Does your knees crackle when you squat? - Immediately to the doctor

Does your knees crackle when you squat? - Immediately to the doctor
Does your knees crackle when you squat? - Immediately to the doctor

The fluid itself in the knee joint is a necessary element, since it serves as a lubricant for the cartilaginous surfaces that come into contact during movement. If there is no such secretion in the knee or it is excessive, it is considered a pathology, as this leads to a disruption in the normal functioning of the joint and, as a result, causes severe pain and a crunch in the knees when squatting.

crunchy knees when squatting
crunchy knees when squatting

Causes of fluid accumulation in the knee joint

In fact, the accumulation of fluid in the knee joint can be due to several reasons:

-aseptic inflammation. In the fluid of the knee joint, changes are found that may appear during trauma, after hypothermia, or with arthritis. This condition can occur when cartilage tissue decay products accumulate in the joint fluid, which provokes a situation where knees crunch when squatting;

- purulent inflammation. It is characterized by the fact that in case of severe knee injuries, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the joint fluid, startingmultiply;- immune inflammation. It occurs as a result of damage to the joint by pathological immune formations that occur in diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, severe allergies, etc. With this kind of inflammation, the knees also crunch when squatting.

Symptoms of diseased knee joints

With regard to the clinical signs of fluid in the knee joint, doctors have identified the following:

1) increase in leg size in the area where the knees crunch;

2) limitation of motor function (pain when bending and extension, crunch);

3) swelling around the knee that is firm to the touch;4) burning, redness, or feeling of warmth on the skin in the knee area.

cracking knees when squatting
cracking knees when squatting

Treatment of fluid in the knee joint

When detecting a pathology of the knee joint, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid any complications and pain symptoms. Initially, you need to reduce the number of movements of the sore leg to a minimum. Steroid drugs are prescribed to block the production of inflammatory fluid. If, with purulent inflammation, knees crunch when squatting, intra-articular antibiotic therapy is used, ointments with antiseptic and antimicrobial effects are prescribed. For the treatment of aseptic inflammation of the knee joint fluid, dry compresses based on ichthyol and herbal remedies (cabbage leaf, lakonos, etc.) are prescribed. Fluid is pumped out of the joint only in the most severe case, and not when squatting knees crunch and the specified pathology is found. Atsuch an operation, an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory agent is injected into the joint, which disinfects the liquid and prevents it from penetrating into other tissues of the leg and spreading harmful microorganisms there.

crunchy knees when squatting
crunchy knees when squatting

Thus, if knees crunch when squatting, or at the slightest suspicion of fluid in the knee joint, as well as in the presence of at least one of the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is important to remember that over time, this disease can become chronic and lead to a complete impairment of motor function - this can put an end to normal independent movement without pain.
