This disease is a neuroallergic dermatitis. According to its characteristics, it differs from the usual true eczema, and therefore requires a completely different drug treatment. Tylotic eczema is often referred to as callus eczema due to the fact that hyperkeratosis occurs exclusively on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The disease progresses rather slowly, so many run it, which leads to poor progress in treatment. Therapy for eczema should be comprehensive. Therefore, it is necessary to find out everything about the causes of the disease and possible treatments.
Diagnosis of eczema
If you notice areas of skin with calluses on your hands or feet that appeared for no reason, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist. It is this specialist who will be able to diagnose a disease such as tylotic eczema. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the spread of the disease, as well as the development of scars and scars on the skin.
After collecting an anamnesis and determining the frequencyallergic manifestation of a skin reaction, a dermatologist may prescribe immunological tests. When tylotic eczema manifested itself, the diagnosis should take into account the emotional and mental state of the patient. It can inform the doctor about some disorders and malfunctions in the body. In this case, the specialist will refer the person for examination to several more doctors to clarify other diagnoses. However, the first thing that will tell about tylotic eczema is dry skin on a large area of skin, resembling multiple corns.

Features of the disease
After a dermatologist makes a diagnosis, it is necessary to understand in more detail the causes of the disease, as well as its features. Most often, the manifestation of this type of eczema is associated with the season. Its development provokes cold and frosty air. Therefore, in most cases, it occurs in winter. Too hot weather can also cause eczema on the hands and feet. Especially when wearing tight shoes for a long time. Doctors call this type of dermatitis dry, or horny eczema, since the affected areas of the skin are devoid of papules and serous fluid. The disease is acute and chronic.
Causes of disease
There are no definite and clear causes accompanying the occurrence of this disease, since it develops under the influence of many factors. Very often heredity becomes decisive, although even it can manifest itself at a fairly late age in the absence of other reasons. Dermatosis may occur due to:
- endocrine, digestive, immune, cardiovascular diseases;
- imbalance of the nervous system in the form of stress or overstrain.
- diseases of organs such as the kidneys and liver (in this case, toxins are removed from the body through the skin);
- metabolic problems;
- fungal infection;
- frequent contact with toxic substances or work in a polluted environment;
- damage to the skin of a thermal, chemical or mechanical nature;
- increased skin sensitivity;
- lack of hygiene;
- chronic infections in the body;
- lowered immunity.
Any of the above reasons, as well as their combination, can lead to the development of eczema of the tylotic variety. If the disease is diagnosed and treated in time, problems associated with movement or an unpleasant appearance of the palms of the hands and feet can be avoided.

Symptoms of disease
It is difficult not to notice the changes in the skin that appear during the development of the disease. Of these, the following should be highlighted:
- Rashes appear on the feet and surfaces of the hands.
- The epidermis is greatly thickened, corn-like growths grow.
- Affected areas of the skin turn red.
- Feet develop cracks that cause pain when walking.
- Skin becomes dry and rough to the touch.
- Possible swelling.
The more running tyloticeczema, the thicker the growths on the skin become. Dry eczema often develops in women who have crossed the menopause. This is due to hormonal failure in the body. If you start treating dermatitis in a timely manner, you can prevent the inflammatory process, which often becomes the result of a serious neglect of the disease.

Therapeutic treatment of eczema
Treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults implies adherence to a certain diet, which should exclude the development of an allergic reaction. In addition to the diet, it is necessary to limit contact with household chemicals, as well as many other irritating factors: heat, cold, frost, tight shoes, etc. Physiotherapy has proven itself in the treatment of dry eczema. It will contribute to the rapid healing of the skin with any type of treatment. Sessions are popular:
- Acupuncture.
- Magnetotherapy.
- UHF.
- Electrophoresis procedures.
- Paraffin wraps.
How to be treated
It is necessary to treat the skin with medicinal formulations. But before you buy topical ointments, you need to get the approval of a doctor. Some types of ointments can only be used in the most severe cases, so as not to cause a worsening of the disease. For example, hormonal ointments should be combined with other drugs. This will not allow the skin to get used to their enhanced action. It is important not only to treat the affected areas with an antiseptic, but also to soften them. If callousedeczema developed due to menopause, you can use gels and ointments based on the hormone estrogen.

