Papillomas hurt: possible causes and treatments

Papillomas hurt: possible causes and treatments
Papillomas hurt: possible causes and treatments

Papilloma is a growth on the skin of a benign nature, which is of viral origin. Sometimes papillomas can appear even on the mucous membrane. In everyday life, you can often hear a different name for papilloma - a wart. Every second inhabitant of our planet faces a similar problem. If a person has been found to have HPV - papillomavirus infection, then he may face such an unpleasant situation as injury to the wart, which causes severe pain and the development of the inflammatory process. If the papilloma hurts, then you should seriously think about its treatment.

Damage to the papilloma can cause a huge number of side effects, so if you feel pain, you should immediately contact a specialist. As a rule, education on the skin often brings psychological discomfort. This is especially common in those people whose warts are located in the most prominent places.

Especially carefully you need to monitor those growths that gradually continue to grow, have a convex shape or change their color. Also, most of the patients complain thatpapilloma hurts, and in the place of its formation the skin becomes inflamed.

Papilloma on the back
Papilloma on the back

Why papillomas change

If the wart starts to hurt, it means that there is a negative impact on it. The main reasons due to which papilloma may hurt and discomfort in the area of education may appear include the following:

  • Mechanical damage.
  • Heavy stress.
  • Genetic disease.
  • A side effect of taking a certain medication.
  • Malignancy of papilloma.

Of all these reasons, only two can be called the most common: malignancy and damage to the growth.

Mechanical damage to the wart

Most often, papilloma hurts and becomes inflamed due to an injury that occurs as a result of prolonged physical impact on it. Factors that can injure papilloma include:

  • Friction against the body, clothes or accessories. For this reason, papilloma under the armpit and in similar parts of the body often hurts.
  • Inaccurate use of a razor.
  • Combing the growth with nails.

Initially, when there is an injury, damage to the epidermis occurs. Then an infection can get into the wound, which leads to the development of the inflammatory process. When inflammation is already developing, then a person has certain symptoms, namely:

  • The wart starts to darken and becomes very red around it.
  • Education is changing its shape and size.
  • In the affected area, the papilloma began to hurt, there is a burning sensation and severe itching.
  • May have a high body temperature.

It is very important to treat the damaged papilloma with a special antiseptic as soon as possible. Otherwise, the wart begins to fester over time, which can provoke tissue necrosis and blackening of the skin.

Many people are wondering if papilloma can hurt. Yes, if an inflammatory process has formed. Unpleasant symptoms will not go away on their own. Therefore, if you have injured a wart, then you should immediately go to an appointment with a dermatologist or oncologist and remove the growth. If the papilloma is inflamed and hurts, you should not self-medicate, because this can lead to very sad consequences.

girl clear skin
girl clear skin

Wart malignancy

Due to damage to the build-up, degeneration or the formation of a malignant type of tumor can occur. Malignancy is the process of degeneration of a wart into a malignant tumor. Most often, papillomas are reborn, which belong to the 16th and 18th HPV strains. Rebirth can take several years, but happens faster if a person has a very weakened immune system. Also, the transformation into a tumor is characteristic of those warts that have formed directly on the mucous membrane.

Many patients are wondering why the papilloma hurts and increases in size. The main reason for the development of malignancy is considered to be damage to the papilloma. It should be removed immediately after the first ones have appeared.signs of the development of the inflammatory process. A strong hormonal failure, very weak immunity, a chronic form of the inflammatory process can also provoke rebirth.

Symptoms of papilloma malignancy

If the wart changes, the person will experience the following symptoms:

  • The wart is rapidly growing in size.
  • Not only its shape changes, but also its color. Most often, the growth begins to rapidly blacken.
  • The surface of the papilloma is covered with small cracks, tubercles.
  • There is a discharge of blood or serous fluid.
  • There is severe itching in the area of the growth, burning, pain and tingling.

First of all, you need to carefully examine the patient. Then the doctor will prescribe a variety of studies and tests, thanks to which it will be possible to establish the correct cause of rebirth. After that, the necessary method of treatment is selected. If the process of rebirth is too long, it can cause very serious consequences. In this regard, it is necessary to eliminate the inflamed or degenerate papilloma as soon as possible.

What problems do people with warts experience

Papillomas deliver a huge amount of inconvenience to their owner. This applies not only to malignant tumors, but also to completely harmless growths. The main problems include the following:

  • The growth increases in size, and the skin under the papilloma hurts. Sometimes it can indicate rebirth. If the wart began to gradually increaseafter injury, you should immediately visit a doctor.
  • Papilloma turned red, very swollen.
  • The papilloma on the neck or in any other place hurts, and there are also signs of an inflammatory process. In this case, local painkillers are used, then the growth is removed surgically.
  • The growth turned black and began to dry out. If you do not see a doctor in time, it can degenerate into a hemangioma or into a malignant tumor.
Woman talking to a doctor
Woman talking to a doctor

How papillomas are removed

What to do if earlier the papilloma did not cause any discomfort at all, but now it started to hurt? With the help of a biopsy, specialists will be able to determine the presence or, conversely, the absence of a malignant process in the tissues of the wart. After that, it will already be possible to decide which method is best for removing the build-up.

