The occipital nerve, the inflammation of which is caused by pinching by nearby tissues, causes a lot of suffering to a sick person. As the disease progresses, the roots in the neck area are affected. The pain becomes excruciating, and movements during the attack are accompanied by nausea, and sometimes fainting. Symptoms are extremely individual. Often the patient complains about the spread of pain in the eye, temporal and frontal parts.

What are the types of neuralgia?
How does the pathological process manifest itself in such an area as the occipital nerve? Inflammation is divided into two forms, depending on the cause that caused it:
- Primary or idiopathic. Its development occurs without any preconditions.
- The secondary form is caused by trauma, tumors and other pathological processes.
How does inflammation of the occipital nerve manifest itself? Symptoms and treatment, photos are presented in this article.

Where is the occipital nerve located?
Sensory nerve branches in the plexus inthe region of the neck, between the thoracic region and the collarbone, extends further under the muscle in the neck. Behind the second cervical vertebra is the occipital nerve. It connects tissues and organs with the central nervous system, providing impulses.
What happens with neuralgia?
The occipital nerve, inflammation of which is provoked by irritation of its root, has increased sensitivity. The fibers in the roots, when structural disorders appear, begin to give impulses of increased frequency, which cause pain.
What are the reasons?
Inflammation of the occipital nerve, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in this article, has its own triggers.
- The most common cause of the disease is the presence of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. This damages the nucleus in the vertebral disc.
- Injury to the back or neck that causes compression of nerve fibers.
- Occipital nerve cold.
- Presence of arthritis of the cervical vertebra.
- Strain of the muscles of the neck and shoulder.
- Sedentary lifestyle, constant driving a car, staying at a computer monitor, desk. Muscles hold down spasms, which contributes to the development of chronic neuralgia.
- Infectious lesions that affect nerve fibers.
- Presence of diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis.
- Benign and malignant neoplasms of various etiologies and their location in the region of the cervical vertebrae and brain.
- Autoimmune diseases thatprovoke the destruction of the body's nerve cells by the immune system.
- Having multiple sclerosis.
- Rheumatic joint disease.
- Presence of lupus erythematosus.
- Gouty s alts.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Inflammation in the vessels.
- Nervous tension.
- Negative emotions.
- Spondylitis due to tuberculosis.
- Severe cold or flu.

Symptoms of disease
Inflammation of the occipital nerve, the symptoms of which are varied, manifests itself at the level of sensations.
The main symptom of inflammation of the occipital nerve is acute pain that appears paroxysmal. The pain is localized in the area of innervation of the nerves in the back of the head. It can spread to the neck or ear, affecting one side (quite common), or both, depending on the extent of the spread of the inflammatory process.
Pain is peculiar. Patients compare their sensations with lumbago, the passage of an electric discharge, a burning pulsation. Sensations propagate along the course of the nerve fibers. The pains are acute, quite intense, often bring the patient torment. Provocateurs are turning the head, sneezing, coughing. To relieve discomfort, patients keep their head in a position that is comfortable for them, slightly tilting it back or sideways.
Each attack lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. Number of seizures per dayvaries from a single case to hundreds. A large number of seizures prevents the patient from leading a full-fledged lifestyle, causing a drop in working capacity. In some cases, aching dull pain is noted in the back of the head between attacks.
A striking sign of illness is the presence of trigger points. Pressing on them causes a sharp pain.
From a large nerve passing in the back of the head, a conditional line is drawn that connects the mastoid process and the occipital protuberance. It is divided into three parts. The location of the dot is between the middle and inner thirds.
For a small nerve in the back of the head in the area of attachment of the sternum muscle to the mastoid process, along its edge from behind (Kerer's point).
Another indicative symptom of the disease is a decrease in sensitivity in the irritated area. The prick is regarded by the patient as a touch, and a slight pressure with the hand is not felt at all.
How else can inflammation of the occipital nerve manifest itself? Symptoms can be expressed in tingling, crawling, burning and other sensations. The structure of the skin in this part may become modified. Her pallor or, conversely, redness is noted.
Also characterizes the disease increased sensitivity to light. Bright light provokes aching pain in the inside of the eyes.
Signs of inflammation of the occipital nerve are similar to the symptoms of a migraine. However, with their constant manifestation, you should seek help from a specialist.

