Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment

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Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment
Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment

Video: Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment

Video: Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment
Video: Pediatric Chronic Diarrhea, Part 1 of 2 2025, January

Fordyce granules - what is it, what are the signs of this disease, possible causes and existing methods of treatment? It is these questions that we will devote the article to.

fordyce granules
fordyce granules

General information

Fordyce granules, or the so-called seborrheic cysts, are sebaceous glands that appear as light pimples on the skin of the genital organs (penis, lips, etc.), as well as in the groin, lips, nipples, oral mucosa, etc.

Historical background

The name of such formations comes from the name of the famous scientist Fordyce, who described these cysts back in 1896. It should be especially noted that Fordyce granules never cause any harm to he alth. In addition, they are not contagious, are not transmitted during bodily contact and are considered completely normal formations. But at the same time, there are still cases when patients with such manifestations turn to doctors for help. However, this only happens when the Fordyce granules are a noticeable cosmetic defect.

Causes of occurrence

fordyce granules on lips
fordyce granules on lips

At the moment, scientists are still not completelyit is clear why such granules are formed on the skin and mucous membranes. There is also no connection with seborrhea, because the name "seborrheic cysts" is only a translation defect. It is most correct to call Fordyce granules on the labia and other parts of the body visible ducts of the sebaceous glands.

As for seborrhea, in patients with this diagnosis, there is a significant change in the composition of subcutaneous fat. In the future, such a deviation leads to the fact that the ducts of the sebaceous gland are clogged, as a result of which cysts are formed, which in their appearance are very similar to Fordyce granules. The treatment of this disease comes down to the fact that the patient is prescribed various ointments and creams that contain sulfur, salicylic acid, and sometimes even hormones. In addition, with oily seborrhea, a doctor may also recommend such remedies as Chloral Hydrate and Resorcinol, as well as other medicines used in the form of alcohol solutions.

It should be noted that Fordyce granules on the penis, testicles and other places in most cases appear during puberty. This pattern prompted scientists to believe that the reason for the appearance of seborrheic cysts is that the sebaceous glands in some people are located closer to the upper layer of the epidermis than is normal. Thus, a child from birth has a special structure and arrangement of the ducts. But during puberty (at about thirteen or sixteen years of age), under the influence of hormones (most often we are talking about male sex hormones), somean increase in the activity of the glands, resulting in a significant increase in fat formation. This process leads to the fact that the so-called Fordyce granules on the testicles or other parts of the body become visible.

fordyce granules on the labia
fordyce granules on the labia

By the way, such people have a significant increase in the number of gland ducts (sebaceous). In this regard, such cysts are much more likely to form in them, because in this case the secret of the glands is not excreted, but accumulates inside the cavity, which ultimately leads to a cosmetic defect.

Appearance of granules

To distinguish Fordyce granules from seborrhea, you should definitely know exactly how they look. As you know, such cysts resemble small (about one to two millimeters in diameter), slightly convex specks of yellowish-white color, which are most often located in groups near the border of the lips, in the region of the glans penis, on the testicles, foreskin, on the mucous membranes of the cavity mouth (sometimes even the eyes and eyelids), as well as on the skin of the labia majora.

It is worth noting that such cysts are painless and numerous. Getting rid of them on your own is almost impossible. When pressing on the granules, only a small amount of a thick yellowish-white mass is released from the cavity. After that, a slight bleeding occurs on the spot with the formation of a small hematoma around the granule. After some time, a similar formation appears again at the site of the squeezed out cyst.

fordyce granules on the foreskin
fordyce granules on the foreskin

Varieties of granules

Currently, Fordyce granules are divided into two types:

  • pearl nodules on the penis;
  • Fox-Fordyce disease.

Let's consider the causes and features of such cysts in more detail.

Pearl papules on the penis

Fordyce granules on the foreskin are a variant of the norm. As statistics show, such manifestations occur in almost thirty-five percent of the representatives of the stronger sex of a young age. These papules do not cause any harm to he alth, do not cause complications, and are never sexually transmitted. In medical practice, the presented problem has not been studied enough, and therefore there is simply no effective therapy for such manifestations today.

fordyce granules on penis
fordyce granules on penis

By the way, experts also could not identify the reason for the appearance of this variety. Although some scientists believe that these papules are formed as a result of excessive proliferation of the epithelium of the ducts of the sebaceous glands located on the penis. One cannot ignore the fact that among some peoples who practice circumcision, such formations are extremely rare. This fact is due to the fact that an increased amount of smegma and secretion, which, due to their chemical and physical properties, irritate the epithelium of the penis and cause the growth of papules, are washed off faster during hygiene procedures.

Fox-Fordyce disease

Fordyce granules on the lips (genital) are an analoguemother-of-pearl papules on the glans penis, but only in women. The clinic of such a deviation is absolutely identical to the clinic of formations on the testicles and foreskin. This lesion most often occurs in the apocrine sweat glands and is associated to some extent with the genitourinary apparatus. The cause of Fox-Fordyce disease in women lies in the endocrine origin. Such rashes most often occur on the pubis, in the perineum, axillary pits, around the nipples and on the labia majora. As a rule, Fordyce granules in the fair sex appear along with moderate skin itching, which often intensifies during menstruation. The course of this disease is long, but often everything goes away spontaneously by the age of forty.

fordyce granules treatment
fordyce granules treatment

Fordyce granule differentiation

The presented rashes, as well as their varieties (Fox-Fordyce disease and papules on the penis) should be distinguished from such ailments:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • lichen flat red;
  • focal chronic eczema.

No additional diagnostic methods for making a medical diagnosis, except for a visual examination by a specialist, as well as the exclusion of other diseases, are required.

Treatment of granules

As mentioned above, there is currently no official therapy for such a deviation. But still, some experts are trying to find ways to solve this problem. Although such treatment is controversial and unconfirmedcharacter.

As a rule, some doctors recommend using Retin-A cream and jojoba oil to eliminate this cosmetic defect. According to experts, such products, with their long-term use, remove fresh Fordyce granules, and also prevent the possible appearance of new ones. As for old papules, they are treated quite successfully by laser cauterization.

fordyce granules on testicles
fordyce granules on testicles

Surgical removal of such rashes is almost never used, because this method is the most radical. Independent removal of granules using conventional extrusion is absolutely unacceptable. This is due to the fact that such self-medication can lead to a strong inflammatory process with further scarring of the skin.

It is also worth noting that the therapy of granules that form around the border of the lips quite often comes down to permanent tattooing, because in some cases such localization is an aesthetic problem. At the same time, by the age of thirty, most of these elements lose their bulge and brightness, and they also become less noticeable. This fact is associated with some decrease in the formation of sex hormones and the activity of the sebaceous glands.