Remedy for corns: description and reviews

Remedy for corns: description and reviews
Remedy for corns: description and reviews

Which remedy for corns is the most effective? In this article, we will present not only effective drugs designed to combat the mentioned problem, but also folk methods for removing skin formations.

remedy for corns
remedy for corns

Basic information

Before telling you about how to treat corns with folk remedies and traditional medicines, you need to find out what it is.

Corn is called a callus, which is formed in people as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or a heavy load on the lower limbs. Especially often representatives of the weaker sex suffer from such formations. This is due to the fact that they always have high-heeled shoes in their wardrobe. Thus, improper weight distribution in uncomfortable shoes often leads to the formation of so-called corns.

Causes of occurrence

Remedy for corns can be purchased at any pharmacy. But before you start treating such a skin callus, you should find out why it occurs.

The most commonthe reason for the formation of dry corns was presented above. These are uncomfortable shoes. However, it should be noted that the appearance of such a problem can also provoke various diseases of the systems and internal organs. In this case, all your efforts should be directed to their treatment. However, it must be remembered that getting rid of corns can be a temporary solution to this problem.

By the way, chronic corns with a stem are very difficult to treat. Independent struggle with them often leads to inflammation. Therefore, before removing such growths at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

treatment of corns with folk remedies
treatment of corns with folk remedies

Medication for corns and calluses

Most often, for the treatment of the disease in question, patients turn to traditional medicine. Experts say that the most effective remedy for corns is a keratolytic drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The range of such medicines is quite large, and it can be very difficult to stop at any one. Often, a remedy for corns that is effective for one person is useless for another. Therefore, it is extremely important to try several drugs and find the one that suits you best.

Medical List

Keratolytic corn remover very often contains natural ingredients. It gives a positive result in treatment in a short time. In addition, such drugs can be used independently, at home.conditions.

Let's list the most effective keratolytic agents below.

Cream "Super Antimozol"

The basis of the drug are lactic acid and urea. This tool moisturizes the skin of the feet well, and corns are easily removed with a spatula. The cream in question is able to save a person not only from calluses on the legs, but also from an unpleasant odor.

remedy for corns on feet
remedy for corns on feet

Ointment "Bensalitin"

This product contains benzoic and salicylic acids. They should treat corns once every few hours, smearing the covers around the affected area with petroleum jelly.

Cream "Healer"

The effectiveness of this tool is associated with the active action of urea, which is part of it. This component helps to fill the skin cells with moisture, and tea tree oil softens the top layer of the epidermis well. Also, the composition of the cream in question includes extracts of oak bark and celandine. They relieve the skin of the feet from fatigue and tension, relieve inflammation. Treat "Healer" corns should be once a day.

5 Day Foot Paste

This is a special anti-corn remedy that is suitable not only for removing corns, but also for their prevention. Vaseline and lanolin give softening and moisturizing properties to the preparation. The paste is applied to the corns for 12 hours, and after this time they are cleaned with pumice. The diseased area can be treated several times, but if there is a burning sensation or other unpleasant reactions, the drug should be washed off immediately.

pimple remover
pimple remover

Green Planet Cream

This is a good remedy for corns on the feet, which is recommended for use with rough skin. After using the cream, the covers become soft and elastic. This effect is achieved due to the presence of lactic acid and natural oils in the preparation. Apply the cream "Green Planet" should be a couple of times a day. It is completely safe for hands and can be used for prophylaxis after skin restoration and corns healing.


This is a rather expensive, but high-quality drug made in Norway. After its application, the thickness of the skin on the corns is significantly reduced, and the appearance of repeated corns is also prevented. The non-sticky texture of this product allows you to apply it in the morning to moisturize the skin during the day. The active ingredient in this cream is urea.

Cream "Namozol-911"

This preparation is applied at night, and in the morning exfoliated skin is removed with a spatula. Cream "Namozol-911" contains tea tree extract, which produces a healing effect. It should also be noted that this drug is consumed very sparingly. One tube can last you several months.

remedy for corns and calluses
remedy for corns and calluses

Medication reviews

According to the opinion of consumers, each of the listed drugs is able to effectively and quickly eliminate rough skin on the foot. However, it should be noted that in order to select the best medicine, it is necessarytry at least a few of them, as each organism perceives them differently.

Treatment of corns with a rod of folk remedies

Plantar corns with a stem can be eliminated without the use of pharmaceutical preparations. For this, many people use folk remedies. We present the most popular recipes below:

  • To remove corns, feet should be kept in a mustard or soda-soap solution. After the skin is thoroughly steamed, it is necessary to carefully remove the root and cap of the skin formation. According to patient reviews, the first time it is impossible to completely eliminate the corn, so several procedures are necessary.
  • Onion compresses are very well suited for the treatment of corns. Having made a vegetable gruel, it must be applied to the corn, and sealed with a plaster on top. Keep this compress all night.
  • Prunes boiled in milk should be applied to the affected area of the skin. Dried fruit must be hot.
  • Also, you can apply a crust of black bread, previously soaked in vinegar essence, to corns.
  • Compress made from lard and garlic at night, does not have a very pleasant smell, but it removes corns with a stem well.
treatment of corns with a rod folk remedies
treatment of corns with a rod folk remedies

Reviews of folk remedies

Many patients note that the regular use of folk remedies helps to get rid of dry corns. However, it should be noted that with chronic corns, such methods are not alwaysturn out to be effective. In this case, you should resort to medication.
