Invasive candidiasis: main manifestations, symptoms and treatment

Invasive candidiasis: main manifestations, symptoms and treatment
Invasive candidiasis: main manifestations, symptoms and treatment

Many women and men know firsthand what fungal diseases of the oral cavity and genital organs are. Such pathologies cause a huge amount of trouble and significantly reduce the quality of life. In very rare cases, patients develop a pathology such as invasive candidiasis. You can read about what this disease is, as well as how to recognize and treat it, in this article. Carefully study the information provided in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

What is this pathology

feeling unwell
feeling unwell

Invasive candidiasis is a very dangerous fungal disease in which the Candida fungus, entering the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body along with the blood, causing inflammation. As you know, microorganisms of the genus Candida live in every person inmouth, intestines and vagina in small quantities.

When the immune system works properly, this fungus simply coexists peacefully and does not develop its dangerous activities. However, if the defenses are violated, it will quickly begin to act. If the disease has attacked the oral cavity or genital organs, then it is quite simple to cure it by taking special antifungal drugs for a couple of weeks. However, with invasive candidiasis, things are not so simple. If the fungus has already entered the bloodstream, and with it into the tissues of the organs, then it will be very difficult to cure it. Delayed treatment can also lead to death.

Main reasons for development

digestive system
digestive system

Of course, if immunity leaves much to be desired, then be prepared for attacks by various pathogenic organisms. In fact, most often such a pathology affects those people who have undergone surgery or have started thrush. Often, the disease also occurs after experienced severe burns, as well as when wearing a catheter on the bladder.

Risk factors

Let's consider in what cases this ailment can also occur:

  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs. As you know, antibiotics kill not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, they do not always have an exclusively positive effect on the body.
  • Also, the disease can occur in the presence of diabetes or in people suffering from serious diseases of the digestive system.
  • Afterreceiving various injuries of the body.
  • Invasive candidiasis can occur after repeated blood transfusions, as well as when it becomes infected.
  • Please note that dental prosthetics can also cause blood poisoning.
  • Overweight patients with impaired metabolism are prone to developing such a dangerous form of candidiasis.

The disease can also appear in newborn babies. This happens quite often, especially if the baby at birth had a critically low weight or was born prematurely. Also very often suffer children who, during the first month of life, have already learned what antibacterial drugs are.

Invasive candidiasis symptoms

headache and fever
headache and fever

The first signs of the disease are almost impossible to notice, as the patient's condition remains unchanged. However, some symptoms will soon be observed. Since invasive thrush affects the internal organs, the symptoms will concern them. Carefully read the main manifestations of invasive candidiasis in order, if necessary, to contact a medical institution in time and start timely treatment. So, usually a person has the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by severe overwork and constant weakness;
  • the use of antibacterial agents does not improve the patient's condition;
  • pain in the affected organ;
  • if diseaseaffected the digestive system, the patient may notice how small blood clots appear in the feces, and there is a constant alternation of diarrhea and constipation.

Remember that invasive candidiasis is indeed very dangerous. Delayed treatment can lead to inflammation of the brain, as well as meningitis. In addition, the patient may begin problems with urination. If treatment is not started as soon as possible, it can be fatal.

Main forms of the disease

newborn baby
newborn baby

There are three forms of this disease. Each of them has its own characteristics. Consider each of them:

  • The very first form is called candidemia. It is very difficult to recognize it, as it is characterized by the gradual spread of the fungus in the blood. Rarely, the patient has kidney failure.
  • Next comes the invasive form of candidiasis. The intestines, lungs and other organs are targeted. Most often, this form is characterized by damage to one or two organs, but no more.
  • The third form is called disseminated candidiasis. This pathology is characterized by damage to a large number of organs. The patient's condition is deteriorating significantly, requiring hospitalization.

Which organ suffers the most

stomach pain
stomach pain

The most common type of disease in patients is invasive intestinal candidiasis. Mushrooms are able to stick to the walls of the intestines,accumulate and proliferate. After that, they penetrate into the thickness of the organ, acquiring a filamentous form. Candida is capable of producing a large amount of toxic substances that have a negative effect not only on the digestive system, but on the whole organism as a whole.

Invasive focal form of intestinal candidiasis is characterized by damage not to the entire organ, but only to its individual parts. Most often it can be found in those tissues that have already been damaged. At the same time, it is impossible to recognize this form of the disease without special additional studies. But more serious forms of the disease damage the entire organ and significantly worsen the patient's well-being.

Disease of the central nervous system

Candidiasis can also affect the nervous system. Most often this happens in the case of newborn premature babies, as well as people who take drugs in an invasive way. The disease can be very severe and lead to serious and lingering consequences.

Disease affecting the eyes

There is another type of candidiasis called endophthalmitis. This disease occurs in about eight percent of all patients with candidiasis. It does not occur on its own, but is a consequence of other forms of pathology. Most often occurs with prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, as well as with prolonged excessively long injection treatment.

Other deviations

The fungus can also affect other organs and their systems. OftenMicroorganisms of the genus Candida affect the heart, causing pathologies such as endocarditis, phlebitis and pericarditis, as well as the lungs and other organs. It is very important to monitor the symptoms, for the general state of your he alth. If you notice any negative changes, go to the hospital immediately.

Diagnostic features

the immune system
the immune system

It is almost impossible to determine the disease at home. Be sure to see your doctor and tell him what is bothering you. Usually, diagnostic measures are very extensive, since the disease affects several organs. So, what tests are most often carried out in the clinic:

  • blood test to take over several days;
  • analysis of feces, urine, sputum, as well as fluid taken from wounds;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • x-ray and MRI;
  • carrying out histological studies;
  • also doing research on vision.

Features of treatment

Treatment of invasive candidiasis is very important to start on time. To a greater extent, its effectiveness will depend on this. The longer you put off seeing a specialist, the more likely you are to get serious damage to your internal organs, which can eventually lead to death.

After the diagnosis has been established, the doctor must identify the cause that provoked the development of candidiasis. After that, antifungal and antibacterial drugs are prescribed, which can be taken orally, andalso in the form of injections and droppers. In this case, the drugs are prescribed individually. If the doctor prescribed to the patient a medication that he had previously used against the treatment of candidiasis, then in this case it will be ineffective. The doctor will have to prescribe another medication that has completely different active substances in its composition.

Forecasts for the future

forecast for the future
forecast for the future

The consequences of invasive candidiasis can be extremely deplorable, especially if the disease has already passed into the third form. During treatment, it is very important to monitor its effectiveness. So, if positive changes are not observed, the doctor should transfer the patient to other medications. In addition, it is very important to constantly assess the state of the whole organism, and in accordance with this, take additional treatment. Often, patients require surgery.

Unfortunately, this disease very often leads to death (fatal outcome in 40% of cases), especially if treatment was started at its very last stages. If the disease has already had a strong effect on several organs, then death can occur within a month after that.

Importance of preventive measures

It is very important to follow preventive measures, and then the likelihood of contracting invasive candidiasis will be much lower. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands with soap as often as possible and avoid contact with already infected patients.

Don't take antibiotics unless you reallyneeds, as they will affect the defenses of your body. If you are at risk, monitor your he alth very carefully, control the activity of the immune system.

Remember that your he alth is in your hands, so take care of yourself. After all, it depends only on you in what state you wake up tomorrow morning. The more time you spend on your he alth, the happier and longer your life will be.