Medicated treatment
To get rid of the tylotic form of eczema, you need not only to use topical agents, but also to be treated with medications. This is the only way to prevent relapses, which often occur with a tendency to dermatitis. The doctor may prescribe one or more types of medicines from the following categories:
- Sorbents.
- Neuroleptics.
- Sedatives.
- New generation antihistamines.
- Eubiotics.
- Hormonal drugs glucocorticosteroids.
- Immunostimulatory.
- Adsorbents.
Antihistamines are most commonly prescribed. Of the new generation drugs, such as Fexofenadine, Desloratadine, Cetirizine, Zyrtec and Levocetirizine are in great demand. Antihistamines have the ability to break the pathological chain, acting as a blocker for histamine-sensitive receptors. Such drugs do not have a negative impact on he alth and are suitable even for those who experience problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, you should not use an antihistamine in combination with a drug of similar effect, so as not to provoke a complication of eczema.
Treatment prescription
When drawing up a course of treatment, a dermatologist not only prescribes the duration of admissiondrugs, but also makes possible combinations of different drugs to enhance their effect. That is why it is very important to find a good specialist. Self-medication can only exacerbate eczema, making it chronic. Treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults in this form will be much more difficult in the future. Drug therapy for dry eczema is in many ways similar to the treatment of ordinary dermatitis.

Using folk methods
Complex therapy includes the use of traditional methods of treatment. Fortunately, there are a huge number of recipes that can significantly alleviate the condition of the skin if tylotic eczema occurs. Among them are the following:
- Chop a small amount of burdock root and brew it with two cups of boiling water. Then leave the product to infuse under the lid for 30 minutes. The finished medicine must be filtered, moistened with cotton pads in it and applied to the affected areas of the skin with eczema. Compresses can be done as often as dry skin requires.
- Make homemade cucumber pickle. This remedy will perfectly soften the skin, as well as relieve itching. However, it must be used with extreme caution. If there are deep cracks on the feet or palms, brine should not be treated.
- Sea buckthorn oil is good for applications. They can lubricate the skin or apply a moistened cloth to it. If sea buckthorn oil is not available, olive oil will be an excellent substitute.
- Softens and heals the skin, not only sea buckthornoil, but also aloe juice. This plant contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins that contribute to rapid regeneration. Its juice can be moistened with bandages and wrapped around the feet and palms. You can also apply a cut aloe leaf to the affected skin. Another effective and useful plant is Kalanchoe, if tylotic eczema of the feet has appeared. Its juice is also excellent for treating any manifestations of dermatosis.
Despite the benefits of folk remedies, one should not forget about drug treatment or replace it with homemade recipes. This is the only way to cure tylotic eczema forever.

Disease prevention
Even after successful treatment, there are risks of recurrence of the disease. To exclude them, you must always follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to adhere to them not only in everyday terms, but also professionally. It is necessary to choose shoes carefully so that they do not rub or squeeze the toes. Weeping, irritated or chafed areas on the skin should not be created. When they occur, you must immediately treat the feet with an antiseptic, preventing this from manifesting tylotic eczema. The reasons for her relapse are most often rooted in non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.
To prevent tylotic eczema, you should make changes to your daily routine. An active lifestyle and proper sleep are very important to maintain immunity. Stress and lack of rest are bad for he alth, creating a favorable atmosphere for relapse.diseases. It is also very important to eliminate allergens in food and household areas. Foods that cause allergies should be excluded from the diet, not only during the treatment period. If eczema is still formed, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. An experienced specialist will select the appropriate course of treatment and help stop the development and progression of eczema.

Diet for eczema
Nutrition plays a significant role if tylotic eczema appears. Diet, as with any treatment, significantly affects the state of he alth. Foods that cause allergies can aggravate eczema or provoke its recurrence. You can identify allergens with the help of tests that the doctor takes at the appointment during the examination. If the specialist did not consider it necessary to identify forbidden products, you need to independently limit yourself from the most common allergens. Most often they are various sauces, red vegetables and fruits, juices, fruit and herbal teas, carbonated sweet water, eggs, dairy products.
From fruits and vegetables, preference should be given to those grown locally. Before heat treatment of potatoes, it should be soaked for at least two days with a mandatory change of water. It is allowed to eat it only when the level of starch in it becomes minimal. If any dish or product causes itching or other discomfort, you should immediately exclude the allergen from the diet.