The name "wart" is already causing discomfort. These growths do not itch or hurt, but can appear anywhere: on the face, legs, arms and body. But most importantly, warts are a source of infection for others, so you should definitely get rid of them.
What doctors offer
Modern technologies in the field of medicine allow you to quickly get rid of warts. This is laser removal, using liquid nitrogen or radio wave therapy. There are also many effective folk remedies. And there are situations that warts disappear on their own, as soon as the body's immune forces increase. But, unfortunately, this happens very rarely.
Liquid nitrogen
Perhaps this is the most common procedure used to get rid of warts. The essence of the procedure is the effect of low temperatures on the affected area of the skin, after which the freezing and destruction of the wart occurs.

Judging by the reviews, freezing warts with liquid nitrogen is a very effective procedure. If it is carried outseveral times, this is due only to the fact that a large area is affected (or the growth is old).
Many patients report experiencing pain during the session, which can last up to 2 days after the procedure. But most importantly, after freezing, no scars or scars remain on the skin.
Care after the procedure
After the appearance of a bubble at the place where the treatment was carried out, it should be protected from getting wet. You will have to treat with a manganese solution or salicylic alcohol 2 times during the day - in the morning and in the evening. Once peeling begins, the wart does not need to be treated.
In addition, caring for a wound after freezing a plantar wart does not involve going to the beach, as the treatment site may turn black. Perhaps the removal of a growth on the heel can lead to temporary disability. If there is severe pain, then you can take pain medication.
It is not recommended to use a band-aid to protect a blister as it may burst. It is best to use a bandage, which can then be fixed with adhesive tape.
The wound after a session of treatment with liquid nitrogen should be carefully monitored, otherwise inflammation, swelling and suppuration may begin.
Disadvantages of the methodology
Freezing warts with liquid nitrogen, despite the simplicity of the procedure, has a number of disadvantages:
- patients must be given pain medication, especially when it comes to children;
- pain may last for 1-2days after the session;
- there is a chance (small, but still) of a burn;
- if the lesion is large, then several procedures will be required.
Despite its apparent simplicity, liquid nitrogen treatment is not recommended in some cases:
- pregnancy;
- teenage years;
- if the person has more flu or just a cold;
- if there are pressure problems;
- nervous disorders, including epilepsy;
- inflammatory process.
The same rules apply to self-freezing of growths, so before purchasing this or that drug, it is still better to consult a doctor.

What can you do at home?
If for some reason it is not possible to go to a medical institution to remove growths, and the recipes from the grandmother's chest do not help, you can carry out the procedure for freezing warts yourself.
However, it should be understood that all drugs that are aimed at eliminating warts are toxic. If handled carelessly, they can cause burns or scarring. Therefore, before the procedure, you should carefully read the instructions for using a particular drug.
Wartner Cryo

This remedy helps a lot with warts. When applied, there is an instant freeze. The patient feels tingling, the skin becomes pale. Through sometime, a blister appears under the growth, which can often be seen even with the naked eye. After 10 (at least 14) days, the wart disappears or disappears. After about 30 days, at the place where the growth was previously, the skin is completely restored.
The drug should not be used on that part of the body where the skin is too thin, that is, on the neck, face, buttocks, breasts and in the armpit. Wartner Cryo can be used in pediatrics from the age of 4.
The drug is not suitable for the fight against genital warts. Do not use it to remove moles and other growths. The remedy is not recommended during the period of bearing a child, during lactation and in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
One application allows you to get rid of one wart. If there are several growths, then the warts are frozen at intervals of two weeks. If they are old, then 2 or 3 procedures will be required. If after the third treatment the build-up has not disappeared, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.
The cost of the drug is from 760 rubles. Most of the reviews about it are positive. People write that the procedure is absolutely painless, the effect occurs in 10-14 days.

Another cryotherapy tool to get rid of warts at home. You can use the drug from 4 years. After the procedure, no scars remain.
The drug is not allowed to be used to remove growths of unknown origin. If the procedure is carried outcorrectly, according to all requirements, according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, then the wart should fall off in 10-14 days.
The cost of the drug: from 500 to 800 rubles. There are many negative reviews about it. People write that it does not help. And even if it helped someone, then the wart disappears only after 3 weeks.

The price of this drug is from 900 rubles. This tool is considered quite effective throughout Europe. One package is enough to eliminate 12 growths.
The product contains dimethyl ether and propane, that is, those components that doctors use when freezing warts in beauty salons and medical institutions.
After the treatment of the wart, it completely disappears in 10-14 days. The tool is suitable for combating papillomas, but it cannot be used to remove growths on the mucous membranes.
Depending on the size of the growth, the applicator is applied for 10 seconds if the wart is very small (less than 2.5 millimeters in diameter). If more than 5 mm, then for 40 seconds. To completely eliminate old growths, 3 procedures will be required.
Despite its rather high price, Cryopharm is highly effective in treating warts and is often recommended for home use.
Rules of care
After the procedure, infection should not be allowed to enter the treated area of the skin. It is recommended to apply a loose bandage. In no case canrub the place where the preparation for freezing warts was applied. After the bubble under the growth opens, this place should be treated with a disinfectant.
Other remedies
"Verrukacid" is a fairly inexpensive, but effective remedy with cauterizing properties. The cost of the drug is about 200 rubles. As part of the drug metacresol and phenol.
"Verrukacid" is suitable for the removal of filiform, plantar and common warts. The agent is applied with an applicator exclusively to the place where the growth is located. It is impossible for the drug to get on he althy areas of the skin.
As a rule, 1 procedure is enough to eliminate small warts, which consists of 3-4 applications of the product. Between the first, second and subsequent applications, you should wait for the drug to dry. If a plantar wart is being treated, you will need to apply the product approximately 7 times.
In addition to removing warts by freezing, the doctor may recommend treating the growth with Solcoderm. This tool cannot be used on its own. Before the procedure, the skin must be well steamed, dried and treated with an alcohol-containing solution. The agent is applied with a special applicator clearly to the place where the wart is located. In order for it to better penetrate inside, the build-up should be pressed well during processing. If after the procedure the skin has not changed its color, has not turned yellow, then the procedure is repeated.
After the session, the skin will darken and dry out for several days. It is not allowed to remove the appeared crust on the treatedpatch of skin on its own, it should fall off by itself.
"Super Cleaner" is another effective remedy, which includes sodium and potassium hydroxide. The medicine is applied with a special applicator 1 drop for 3 days. However, this remedy is quite toxic, often leaving scars after treatment.
"Allomedin" is suitable for removing warts in childhood. The gel is applied twice a day to the place where there is an outgrowth. Use within 21 days.
"Dermavit" is a gel that is completely safe. Most importantly, it does not leave scars after removing the wart. The gel is applied daily for 7 days.

Sometimes they come back
Freezing warts at home and in medical centers is not a guarantee that the problem will go away forever. Moreover, the growth may appear in the same place where it was removed earlier. This is not due to the fact that the freezing efficiency is low, but to the fact that the virus infects the deep layers of the skin.
Therefore, it is very important to observe all hygiene measures, avoid contact with infected people, protect the skin from mechanical damage and wear comfortable shoes. In addition, you should monitor your he alth, increase immune strength through hardening and the use of vitamins.

Remember to wash your hands after visiting public places, especially after public transport. Never walk barefoot in places wherewhere humidity is high: in swimming pools, saunas. Never use other people's things and refuse casual sex. If you get hurt, be sure to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic.