Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease that occurs mainly in children. Anthroponotic infection is characterized by fever, maculopapular rash all over the body, conjunctival hyperemia, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. As the virus accumulates in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, the symptoms of measles in a child increase. Shortly after natural infection or the administration of a live vaccine, antibodies are produced that will circulate in the blood plasma for many decades. Consequently, the transferred infection leaves behind stable lifelong immunity.
The causative agent of measles, namely a large (120-250 nm in diameter) spherical RNA virus, does not contain the enzyme neuraminidase, which distinguishes it from other members of the paramyxovirus family. Infection occurs through airborne dropletsmeasles infection is a sick person. When coughing, sneezing or talking, the pathogen enters the external environment, then a fine suspension with an air stream spreads over a considerable distance.

At first, the virus multiplies in the submucosa and regional lymph nodes, eventually penetrating into the child's bloodstream. The first symptoms of measles in children appear 1-2 weeks after infection (incubation period). In response to the introduction of a foreign agent, class M immunoglobulins ("anxiety antibodies") are produced, and only after 5 days the synthesis of IgG begins, which protects the young organism from reinfection.
Contagiousness index
Measles belongs to the category of "volatile" childhood infections with a high degree of contagiousness (98%). The virus feels comfortable in poorly ventilated, damp rooms, easily moves from the top floor to the bottom through stairs, corridors and even ventilation shafts. Thus, all persons living not only in the same apartment with a sick child, but also neighbors in the entrance get into the contact zone.
Diagnostic features
An inexperienced doctor can easily confuse the first symptoms of measles in children with an ordinary respiratory infection. Serological studies (RSK, RTGA, RIF) and the enzyme immunoassay method are used to confirm or refute the presence of the virus in the body. During a physical examination of the child, the pediatrician notes swelling and swelling of the eyelids, puffiness of the face, rough oral mucosawith whitish spots opposite the small molars.

In the general analysis of blood with measles infection, there is a decrease in the level of lymphocytes, eosinophils, an increase in ESR against the background of moderate leukocytopenia, as well as plasmacytosis. If you suspect the development of pneumonia, you can not do without x-ray of the lungs. To distinguish acute respiratory infections or allergic rashes from the symptoms of measles in children and to choose the appropriate treatment, differential diagnostic methods are used. Allergy is usually accompanied by itching of the skin, but it is not characterized by acute intoxication of the body and the appearance of enanthema.
Measles in children: symptoms of the disease
The clinical picture of measles is characterized by a succession of periods of the disease - incubation, catarrh, rashes and pigmentation (reconvalescence). The latent period lasts approximately 7-14 days, in the case of the introduction of immunoglobulin on the eve of infection, the infection does not manifest itself in any way for 3-4 weeks. The child can "share" the virus with others only in the final two days of the incubation stage and up to the 4th day of the rash.
The catarrhal or prodromal period of measles is manifested by "flu-like" symptoms:
- Patological weakness.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Dry, "barking" cough.
- Redness and swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis.
- Increase in body temperature to 38-40°C.
- Nausea, upset stomach.
- Measles enanthem (patchy hyperemia of the soft and hard palate).
Soon, the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the area of the second lower molars is covered with whitish formations with a reddish border around the periphery. Filatov-Koplik-Belsky spots are the main pathognomonic sign of measles. Grayish-white dots the size of a poppy seed (1-2 mm in diameter) result from the destruction and desquamation of epithelial cells. At the same time, the child becomes lethargic, complains of headache and drowsiness, constantly squints, tongue is lined. Babies are naughty, their appetite is poor or completely absent, sometimes there is photophobia and increased lacrimation. Symptoms of measles in vaccinated children (an atypical form of the disease) are rare, signs of intoxication of the body are mild.

After 3-4 days, the catarrhal stage of the disease is replaced by a period of rashes. At first, the rash is localized on the face, back of the head, under the hairline, then spreads to the trunk, upper and lower extremities of the child. Red-burgundy papules are irregular in shape and slightly rise above the surface of the skin, in places they merge with each other, forming extensive areas of redness. Starting from the 4th day of the rash, the symptoms of measles in children (rash, fever, cough, photophobia, etc.) fade away, appetite increases, sleep and the psycho-emotional state of the baby normalize. Pigmentation lasts another 1-1.5 weeks, the elements of the rash regress in the same order of appearance.
Methods of official medicine
Because measles is a viral infection, there is no specific drug for its treatment. Antibiotics are indicated only in case of pneumonia or other bacterial complications. It will not be possible to get rid of the symptoms of measles in children at the initial stage of the disease, because immunoglobulins have not yet been developed. Symptomatic therapy includes bed rest, drinking plenty of water, taking mucolytics and antipyretic drugs.