Surgical way to remove a wart

The affected area of the skin is excised by using a scalpel. During the operation, only local anesthesia is performed. This removal option is very fast, and the wound heals within a few days.


This removal option is a hardware one. An electric current is applied to the wart, due to which the destruction of the protein in the tissues of the growth occurs. The method is painless and does not require anesthesia.

Electrocoagulation of papilloma
Electrocoagulation of papilloma

Cauterization of papilloma with liquid nitrogen

On the affected area of the skin and directly onthe wart is affected by low temperatures. This leads to rapid death and death of growths. The procedure is fast and painless.

Laser removal

This method is considered the fastest and best. The advantages include painless removal, low risk of blood poisoning, speed of the procedure, accuracy. Recently, most people remove papillomas with the help of a laser. If, after removal of the papilloma, its location hurts, you should consult a doctor.

Removal of papilloma
Removal of papilloma

Therapy of inflamed warts with medicines

Treatment of an inflamed growth requires a whole range of measures and consists of taking antiviral drugs, the use of immunomodulators, as well as drugs that will eliminate skin defects.

Therapy of the destructive type can only be done in two ways, namely:

  • Conservative method - uses drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Radical method - carried out by the attending physician directly in the hospital.

Conservative treatments for inflamed warts include:

  • Using antiseptics that do not have colored pigment. They treat the affected area of the skin, cover it with a bactericidal patch on top so that a secondary infection does not occur. In no case should you use brilliant green, iodine or blue.
  • If bleeding occurs, then the treatment method that is commonly used to stop bleeding is used.capillary hemorrhages. The wound is treated with peroxide, "Miramistin" and sealed with a plaster on top, or you can bandage it for convenience.

If, in addition to the inflammatory process, there is severe pain, the wart begins to grow, the skin turns red, but there is no bleeding, then the growth does not need to be processed.

Sometimes, during processing, a small piece may fall off from the papilloma. It must be saved to show the dermatologist for examination.

These methods are considered temporary, and you cannot do without a subsequent visit to the doctor, because in any case, the growth will need to be removed. Do not self-medicate, because this can lead to serious complications or even death.

Man at the doctor
Man at the doctor

How to treat warts at home

If papilloma hurts, what to do at home? The only option for self-treatment of a wart is first aid, as well as the use of antiseptics to keep the affected area of the skin perfectly clean.

Traditional medicine should not be used for treatment, especially if they contain certain aggressive active ingredients. These include vinegar, iodine, celandine. This can provoke even more severe damage to already inflamed tissues. This is especially dangerous if the wart has begun to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Before you visit a specialist, you can perform the following manipulations:

  • Hygienic procedurescharacter.
  • Using barrier contraception.
  • Use of immunostimulants.
  • Proper and he althy eating.
  • Record to a specialist for examination and diagnosis.

Rehabilitation period after removal of an inflamed wart

Regardless of which of the methods for removing an inflamed wart is right for you, it is imperative that you take precautions after the procedure to avoid all sorts of complications and prevent the recurrence of the pathology. Precautions include the following:

  • Try to keep the affected area from getting wet until the crust formed after removal falls off.
  • Do not bandage or cover the affected area with a plaster.
  • No need to use emollient cream or decorative make-up in the place where the growth was removed.
  • Try to be in the sun as little as possible until the skin on the affected area becomes the same color as the main epithelium.
  • Watch your diet.
  • Try to avoid any stress for the first time: both physical and psychological.
  • Be sure to take immunomodulators and antivirals prescribed by your doctor.
Vaccine against the development of papilloma
Vaccine against the development of papilloma

How to avoid recurrence of the disease

In order to avoid problems with warts again and the inflammatory process does not begin to develop again, you must constantly follow simple rules:

  1. Give enoughattention to personal hygiene, so that there are no favorable conditions for the reproduction of HPV. Avoid moist, warm environments, which are considered ideal for the virus to multiply.
  2. Do your best to keep the growths you have left from chafing with your clothes.
  3. If the wart came off, then the affected area should be treated with an antiseptic and bandaged.
  4. Try to avoid nervous tension and physical overwork.
  5. Do your best to boost your immune system. You can take vitamin complexes.

If you follow these fairly simple tips, it will help to avoid further recurrence of the pathology. This way you will keep your he alth.

Papillomas are not a very terrible problem, the main thing is to carefully treat the growths so as not to damage them and minimize all factors that can provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process. Know one thing: if the papilloma began to hurt - contact a specialist as soon as possible!
