The ability to speak is a necessity for all of us. But sometimes, after recovery, some consequences of the disease may remain, such as loss of voice. What to do in such a situation and how to restore the voice after a cold? Let's talk about it in the article.
Loss of voice
When the vocal cords become inflamed, loss of voice can occur. In medicine, this condition is called "aphonia". It can be partial or complete. Partial aphonia is characterized by hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice, and with complete aphonia, the sound emitted is similar to a whisper.
We can speak thanks to the vocal cords located above the trachea. These are folds of the mucous membrane in the larynx, during the vibration of which sound is produced. For it to play correctly, the vocal cords must be well lubricated and moistened. With any inflammation, their ability to vibrate correctly is weakened, which ultimately leads to complete or partial aphonia. In order for the full restoration of the voice to occur, it will take some time after a cold andcertain procedures.

Causes of aphonia
If you lost your voice after a cold, then most likely the vocal cords were damaged by an infection. Often aphonia is a consequence of tonsillitis, influenza, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis. The latter can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute laryngitis is caused by respiratory viral infections or severe voice overload. Chronic develops due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, runoff of mucus from the nasopharynx, chronic sinusitis, constant contact with dust, chemicals and gases, smoking.
How to restore voice after a cold?
First of all, you need to see a doctor. The following recommendations from doctors will help restore your voice after a cold:
Steam inhalation. This method contributes to the speedy recovery of inflamed vocal cords and is as follows. Boiling water is poured into a wide bowl, a few drops of eucalyptus or sage oil are added. Steam should be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. During the procedure, you need to bend over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel. Steam inhalation should be done twice a day for five minutes.
lost voice after a cold -
Warm drink. In order for the full recovery of the voice after a cold to happen faster, it is necessary to consume a large amount of warm liquid. Only it should not be tea and coffee, but he althy fortified drinks: fruit drinks, compotes, herbal infusions. Also notforget about pure mineral water without gas.
- Drug "Lugol". As soon as symptoms such as perspiration, hoarseness in the throat appear, wheezing occurs during a conversation, it is recommended to use a solution of the Lugol remedy. This drug should be used to treat the area of inflammation.
- Antiallergic drugs ("Loratodin", "Diazolin"). If the voice sat down after a cold, such remedies will help relieve swelling of the ligaments and the entire throat. However, you should be aware that these drugs have a sedative effect, so it is recommended to take them at night.
Lollipops. Special lozenges or lozenges promote increased salivation, as a result of which the vocal cords are moistened and inflammation of the larynx is eliminated.
sat down voice after a cold
How to get your voice back after a cold using traditional medicine?
For voice restoration, proven natural remedies are no less effective than drugs. Here are the most effective ones:
- Grate raw potatoes on a coarse grater, squeeze with gauze. Gargle with the resulting juice after meals three to four times a day.
- Beat two egg yolks with a little sugar, add 40-50 grams of melted butter to the resulting thick mass. Dissolve the resulting drug in one tablespoon every hour. For losing your voice, this recipe is very effective.
- Heat 500 mlmilk, add one chicken egg and 5 g of natural honey and butter, mix well and consume in the morning and evening.
- Heat 125 ml of milk, add the same amount of alkaline mineral water. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
- 10 g dried marshmallow flowers pour hot but not boiling water (250 ml). After the herb is brewed, add 10 g of honey. Drink every hour throughout the day.
Heat 50 ml brandy in a water bath, add 3 drops of lemon juice and 15 g of honey. Drink the resulting composition 2 times a day.
voice recovery after a cold
What not to do when you lose your voice?
How to restore voice after a cold, we figured out what not to do with aphonia?
The following should be abandoned:
- drinking caffeinated drinks: coffee, tea, as they dehydrate the body;
- smoking, because cigarette smoke dries and irritates the throat, even as a result of passive smoking, the larynx is irritated and inflamed, which slows down the healing process;
- drinking alcoholic beverages, they dehydrate the body, and as a result, the course of the disease is aggravated;
- use of vasoconstrictor drugs as they dry out the vocal cords;
- eating foods high in acid: tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruits (with the exception of honey with lemon);
- walking in cold weather, cold air is very harmful for ligaments, it is recommended to wear a sweater or scarf at home;
- if possible, from talking or talking in a whisper, but also not for long;
- drinking too cold or hot drinks and from carbonated drinks, all of which irritate the ligaments;
- visit places with high levels of smoke, dust and other irritants.

Helpful tips
After the voice is fully restored, do not immediately give it a strong load. It is necessary to gradually develop ligaments. Otherwise, the voice will break again, and the treatment will be even longer. If you already had aphonia, then you should be more careful with your voice. If it disappears often enough, you need to see a doctor, this phenomenon may indicate a more serious condition, such as cancer of the vocal apparatus.
Take care of yourself and be very attentive to your he alth, well, if aphonia develops, you now know how to restore your voice after a cold.