What are interstitial lung diseases? The treatment of such diseases, their symptoms and classification will be described below.

Basic information
Interstitial lung disease is a whole complex of chronic diseases of the lung tissue, which are manifested by inflammation, as well as a violation of the structure of the capillary endothelium, alveolar perivasal walls and perilymphatic tissues. A characteristic sign of such a pathological condition is shortness of breath. This symptom is a reflection of lung failure.
Interstitial lung disease often leads to pulmonary fibrosis. In modern medical practice, this term is not used as a synonym for ILD, but is sometimes used in this sense.
How are interstitial lung diseases distinguished? The classification of these diseases occurs according to the etiological basis:
- Reaction to drugs, more specifically, to antibiotics, antiarrhythmic drugs and medicines for conductingchemotherapy.
- Inhalation of various substances from the environment (inorganic and organic substances, silicosis, berylliosis, asbestosis, allergic exogenous alveolitis or hypersensitivity pneumonitis).
- Systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis).
- Idiopathic (histiocytosis X, sarcoidosis, alveolar proteinosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, idiopathic interstitial alveolitis, including acute interstitial alveolitis).
- Infections (pneumocystis pneumonia, atypical pneumonia, tuberculosis).
- Associated interstitial lung disease (with liver disease: biliary primary cirrhosis, active chronic hepatitis; with pulmonary vasculitis: lymphomatoid granulomatosis, Wegener's granulomatosis, hypersensitivity vasculitis, necrotizing systemic vasculitis; with graft versus host disease).
- Malignant tumors (lymphangitis carcinomatosis).

What is ISL?
As mentioned above, interstitial lung disease is a general name for a group of respiratory diseases. They are united by the fact that they all affect the interstitium, that is, part of the lungs.
Interstitial tissue is called the connective tissue of the lungs. It provides support to the microscopic air sacs and alveoli in the lungs.
The blood vessels passing through the interstitium perform the function of gas exchange betweenair in the respiratory tract and blood. The interstitial tissue is so thin that it is not visible on an x-ray or CT scan. But despite this, her disease can still be detected in the process of these studies.

Any disease of the lung tissue causes it to thicken. Such a pathological condition may occur due to inflammation, swelling or scarring. Some types of interstitial tissue damage resolve quickly, while others are incurable or chronic.
Causes of disease development
Why does interstitial lung disease occur (recommendations from treatment specialists will be provided below)? There are many different reasons for the development of lung tissue lesions. For example, interstitial pneumonia is caused by viruses, bacteria, or a fungus. The development of other diseases may be associated with the regular inhalation of irritants such as asbestos, talc, quartz dust, metal dust, coal or grain. Very rarely, lung diseases in this group are formed due to exposure to narcotic components.

A feature of ILD is that all of the above factors contribute to the development of only some diseases. In most cases, their causes remain unknown.
Disease symptoms
Diffuse interstitial lung disease is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue and its subsequent damage. Such pathologicalconditions are accompanied by shortness of breath. This is the main symptom of ILD. At first, shortness of breath is not very noticeable, but as soon as the patient plays sports or just climbs stairs, it immediately makes itself felt.
It should also be noted that ILD is characterized by a dry cough. Also, patients noticeably lose weight. They develop joint and muscle pain, fatigue. In advanced cases, a person's nails expand abnormally, and the lips and skin become blue. Such a pathological phenomenon is associated with a low level of oxygen in the blood.
Diagnosis of interstitial lung disease
How are the diseases in question detected? Typically, people with ILD complain to a pulmonologist about coughing and shortness of breath. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor usually uses the following lung tests:
- Computed tomography. Thanks to this method, it is possible to create a complete image of the lungs, as well as all structures adjacent to them. ILD is fairly easy to diagnose on CT.
- X-ray. Such a chest examination is usually performed to assess the general condition of the pulmonary system. Affected interstitium appears as thin lines on x-ray.

- High resolution CT. The correct settings of the tomograph, as well as the experience of a specialist, significantly increase the effectiveness of diagnosing ILD.
- Lung biopsy and examination of specimens under a microscope. Quite often, this is the only possible way to determine the type of damage to the lung tissue. Her samples can be takenwith video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, bronchoscopy, or thoractomy.
It should also be noted that some specialists conduct special tests to assess the function of external respiration, including spirometry, body plethysmography and others.
Treatment and clinical guidelines
Interstitial lung diseases are quite serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. The treatment regimen for such diseases should be selected only by a pulmonologist, depending on the causes of their development and the type of tissue damage.

The most common treatment for ILD is antibiotics. Such remedies are effective for many types of bacterial interstitial pneumonia.
As for viral pneumonia, as a rule, it goes away on its own. It does not need to be treated with antibiotics. It should also be noted that such a rare disease as fungal pneumonia is eliminated only with special antifungal drugs.
Another type of medication used to treat ILD is corticosteroids. Such drugs eliminate the inflammatory process not only in the lungs, but also in other parts of the body. By the way, other means used to treat the disease in question can only slow down lung damage, as well as the process of worsening their work. They also often suppress a person's immune system to reduce inflammation, which leads to other he alth problems.
People with lowoxygen content in the blood system, experts advise inhaling oxygen through special devices. Such procedures will help improve the general condition of the patient, as well as fill the need of the heart muscle for O2.
It should also be noted that in some cases, doctors recommend that their patients undergo a lung transplant. Often this is the most effective method of dealing with the disease, especially in severe and advanced cases.

Some ILD patients develop heart failure and high blood pressure in the lungs. The chances of recovering the patient or worsening the course of the disease depend on the causes of their development, the severity and time of diagnosis. It should be noted that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has a rather poor prognosis.