific exercises, but a set of knowledge and values that are created in society. Physical education improves skills, physical activity, forms a he althy lifestyle, favors social adaptation, prepares and develops in many ways. In a word, solid pluses.

Different types of physical culture performtheir functions. And they are all very important. Despite this division, physical education is aimed at strengthening a person’s he alth, his psycho-emotional state. Efficiency is the goal that it pursues. Each component is independent, has a target setting, material and technical equipment, a different level of development and personal values. Concepts such as "physical education" and "sport" are often inseparable, since they perform the same functions and also pursue similar goals. By "physical education" it is customary to mean mass and medical events.
The system of physical education includes the main means by which it is achieved. This is a natural and natural factor, exercise, personal hygiene and massage. All this in a complex forms the basis of a he althy lifestyle, and, consequently, the harmonious coexistence of spirit and body. Full-fledged physical education is a complex application of all means. Each of them has an effect on the human body.

Types of physical culture
Next moment. What types of physical education are there?
- Background. Physical culture, which is carried out by a person unconsciously. It turns out that any movements made during the day belong to this species. The peculiarity of background physical education is that it does not require a large load from a person. It includes cycling, walking, morning exercises, climbing stairs and other lightexercises.
- Mass. Aimed at the education of physical culture and self-education. Promotes the development of the body, healing, improving capabilities, improving physique.
- Adaptive. Physical education is individual. It is aimed at integrating a person into society, correcting mental and physical disorders. This type of physical culture not only heals, strengthens the body, rehabilitates, but also has many other positive effects.
- Therapeutic. Exercise therapy is used for the rehabilitation of patients who have experienced a positive trend in the treatment of the disease with medications. Therapeutic exercise is also called motor rehabilitation. For the course of exercise therapy, a certain set of exercises is selected. They are aimed at restoring body functions as a result of injuries, illnesses, stress.

All types of physical culture pursue certain he alth goals. These include: hardening of the body and strengthening he alth; harmonious development of the body, its functions; comprehensive formation of mental qualities; endurance training, performance; improvement of the activity of the central nervous system. Physical education helps not only to preserve the youth of the body, but also the clarity of mind even in old age.

Types of physical culture have their indications. For example, therapeutic is aimed at eliminating the consequences of a disease or is included intherapeutic treatment. Mass physical education is designed to strengthen the body, therefore it is shown to everyone without exception. But taking into account individual characteristics. The main indications of physiotherapy exercises include: weakening of the body after a long illness, complications due to the disease, positive dynamics in the patient's condition, improvement in well-being during drug treatment, good indicators of clinical and laboratory studies.
Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, in which it is important to monitor your well-being and he alth. To keep the body in good shape, exercise and sports are necessary. Pregnant women are advised to do certain exercises for half an hour five times a week. Before performing them, you should consult with your doctor. You can not load the body if a woman has diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease. It is worth refraining from stress with the threat of miscarriage and other dangerous conditions. Improving physical culture and sports will always benefit a person if you follow the recommendations of specialists and always observe moderation.

All types of physical culture are aimed at strengthening the he alth of a person, his body and spirit. It brings great benefits to he althy people who do not have chronic diseases. For those who have been diagnosed with somatic diseases, physical education should be limited, and sometimes completely excluded. Physical therapy has contraindications. This may also be relevant forother types of physical culture:
- Increased body temperature.
- Emboli, thromboses and predisposition to them.
- Internal bleeding, the threat of their occurrence.
- Intoxication of the body.
- Pain.
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
- Progressive diseases.
- Metastases.
- Hypertension.
- Malignant tumors.
- Mental disorders.
- Foreign body in the body.

When prescribing therapeutic physical culture, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, indicators (limiting, restraining, limiting) and risk factors. The latter include deviations in the physical and mental state of the patient, diseases and complications that have a direct impact on the choice of exercises. Risk factors also include aneurysm of the aorta, heart, osteoporosis, calluses, and other pathologies.
Physical Education
Next. Mass physical culture is widespread. It has been taught since school age. Physical education is part of the educational process aimed at mastering personal values. Its main goal is the formation of a culture of personality, with the further realization of the spiritual and biological potential. Education should be carried out together with moral, labor, physical, mental. Only in this way does the personality develop comprehensively.

Impacton the body
And finally. Therapeutic physical culture has a beneficial effect on the human body. A set of exercises for patients with various diseases is selected by the attending physician based on the patient's well-being and laboratory tests. Physical education hardens the body, strengthens, acts as a prophylactic. It assists in the formation of the correct curvature of the spine, strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, muscles, develops the foot, and improves the central nervous system. In general, what a person needs.
Methods of adaptive physical culture consist of a whole system of activities aimed at correcting various disorders in humans. Such gymnastics primarily affects the emotional state through the body. It helps to gain a desire to improve personal qualities, increases aspirations, forms working capacity, helps to realize the need to make a personal contribution to the development of society. It is important to note that adaptive physical education is much more effective than medication. The same goes for any physical activity. It improves mood, strengthens the body, restores strength.