Howbeing diagnosed?
Diagnosis of neuralgia is quite difficult. The causes of migraine can be different. Therefore, the doctor conducts a thorough examination, takes an anamnesis, reveals the presence or absence of neuralgia by the following methods:
- Computed tomography. It allows you to give layer-by-layer imaging of tissues by means of x-rays. This method is particularly accurate in diagnosing various diseases.
- Carrying out x-rays. This method makes it possible to assess the condition of the joints and bones.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide a picture of the condition of soft tissues and bones by irradiating the suspected affected area with electromagnetic waves.
Measures for the subacute period
Many are interested in how to treat inflammation of the occipital nerve in the subacute period. In this case, warming procedures can be carried out. At home, you can make compresses with alcohol, lavender tincture or salicylic alcohol. Perfectly proven acupuncture and physiotherapy. Of note are laser irradiation and ultrasound therapy.
How is the treatment done?
An inflammation of the occipital nerve can be treated conservatively or surgically. First of all, doctors try in every possible way to avoid surgery.
How to stop inflammation of the occipital nerve? What to drink?

Conservative treatments include:
- The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsimpact. For example, such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Naproxen and others. The drugs relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Miorelaxants are also used. These are drugs that help reduce muscle tone. Their use gives excellent results, provided that the development of inflammation of the nerve in the back of the head is caused by a spasm of the muscles along its course. The most effective drugs are Tizanidin (Sirdalud) and Mydocalm.
- Using anticonvulsants and antidepressants.
- Nerve block in the back of the head. This procedure involves the introduction of a mixture of drugs into the exit points of the nerve on the skin. These can be hormonal drugs such as Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Dexamethasone or anesthetics - Lidocaine, Novocaine. With the correct implementation of the blockade, the pain syndrome subsides. Sometimes, after a while, a second procedure is required.
- Physiotherapy methods. Application of ultrasound, laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy.
- The use of massage in combination with exercise therapy.
- Reflexology.
- Manual therapy. For example, traction of the spinal column. Such a measure is justified in case of degenerative dystrophic processes in the cervical spine.
When is surgery indicated?
In cases where the pain is chronic or is observedlack of positive dynamics with conservative treatment, doctors recommend surgery.
There are two types of surgery:
- Nerve stimulation in the back of the head. Wiring is connected to their ends, through which current pulses pass, stopping pain. In a painful place, the patient feels a vibration or a feeling of heat spreading. Such an intervention has a big advantage. It does not cause side effects and causes minor mechanical damage to the body. This procedure creates an obstacle to the transmission of pain impulses from nerve cells to the brain. After achieving remission, it is necessary to treat the cause of the disease, since this technique is classified as symptomatic.
- Microvascular decompression is performed using microsurgical devices. It helps to deactivate the nerve compression itself. The essence of the operation is to correct the blood vessels that put pressure on the nerve endings. This causes pain relief.
If the surgical intervention did not have the desired result, the patient is re-examined. However, such cases are extremely rare.
How to treat the disease at home?
How to treat inflammation of the occipital nerve yourself? Treatment with folk remedies will not be enough. They should be used in combination with the main drug therapy, the scheme of which is drawn up by a doctor.
How is occipital nerve inflammation treated at home? There are a number of proven methodscontributing to the relief or complete elimination of pain caused by inflammation of the occipital nerves:
- Using a herbal bath. Its basis is oregano, thyme, peppermint. Herbs should be taken in equal proportions. It takes about one tablespoon with the top of a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be strained through cheesecloth and added to the bath. The duration of the water procedure should be 10 minutes. The intensity of treatment depends on the degree of nerve damage. As a rule, procedures are carried out for a month.
- Using compresses. Chopped pickles, potatoes, onions are taken. Vegetables should be poured with wine vinegar and let it brew for two hours. In this case, the mixture is periodically stirred. The compress is placed on the forehead and back of the head twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Lasts one hour.
- Ear drops. A few drops of raw beets are instilled into each ear. Beetroot can be grated on a fine grater, put it in gauze. The resulting tampon is placed inside the ear.
- Intake of decoction inside. Two teaspoons of lumbago (only dry grass should be used, as fresh is saturated with poisonous oils) is poured with a glass of boiling water. Should be taken throughout the day at 50 ml.
Can inflammation of the occipital nerve be eliminated by these methods? Home treatment has a high degree of effectiveness, but as already noted, it is carried out in conjunction with drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Possible consequences
In the absencewith appropriate treatment, the pain begins to progress. The occipital nerves are destroyed. In addition to the occurrence of permanent pain, you can get such a serious complication as blindness.
Intense pain occurs when inflammation of the occipital nerve transforms into neuropathy. At the same time, nearby soft tissues become sensitive and receptive even without head movement. The neck may be deformed.
Elimination of the consequences is more difficult than the treatment of the underlying disease. Correcting the curvature of the neck is not always possible. Often a person becomes disabled.
The article examined the pathological process in such an area as the occipital nerve. Its inflammation is a serious disease requiring urgent treatment. It is characterized by sharp pains in the back of the head that may radiate to the eyes and ears.
How is inflammation of the occipital nerve stopped? Treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, as the disease can lead to irreversible damage.

In no case should you resort to self-diagnosis, as neuralgia can be confused with neuritis, which resembles it in its symptoms, but requires completely different approaches to treatment.