What is sports massage

What is sports massage
What is sports massage

Sports massage is not only a method of treatment, but also a method of strengthening muscles and preventing injuries and diseases, it is often used to improve the physical fitness of athletes and relieve muscle spasms.

Professional sport is often a pursuit of results and achievements with little attention to he alth. The athlete's muscles quickly tire, the body wears out, and the risk of injury increases. Sports massage helps to minimize the unpleasant consequences of a big sport.

It can be training, preliminary, recovery and treatment. Training sports massage is part of the training and prepares the athlete for the competition. It helps to increase efficiency and improves the condition of those muscles that are under heavy stress. They are given special attention during the procedure, the rest of the muscle groups are massaged superficially.

But sometimes a general training sports massage is also shown. It lasts from 40 minutes to an hour and should not be accompanied by painful sensations. Its main task is to relieve muscle tension, increase the mobility of joints and ligaments. It is recommended to use this massage between workouts.

But most oftenused after training restorative sports massage. It increases the performance of tired muscles and prepares the athlete's body for the upcoming loads. The duration and intensity of exposure depends on the sport and the condition of the person. With enhanced daily training, it is good to do a short restorative massage in between.

sports massage
sports massage

It helps restore strength, relieves pain, improves metabolism and calms the nervous system. It is best to carry out such a procedure 15-20 minutes after training, 10-15 minutes of manual effects will be enough.

Before a competition or training, a short preliminary sports massage is also done. It is needed to warm up and prepare the muscles for stress, increase the tone of the body and calm the nervous system. It is carried out for 5-20 minutes (10 minutes before the warm-up).

Warm-up massage should tone the muscles, so the sports masseur uses intense dynamic techniques. They help increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, stimulate metabolism and blood circulation.

Before the competition, if the athlete is very excited, a light soothing massage is recommended. If he fell into a state of apathy and became inhibited, you can apply tonic techniques.

sports masseur
sports masseur

Many sports are associated with fairly strong muscle loads, injuries and sprains. A necessary part of rehabilitation after injuries is sports massage. ATduring the rehabilitation period, special techniques are used to regenerate tissues, muscles and ligaments; various rubbing and ointments can be used to speed up the recovery process.

The basic principles of sports massage can be used by ordinary people to relax spasmodic muscles and prepare the body for physical activity.
