Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?

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Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?
Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?

Video: Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?

Video: Imbeciles - what kind of people are they?
Video: Live LIFE fully 2024, July

The vocabulary of modern youth includes many terms, including offensive ones. Such designations of a person as “moron”, “idiot” and others indicate that he does not think well or does not understand something. In fact, all these words are medical terms, and characterize severe deviations of the patient's nervous system. Most people guess that “imbeciles” is a designation for one of the pathological conditions characterized by mental retardation. In the circle of doctors who specialize in these complex diseases, this concept is used as a form of mental retardation.

imbeciles are
imbeciles are

Imbeciles - who are they?

This pathology refers to dementia, the correct name of which is mental retardation. Imbeciles are people suffering from an average degree of this disease. This term is translated from Latin as "weak" or "weak". The condition of the patient is characterized by the fact that he lags behind not only in mental, but also in physical development. Their dementia lies in primitive thinking, a small vocabulary, limited to a few phrases or words. However, imbeciles understandthe meaning of the words addressed to them and are amenable to learning. The memory and attention of such patients are at a low level, so it does not make sense to overload them greatly. Patients recognize their loved ones and understand whether they praise them or, conversely, scold them. If you provide the imbecile with good care and constantly deal with him, then you can accustom him to some kind of simple physical labor and instill self-service skills. It is necessary to have great patience and diligence, as the patient needs constant monitoring and care.

Oligophrenia: causes of the disease

imbecile photo
imbecile photo

Dementia can be congenital or acquired during life. Most often, oligophrenia appears in the womb or in early childhood. There are a number of factors that influence the development of this pathology. Common causes of dementia are genetic and chromosomal defects that occur even in the early stages of the mother's pregnancy (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome). In addition, factors affecting the embryogenesis of a child are hemolytic disease of the fetus, viral and bacterial infections of a woman. An important reason for the development of disorders can be bad habits that the mother did not give up during pregnancy. Another group of factors are the birth trauma of the baby, a long stay without oxygen. In childhood, the causes of dementia can be brain diseases, severe bacterial and viral meningitis, encephalitis, etc.

Degrees of oligophrenia

Delayed brain development can be expressed in many ways. With a mild degree, patients not only serve themselvesthemselves, but also freely perform household chores, for example, go to the store, talk with others on everyday topics. Also, they can work. A severe degree is characterized by a complete lack of thinking. Oligophrenics are divided into 3 types:

  1. oligophrenia in the stage of imbecility
    oligophrenia in the stage of imbecility


  2. Imbeciles.
  3. Idiots.

Moronity is a mild degree of oligophrenia, in which patients are quite independent, understand the speech addressed to them, and are able to answer simple questions. The IQ of such patients is 50-70%.

Oligophrenia in the degree of imbecility is regarded as an average condition. The intellectual coefficient of patients is 20-50%. Imbeciles are people who are able to understand the simplest appeal to them, serve themselves, and also show their emotions.

Severe degree of mental retardation is idiocy (IQ less than 20%). These patients require constant care, as they are unable to exist independently. Idiots almost completely lack thinking, they do not understand the meaning of the words addressed to them, they must be served by loved ones.

Diagnosis of dementia

degree of oligophrenia
degree of oligophrenia

Oligophrenia associated with genetic or embryonic causes can be seen even during pregnancy. To do this, women undergo a special screening to detect changes in the level of hormones responsible for the mental state of the fetus. Deviations such as macro- and microcephaly are already visible on ultrasound. If inDuring pregnancy, it was not possible to establish the presence of a pathology, then it will be diagnosed in the first years of a child’s life. Such children are characterized by a significant lag in physical and mental development, the inability to independently hold their heads for several months. They do not concentrate on close people, they do not start walking and talking for a long time, they have a bad memory.

Is it possible to treat mental retardation?

Currently there is no cure for dementia. Children who were diagnosed with this diagnosis have a disability group. In order to make their life easier, they are trained in specialized institutions, where they receive their primary education and acquire skills that enable them to work later. This ability has both a moron and an imbecile. Photos of such patients can be seen in our article or medical literature.
