"Borjomi" from Georgia gained its popularity in the former USSR. Bicarbonate-sodium water with natural mineralization from the city of the same name is used to treat the digestive tract, as well as for diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, enterocolitis and liver diseases. However, its use is possible not only as table water.
Inhalations with "Borjomi" for coughs, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bacterial and fungal infections of the respiratory tract are used quite often. Due to the high content of cations and anions, a therapeutic effect is provided.

Also during the period of infection with many diseases, inhalation will help increase the body's resistance. The stability of this method will only lead to a good result.
How to do?
How to inhale with Borjomi? Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to release the gas from the mineral water,it is advisable to leave the bottle open overnight. If this is not possible, then a couple of hours may be enough. To do this, pour water into a container and stir until the bubbles disappear completely. If you use an inhaler, then the water must be heated to 37 ° C. The duration of the procedure should be from 10-15 minutes, and the first half of the time you need to breathe through your mouth, and the second - through your nose. The frequency of inhalations is 3-5 times a day. The course is usually prescribed by a doctor, but most often the duration is 4 to 5 days.

Remember that inhalation during the acute period of the disease is prohibited, especially if you have a fever. You should also wait for a pause after eating and physical activity. In pharmacies, you can buy inhalers that will heat the water to a certain temperature for you, and you will only have to breathe. The most common version of such a device is steam. The good thing is that you can add any herbs or oils without fear of damaging the surface of the heating element.
In a nebulizer
Use "Borjomi" for inhalation in a nebulizer is allowed more often. Moreover, with this method there are no contraindications for age. Water should be heated to 35 ° C, pour, depending on your apparatus, from 3 to 5 ml. It will be converted into an aerosol under the action of a nebulizer. It is necessary to breathe here through a special nozzle that is included in the kit. Thanks to the nebulizer, the medicinal cloud penetrates the lungs and bronchi more easily, thereby ensuring a quick recovery.

There are compressor, ultrasonic and mesh nebulizers. Compressors are massive, heavy and very noisy. Ultrasonics are compact, almost silent, but they do not allow the addition of antibiotics and hormones, unlike compressor ones.

Mesh nebulizers allow oblique inhalation, are very practical due to their small size and are simply indispensable for people suffering from seasonal allergic reactions.
With herbs
Inhalations with "Borjomi", reviews of which people leave mostly positive, have an expectorant property, but with the addition of eucalyptus, St. John's wort or chamomile, it increases. Then the result will be visible in the coming days. Mineral water vapor will soften the upper respiratory tract, help relieve irritation and speed up the recovery process.
Old method
If you don't have an inhaler or nebulizer at home, the old tried and tested method will do. Pour 250 ml of water into an ordinary saucepan, in which there is no gas. Heat on the stove to 50 degrees, then remove from the stove, lean over the water and cover your head with a large towel. You need to inhale the vapors for about 10 minutes, for children - 3-5 minutes. Be careful, very hot water can cause a burn, and if it is cold, there will be no healing effect.
For kids
Inhalations with "Borjomi" for children are a rather difficult test, they rarely pass calmly. Sitting in one place and inhaling the vapors is a very difficult task, so it is recommended to purchase forthese purposes nebulizer.

If a child is often sick, it will help to recover faster, as well as carry out seasonal prevention of respiratory diseases.
How many times a day do you need to carry out inhalations with "Borjomi" for children? How to do them right? The frequency of procedures should not exceed 3-4 times a day, and the duration - 5 minutes. To distract your child, turn on the TV or ask him to listen to a song. By reducing activity, interest him in something so that inhalations bring more benefits. After the procedure, it is undesirable for the baby to immediately start running or jumping. You need to take a break (play quiet games, watch cartoons, etc.)
Contraindications for inhalation with "Borjomi"
- Mental personality disorders.
- Heart problems in which the patient has severe swelling.
- Hypertension.
- Kidney failure.
- Various diseases of the stomach.
- Alcoholism.
When Pregnant
Is it possible to do inhalations with "Borjomi" pregnant or lactating? Here the answer is unequivocal - yes. Some medicines are prohibited during this important period for a woman, as they have many side effects. Inhalations are not included in this list. On the contrary, in the season of colds, they will help not to get infected or quickly recover in case of illness. Trace elements contained in water will help strengthen the body of mother and child. For the best effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night. So all substances will have time to penetrate into the body, and while you sleep, they will begin to act.
For your full and speedy recovery, it is not recommended to walk in the cold air, especially after inhalation with mineral water. Refrain from going outside for a few days. If you still have to go out, wait until 2-3 hours have passed from the last inhalation with Borjomi. When you are outside, do not breathe through your mouth. The fact is that cold air, entering through the nose, warms up more through the respiratory tract than through the mouth.
These inhalations are completely harmless, and this is their plus, useful substances quickly penetrate into the lungs and contribute to the rapid separation of sputum.
It is forbidden to self-medicate with a cough or other diseases of the respiratory system. All procedures must be prescribed by your doctor, who you are seeing. After all, only he knows the reaction of your body to drugs and treatments. It is he who will tell you when you can start doing inhalations with Borjomi. Since in an acute period they can harm you. Often inhalations are prescribed along with a course of medications. Do not stop taking them if you feel relief after a couple of treatments with mineral water. To maintain immunity, many recommend drinking Borjomi (but only after consulting a doctor).

So the medicinal properties will help in the work of the stomach, kidneys and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, weakened by the disease. Be careful when purchasing water from questionable stores. Fake "Borjomi"can be found even in expensive ones. Since this brand has established itself many years ago, its reliability has been proven and tested, and scammers are in a hurry to take advantage of this, passing off ordinary water as an expensive brand. Examine the bottle, the real one is made of high-quality glass, there are no rough seams, the deer brand has clear boundaries, and the cork has a smooth thread and pattern. Buy water in pharmacies, where you can find a fake, but much less often.