During pregnancy, the expectant mother has to take a lot of clinical tests. These measures are simply necessary so that the gynecologist can identify deviations in the bearing of a child and, if there is a danger to the he alth of the mother and baby, if necessary, hospitalize. One of the most important tests is considered to be blood tests, for example, elevated neutrophils during pregnancy can accompany serious illnesses.

What does an increase in neutrophils in the blood indicate?
It is very important for a pregnant woman to observe the quantitative composition of bodies and cells in the blood, especially neutrophils, they should prevail among other types of leukocytes. Even a slight deviation in the blood can indicate a pathology. Neutrophils are responsible for the state of a woman's immunity, and their indicator can warn about the developmentinflammatory process in the body. During pregnancy, the quantitative composition may change slightly. This does not indicate the disease at all, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, doctors may prescribe additional tests:
- Biochemical analysis.
- Check the blood for thickness.
- Performed STI during pregnancy.
Diagnosis of neutrophilia
To find out if neutrophils are elevated during pregnancy or not, you can only use a routine blood test. This procedure is known to everyone, it is almost painless and fast, it is carried out in any clinical laboratory. The patient will need to donate blood from a vein, it is desirable that everything happens on an empty stomach. Laboratory assistants under a special microscope will count the number of bodies and cells. It is necessary to take the analysis correctly, therefore, for several days, you should not eat fatty and spicy foods, and you should not take any medications, alcohol, or engage in physical activity. If neutrophils are highly elevated in the blood, then the doctor prescribes a number of other clinical studies for the pregnant woman, these include: pelvic ultrasound, bacterial culture, urine and feces analysis, and scrapings from the tonsils.

Based on the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment. For a woman in position, it will be different from the treatment of an ordinary patient. As a rule, neutrophilia is directly related to the inflammatory process in the body, so antibiotics are prescribed for treatment, aimed at killing harmful bacteria. ByAs prescribed by a doctor, a pregnant woman can be prescribed immunostimulants that will help strengthen the protective functions of the body. In difficult cases, corticosteroids, which are considered hormonal drugs and have an anti-inflammatory effect, may be prescribed. All drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the fact that the woman is in position. In no case should self-medication be allowed, as this can harm not only the he alth of the expectant mother, but also the he alth of the baby.
What is neutrophilia?
If neutrophils are elevated during pregnancy, this means neutrophilia. This condition is considered normal for a woman if the deviations are not too large from the norm. An organism that develops in utero is initially alien, in which case the immune system begins to actively produce killers - leukocytes - in large quantities. This process should be regulated by a special hormone - prolactin. To avoid untimely delivery or loss of the fetus, a woman must constantly monitor her he alth and be under the strict supervision of specialists.

The functions of neutrophils in the body
Neutrophils are an important component in the blood, they can indicate the state of female immunity, highly elevated stab neutrophils during pregnancy mean that there is inflammation in the expectant mother's body. When an analysis shows that such inflammation occurs in the blood, this does not necessarily indicate an infectious disease. Usually a womanmay not feel any symptoms, other indicators may well remain normal.
When a woman's segmented neutrophils are elevated during pregnancy, this is normal, as all her cells become mature.
Danger of abnormal blood levels
If strong changes are noticed in the blood readings, this may indicate he alth problems. For a pregnant woman, all this can result in serious inflammation, a tumor, heart failure or stroke, and even poisoning, but the worst thing is that the expectant mother can lose her baby.
If neutrophils abs. elevated during pregnancy, this may precede the possibility of a miscarriage. Often this becomes real when a lot of toxins enter the woman’s blood, which causes a hormonal failure and the woman’s body begins to independently try to cope with a problem that threatens the life of the expectant mother.

What is the norm of neutrophils during pregnancy?
Increased neutrophils in the blood during pregnancy can be considered in two ways, for example, the result can be absolute or relative. As a rule, the number of cells is measured per liter. In medicine, there is a generally accepted percentage of all leukocytes, so from 1 to 5% of neutrophils can be considered the norm. The norm for a pregnant woman can be equated to the figure before pregnancy, but during the period of gestation, this norm may slightly increase. For example, the amountneutrophils can increase due to stress or strong physical exertion in an ordinary person. In a woman in position, from 40 to 75% of segmented cells that are mature and 6% of immature ones are considered to be the norm.

Primary causes of increased neutrophils in the blood during pregnancy
If elevated neutrophils during pregnancy rise to the level of 10X10⁹/liter, then this means the norm. When this indicator exceeds the norm and is 20X10⁹ / liter, then most likely there is severe inflammation in the woman's body, the more neutrophils in the blood, the more dangerous the disease can be. Consider the main reasons for the increase in neutrophils during pregnancy:
- Using canned food that was unusable.
- Bacterial inflammation that affects the respiratory system. For example, such diseases include tonsillitis, nephritis, tuberculosis, appendicitis.
- Performing a recent vaccination.
- Necrosis of various types.
- Intoxication of the body under the influence of alcohol or heavy metals.
- Tumor destruction.
- Illness caused by infection.

When neutrophilia is normal for a pregnant woman
Elevated neutrophils during pregnancy at different times may be the norm. In the initial stages of pregnancy, an increase is considered the most dangerous, since the woman's body perceives the fetus as a foreign body and startsautomatically the mode of production of a huge number of leukocytes and neutrophils. When the fetus begins to grow and develop, a lot of its waste products enter the bloodstream, so the level of stab cells rises even more.
Prevention of neutrophil increase
When neutrophils are elevated during pregnancy in the blood, you should immediately contact your doctor with the result of the analysis, who will prescribe additional tests and diagnose the whole body to identify the real cause of such deviations. During pregnancy, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, such as trying to reduce physical activity, avoid hypothermia and not take any medications that are not prescribed by your doctor.

Increased neutrophils during pregnancy can cause a past illness caused by an infection, so a woman should try to avoid crowded places during an increase in the peak incidence of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, because an infectious disease can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and drugs should not be taken because for their contraindications for pregnant women. The expectant mother should be constantly monitored by a doctor so that you can monitor the level of neutrophils in the blood and respond in time to their increase or decrease.
It is important to remember that a slight increase in neutrophils in the blood during pregnancy is not a pathology, there can be a danger if such an increase occurs abruptly, so you should constantly take tests and monitor your he alth andthe he alth of your unborn baby.