Throughout life, the human respiratory system is exposed to multiple attacks from the external environment. Unfavorable environmental conditions, all kinds of viruses, bacteria, vapors of inhaled chemicals have an adverse effect on it and provoke various diseases.
What is pathology
Popcorn lung disease, or bronchiolitis obliterans, is a severe lesion of the respiratory organs, localized in the terminal sections of the bronchi.

Consists in the complete or partial blockage of the bronchioles due to their inflammation. The process is constantly progressing, leading to:
- scarring of affected tissue;
- loss of access to oxygen;
- impaired blood flow;
- comorbidities.
The onset is usually acute, and is similar to the following pathologies:
- bronchitis;
- airway obstruction;
- pneumonia;
- asthma.
For this reason, the correct diagnosis is not immediately made. The patient is being treated for the above pathologies for a long time, and bronchiolitis at this time becomes chronic, which cannot be completely eliminated.
Symptoms of popcorn lung disease are not worth trying to recognize at home. This is beyond the power of even experienced doctors, and in some cases even X-ray equipment.

According to statistics, in 50% of cases, a chest x-ray does not show any changes.
The most reliable diagnostic method is MRI or CT of the respiratory system, where each part of the affected organ is assessed in great detail.
Suspect bronchiolitis can be on the following grounds:
- Shortness of breath. At the initial stages, it is insignificant, but as it progresses, it intensifies.
- Blue skin (cyanosis). First, it occurs in the zone of the nasolabial triangle, then it spreads to the face and body.
- Cough. In the first days, dry rales and wheezing are heard. After a while, a slight improvement occurs, which is replaced by a new stage of non-productive cough.
Complications of popcorn lung disease are very dangerous. They lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being with a further fatal outcome. These include:
- Pulmonary heart. As bronchiolitis progresses, it affects the work of the pulmonary circulation and causes an increased load on the right ventricle of the heart, whichleads to hypertrophic tissue changes.
- Secondary emphysema. The picture is expressed by increased airiness of the organ. Occurs due to a violation of pressure in the pulmonary ducts (against the background of partial obstruction of the respiratory tract).
- Pneumosclerosis. As the number of inflammatory foci increases, the he althy tissue of the organ is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue.
- Slowing blood flow. Violation negatively affects breathing, depressing it.
- Disappearing lung. A rather rare pathology localized in one part of the organ, less often in two. It is expressed in dystrophic changes in its tissue, and filling 3 parts of the space with air bullae.
The causes of popcorn lung disease are different, but the first place among them is occupied by all kinds of infections. For example:
- herpes;
- adenovirus;
- cytomegalovirus;
- parainfluenza virus;
- mushrooms of the genus Aspergillus and Candida;
- Klebsiella;
- legionella;
- mycoplasmas.

When entering the human body, these microorganisms damage he althy cells, causing non-specific reactions in the form of blockage of the bronchioles.
More often such pathological processes are diagnosed in children who have had rubella, measles or chicken pox. In adults, other factors dominate.
In most cases, such bronchiolitis develops in immunocompromised individuals, often with HIV infection and other long-termchronic processes that reduce the body's defenses.
Bronchiole damage can occur during the engraftment of donor tissue.
In 20-50% of cases, it is diagnosed in people who have had a transplant operation: The disease is characterized by a severe course, and the prognosis is usually unfavorable. In such cases, a second transplant may be required, which is highly undesirable due to the condition of such a patient. Recently, all kinds of autoimmune diseases are being diagnosed more and more often. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of their occurrence, but doctors tend to suggest that this may be due to factors such as: Most often, the occurrence of popcorn lung disease is associated with the presence of: Often it develops against the background: Currently, chronic bronchiolitis obliterans has not been fully studied, so there may be much more reasons for its occurrence. In recent years, doctors around the world have been seriously concerned about the scale of the spread of nicotine addiction. Signs of popcorn lung disease in smokers occur quite often, although they do not always indicate the development of this unpleasant disease. According to statistics, most patients with chronic bronchiolitis suffer from nicotine addiction. Once in the respiratory system, acrid smoke irritates the delicate mucous membrane, thereby weakening it. The respiratory organs become the entrance gate for various representatives of the pathogenic flora, which are normally destroyed by the body's defense system. Over time, the bronchi of smokers become more vulnerable. There is an obsessive dry cough caused by inflammation and swelling of the large and small bronchi (bronchioles). It may be a sign of the onset of the following respiratory problems: As a rule, getting rid of such a cough is almost impossible. Recently, conventional cigarettes have been replaced by electronic smoking devices called vapers. They are filled with a special liquid, whichand emits fragrant vapor. Manufacturers of such devices claim that no harmful carcinogenic and toxic substances are formed during the vaping process, which makes their use absolutely safe for he alth. Not really. Popcorn lung disease from e-cigarettes occurs at least as often as from conventional ones. Few people, buying such a liquid, are interested in its composition, but in vain. About 75% of all vaping refills contain the dangerous substance diacetyl. It is often used in the food industry to flavor various sweets, creams and other things. It is harmless by itself, its fumes emitted when heated are toxic, which, in fact, happens in a new smoking device. The hazardous properties of the chemical were first reported in the period 2002-2005 Massive cases of popcorn lung disease have been identified at one of the American factories in Missouri, which was engaged in the production of popcorn. In the course of numerous studies of diacetyl, it has been proven that it really adversely affects the functioning of the respiratory system. But the substance was not banned. To this day, it is included in the composition of smoking liquids, confectionery, etc. as a flavoring agent. Most often it can be found in the following fillers: Fans of such new products should be especially careful and carefully study the composition beforeacquisition. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo the following tests: A photo of Popcorn Lung Disease (on x-ray) looks something like the one below. When an acute form of the disease is detected, the patient is treated only in a hospital. Often the process takes a long time and does not always lead to a positive result. The therapeutic scheme is selected individually, taking into account many features. Most prescribed: In the case of a chronic course, it is completely impossible to eliminate bronchiolitis. All efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating emerging complaints, preventing exacerbation and further progression. If bronchiolitis is very severe, the question may arise of the need for an organ transplant. In general, the forecast is unfavorable. The earlier the disease is detected, the more chances a person has. Self-treatment of popcorn lung disease does not make sense, it is guaranteed to aggravate the condition. Many people underestimate the danger of a cough. In a he althy body, it really passes quickly (even in the absence of treatment) thanks to a strong immune But if the latter is weakened, bronchiolitis can become chronic and provoke a number of serious diseases.
Other pathologies