Prevent dehydration of the body in case of fever or vomiting will help ready-made solutions "Regidron", "Humana Electrolyte". Parents can prepare a similar remedy on their own: dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of hot water. a spoonful of sugar and ½ tsp. baking soda. Signs and symptoms of measles in children are often accompanied by apathy, lack of appetite, the virus weakens the immune system, thereby provoking the growth of opportunistic microflora. Multivitamin complexes "Pikovit", "Alfavit", Multi-tabs, "Vitrum Junior", etc. make up for the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the child's body.
With conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with a 2% solution of boric acid, furacilin. "Sulfacyl sodium", "Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Clemastin", "Tavegil" and other antihistamines are prescribed for severe intoxication of the body, edema, hyperemia of the pharynx and skin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only bring down the temperature, but also help to cope with headaches, soreness in the throat. The dosage of drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen depends on age and weight categorychild. Attacks of dry cough are stopped with tablets "Ambroxol", "Haliksol", for the smallest, a syrup with a berry flavor "Lazolvan" is suitable. Entrust the selection of a treatment regimen for symptoms of measles in children to a qualified specialist.
People's advice
To cope with a painful cough with measles, extracts of licorice root or marshmallow will help. As an expectorant, infusions of coltsfoot leaves, thyme, calendula and chamomile flowers are also used. Elderberries, decoctions of elecampane, lungwort have diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties, strengthen the immune system.
Some helpful tips to speed up your recovery:
- To make the measles rash from the mucous membrane of the oropharynx disappear faster, the child should rinse his mouth and throat with a decoction of chamomile or sage every 2 hours (1 tbsp. Grass in a glass of boiling water).
- Effectively relieves itching and eliminates peeling of the skin with measles warm bath with the addition of bran. Make sure that the duration of the water procedure does not exceed 10 minutes. The optimal temperature for swimming is 34-35 °C
- Linden tea has an antipyretic and sedative effect on the child's body. To prepare it, you need 5 tbsp. l. dried linden flowers, a liter of water. Pour boiling water over the raw materials, close the lid tightly and wrap the kettle with a towel. After 30-40 minutes, the healing agent is ready for use. A 150-200 ml drink before bedtime alleviates the initial symptoms of measles in children.
Diet and drinking regimen
The measles virus is devastatingeffect on vitamin C and retinol (vitamin A), hence problems with the eyes, gum mucosa, oral cavity, upper respiratory tract. Ascorbic acid, along with retinol, promotes the production of antibodies, stimulates the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, thereby increasing the child's immune potential.

Pay special attention to the nutrition and drinking regimen of your child. Food should be high-calorie, but easily digestible, so that the body devotes all its strength not to digesting it, but to fighting a viral disease. At a high temperature, you should not overload the gastrointestinal tract with heavy food, stick to a sparing dairy and vegetable and fruit diet. Give preference to fish steam cutlets, stewed vegetables, natural milk, as well as cottage cheese, kefir and homemade yoghurts. Sourdough "Narine" serves as an excellent detoxifier for measles infection.
Nutritionists recommend to exclude from the menu:
- Fried foods and animal fats (lard, cooking oil).
- Smoked meats, marinades.
- Convenience and fast food.
- Spices (horseradish, mustard, hot pepper).
- Foods with pronounced allergenic activity: strawberries, melons, chicken eggs, caffeinated drinks, citrus fruits and other exotic fruits, nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts).
The volume of liquid depends on the age of the child and is 1.5-2.5 liters of clean, non-carbonated water per day. Non-acidic fruit drinks, sweet tea with lemon, kissels, compotes, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are well suited. With the subsidence of catarrhal phenomena inthe diet is introduced milk porridge (rice, buckwheat, millet), vegetarian soups, baked fruits, vegetable salads, spinach leaves, dill or parsley. It is advisable to cook the first courses in low-fat meat broth. Once your child's measles symptoms subside, you can return to your normal diet.
Measles vaccination
The measles vaccine contains an attenuated (artificially weakened) RNA virus, which cannot cause the disease on its own, but only "acquaints" the child's body with the measles strain. The introduction of antigenic material contributes to the formation of immunological memory, thereby preventing primary or re-infection of the child. A similar principle of action has a three-component vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR).

At 12 months, the first vaccination is done, a planned revaccination is carried out at the age of six. If for some reason protective immunity has not developed, diagnosing the symptoms of measles in a child will not be easy. About 5-10% of children after vaccination fall ill with mitigated measles, which is characterized by an extended incubation period and an erased clinical picture. A mild form of the disease is experienced by newborns and infants who have not lost anti-measles antibodies transplacentally obtained from the mother, as well as those who have undergone active (vaccination) or passive (immunoglobulin administration) immunization.
Measles outbreaks are cyclical and recur every 2-4 years. Parents init is imperative to know how the symptoms of measles manifest in children, this will help to recognize a dangerous disease in time and prevent the development of life-threatening complications. Follow the rules of individual care (separate dishes, towels, toys, etc.). The child needs to drink as much liquid as possible, it is desirable that the drink be warm. Enrich your diet with fortified foods, ready meals should not irritate the affected gastrointestinal mucosa.

In case of measles, the premises are not disinfected. Room temperature and ultraviolet radiation have a detrimental effect on the virus, after 2-3 hours it completely loses its pathogenic properties. If symptoms of measles are detected in a child, information about the sick person and those who have been in contact with him is transferred to the appropriate children's institutions. Experts advise to administer measles immunoglobulin within 5 days from the moment of contact.
Possible Complications
There is a misconception that measles is a harmless disease that is best treated at an early age. In fact, a severe viral infection threatens with disorders of the respiratory, central and peripheral nervous system, digestive tract (colitis, enterocolitis). Children under 2 years old can get measles multicellular pneumonia, during the period of pigmentation, fibrous-necrotic or ulcerative stomatitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis occur. Damage to the central nervous system is fraught with inflammation of the membranes of the brain and / or spinal cord, the development of sclerosing panencephalitis and meningoencephalitis. When there are seriouscomplications, the child needs inpatient treatment, the appointment of antibacterial drugs. In severe cases, infusion-detoxification therapy is performed.
Before the mass immunization of the population, which began in 1967, measles was called "children's plague." In those troubled times, a viral infection claimed the life of every fourth sick child. With the invention of attenuated vaccines, the epidemic spread of the deadly virus was stopped, however, vaccinations do not reduce the risk of contracting measles to zero. Follow the basic principles of a he althy diet and basic sanitary and hygienic standards for caring for your baby. Proper treatment of the first symptoms of measles in children will allow you to quickly defeat the insidious disease, return the child to an active, fulfilling life!