The plaque psoriasis of the elbows is characterized by the development of inflammatory lesions of various sizes and with a tendency to grow. At the initial stage, small spots appear on the skin, and then, if the disease has not been treated, large painful scaly plaques appear. Gray scales form on the surface of the inflammation. In the later stages, large inflamed areas do not undergo significant changes for a long time. Psoriasis at this stage is very difficult to treat.

The causes that provoke the occurrence of psoriasis on the elbows include irritants that are responsible for the fact that the top layer of the skin is dying off. First of all, the hereditary factor plays a role, according to scientists. In this case, the immune system fails, aggressively influencing skin tissues, as a result of which lesions appear already at a young age.

In another case, the disease begins to manifest itself after the age of 40, and genetics does not play any role. But the joints, tissues of the body are affected. It is noted that the disease mainly manifests itself in the area of the elbows in the following patients:
- with very dry and thin skin;
- in connection with their professional activities, if the work is related to chemicals, alcohol solutions and cosmetics;
- drug addicts, drinkers or smokers due to poor blood supply;
- with an improperly planned diet, in which there are a lot of s alty and sour, fried foods, sweet products. Violation of carbohydrate or protein metabolism - dangerous signs;
- with frequent allergic reactions;
- forced to take medications, especially antibiotics;
- prone to stress and depression;
- injured skin.
To irritating hazards should be added infections - fungal or bacterial.

Sometimes there are complications such as arthritis (psoriasis with arthropathy), which is characterized by severe swelling, joint diseases and nail injuries. In most patients with psoriasis on the elbow or knee, the general condition does not worsen and the disease resolves relatively easily with its treatment: after 1.5-2 months, the rash disappears and patients enter a remission phase.
In the acute phase of the disease, inflammation quicklyspreads on the skin and appears in new places. Rash on elbows accompanied by:
- painful sensations around plaques;
- excessive dry skin;
- combining inflamed skin with plaques into a large group.

In general, identifying the presence of a disease on the nails is quite simple, since it has its own characteristics. For carrying out diagnostic measures, it is not necessary to use any special methods for conducting research and testing. If the disease is at a very severe stage and has given serious exacerbations, or it was simply not treated on time and launched, then some changes can be noticed when taking blood for analysis. In this case, according to the results of the tests, it is possible to clearly trace the development of the inflammatory process in the body, rheumatoid titers are most increased, and, naturally, there are common signs that are characteristic of inflammation, such as leukocytosis.
If you suspect the presence of psoriasis on the elbows, the methods of instrumental diagnostics are rarely used. In some cases, a biopsy procedure is prescribed, with the help of which it becomes possible to see if there are any other dermatological abnormalities, or this is done to confirm the disease at the histological level. In addition, it is possible to identify those areas where there is an overestimated amount of immunocompetent cellular structures and keratinocytes.

External Therapy Methods
Thanksthe use of local preparations reduces the inflammatory process, stops exfoliation and reduces skin infiltration. These drugs include ointments, and the composition of which includes the following substances:
- sulfur;
- urea;
- salicylic acid.
You can also use various lotions, but they give the least result. At various stages of the disease, for the treatment of psoriasis on the elbows, the photo of which you can see in the article, anti-inflammatory hormonal agents or salicylic ointment can be prescribed. Initially, treatment begins with the weakest drugs, such as Hydrocortisone. If the disease began to re-intensify, then it is necessary to proceed to treatment with the most powerful drugs, including Vipsogal and Sinalar. These remedies are quite effective, and in most cases in two weeks they can completely neutralize the disease. Often, glucocorticoids are used in the treatment. These drugs form the basis of treatment, especially in the elderly and children.
The most visible result is shown by creams and ointments containing dithranol - Cygnoderm, Psorax. They need to be applied, each time increasing the dose. The negative side of these drugs is that they can cause side effects, such as swelling or itching.

The most popular drug at the present time is "Psorkutan". It directly affects the pathogenetic factors that contribute to the developmentillness. Already after two months of treatment with this drug, human skin will become much better, various rashes will become much smaller, or they will disappear altogether. The drug has no side effects for the skin, the achieved result is maintained for a long time. A stronger effect from "Psorkutan" can be obtained by combining it with physiotherapy radiation. In order not to decrease the effectiveness of treatment as a result of the use of a particular drug due to addiction, it is necessary to replace it with another one after a while.
Systemic treatments
This type of treatment is based on the use of aromatic retinoids, they show quite good results: they normalize the processes of keratinization, regulate the growth and division of epidermal cells, and have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. The drugs do not cause side effects, and if they were identified, they will be eliminated very quickly. The most common drugs in this group are Etretinate and Acitretin.
Folk treatment
The initial stage of psoriasis on the elbows reviews of the treatment is positive. If it has passed into a persistent chronic form, it is very difficult to treat. Applying drug therapy, in this case, you can achieve only temporary relief from unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, people suffering from psoriasis are looking for alternative folk ways and methods that will help them get rid of this disease. At the same time, it will be fair to note that in most cases, folk remedies used simultaneously withmedicines are quite effective, in addition, some pharmacological preparations are based on extracts from medicinal herbs.
The following are the most commonly and successfully used prescriptions for the treatment of psoriasis on the elbows at home and methods designed to alleviate the course of psoriasis on the elbows.
Egg ointment
The most popular ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the elbows is homemade egg-based. The recipe for this ointment is quite simple: one raw egg in the shell is placed in a two-hundred-gram jar and filled to the brim with acetic acid, the jar is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark, cool place for one day to infuse. After that, the egg is taken out and crushed together with the shell, a small amount of animal fat is added to the resulting mass to give the appropriate consistency. The ointment is applied to the elbow once a day, according to patients, when treating psoriasis on the elbows with this remedy, relief comes after a very short period, and the disease goes into stable remission.

At the initial stage of psoriasis, birch tar is considered an effective remedy (in the absence of an allergy to it). Tar is applied once a day for several minutes to the affected elbow, after which it is washed off with tar soap. Gradually, the time for which the agent is applied increases. It is recommended to apply until the plaques on the elbow completely disappear.
Good therapeutic effecthave ordinary baths with the addition of baking soda. In addition to soda, you can add sea s alt, infusions of chamomile and string to the bath composition. It is necessary to take such a procedure for at least half an hour and after the end do not wash off and do not wipe the areas of psoriasis localization.
Walnut shell infusion baths are also popular.
In case of skin diseases, including psoriasis on the elbows, celandine juice is widely used. But with this tool you need to be extremely careful, because this juice is quite poisonous.