What is a fungus? Types and methods of treatment

What is a fungus? Types and methods of treatment
What is a fungus? Types and methods of treatment

What is a fungus, probably everyone knows, as many suffer from this problem, which occurs for a variety of reasons. Fungal diseases can affect different parts of the body, in particular:

  • nails;
  • skin;
  • some internal organs.

Many of them are always inside the human body, on the mucous membranes or skin and become pathogenic only under certain conditions.

Fungal diseases

A fungus, the photo of which helps to determine the characteristics of the disease, can occur on different parts of the body. Fungal lesions are a group of various infections that, without competent therapy, are constantly progressing. Despite the fact that they do not lead to a decrease in the quality of life, they still cause some discomfort.

what is fungus
what is fungus

Doctors distinguish several types of fungal infections, depending on their location, the type of microorganism and the degree of damage. It is also important to understand how the types of fungi differ, the photo can clearly demonstrate this. Given the characteristic signs, it is possible to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and conduct adequate therapy.

Types of fungal diseases

It is important to know not only what a fungus is, but also what varieties of it are, since the peculiarity of the treatment of the disease largely depends on this. To determine the type of fungal infection, it is important to consider factors such as the depth of tissue damage, as well as the location. Depending on this, there are such types as:

  • dermatophytosis;
  • keratomycosis;
  • mycosis;
  • candidiasis.

Each of these species has a different area of localization, as well as a feature of the course of the disease, which is why it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, as well as conduct competent therapy.


Dermatophytosis is characterized by the fact that the deeper layers of the skin, as well as nails and hair, are affected. The pathological process is accompanied by inflammation. The most common forms of fungus are:

  • mycosis;
  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis.
fungus treatment
fungus treatment

Infection with trichophytosis fungi occurs as a result of contact with an infected person or his things. In addition, infection can occur from animals. This disease can occur in several different forms, namely:

  • superficial;
  • infiltrative;
  • suppurative.

The superficial type is characterized by the fact that pinkish or red spots form on the skin, which after a while begin to peel off, become covered with crusts. Stains mayform near the mouth, nose and eyes.

The infiltrative form is an inflammatory process, as well as the presence of puffiness.

The suppurative form is one of the most severe, since red spots with pus are formed on the skin, and when dried, crusts form. Since the areas are open, there is a possibility of penetration of a bacterial infection.

Microsporia is characterized by the fact that the infection comes from animals. Children often suffer from the disease. Symptoms are almost the same as with trichophytosis, but the spots are somewhat smaller in size. The disease affects the scalp as well as the nails.

Mycosis means a lesion of smooth skin, and infection occurs in the household way from a sick person or through contact with his things. The penetration of infection is facilitated by abrasions and cracks. In some cases, mycosis can spread to the face and head. Often, the nail plates are involved in the pathological process. They begin to change their shape and color, become denser or, conversely, brittle. Treatment of nail fungus is quite complicated and lengthy, as the nail plate must be completely renewed.


Keratomycosis is a lesion of the upper layers of the skin and hair. These include nodular trichosporia and lichen. Multicolored lichen occurs when the skin is damaged by pathogenic fungi, which, under normal conditions, are not pathogenic. Symptoms are characterized by the formation of pinkish spots onskin, and then they gradually turn brown, after which they lose their color and become clearly visible only on dark skin.

Trichosporia nodosa is quite rare. This disease is characterized by the fact that the hairy surface of the body and head is affected. A white or black lesion forms around the hair. The hair itself does not break off, and the disease proceeds in the chronic stage.


When candidiasis is diagnosed, many are interested in what a fungus is and how exactly it manifests itself. This disease affects the internal organs, skin and mucous membranes. The causes of candidiasis can be external and internal. Internal causes include diabetes and endocrine disorders, decreased immune function, and prolonged use of antibiotics.

fungus photo
fungus photo

External causes include prolonged contact with the source of infection, as well as neglect of the rules of personal hygiene. Symptoms can be very different, in particular, the disease manifests itself in the form of dryness, burning, and inflammation of the mucosa. Proper treatment of the fungus is required, as it causes significant discomfort.


What is a fungus of the feet, how it occurs, what are the types and features of treatment - people who are prone to this disease should definitely know. Fungal infections are divided into those that form on the skin, as well as nails. The consequence of such a disease may be an ingrownnail.

Fungi can also be on the skin of the legs, affecting the foot and fingers. The first sign is the presence of severe itching of the foot. Then small scales and cracks begin to form on the surface of the skin, which becomes very dry. Over time, the cracks become deeper, up to the formation of non-healing wounds. At the same time, the nail plates change color, acquire a grayish tint and thicken. Subsequently, they crumble, become brittle and can grow into the skin.

Pulmonary mycoses

Deep mycoses are rare, but quite dangerous diseases. They are accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes, internal organs, as well as subcutaneous tissues. Mycoses of the lung tissue are found mainly in people with poor immunity. The course of the disease is very difficult and often ends in the death of the patient.

treat nail fungus
treat nail fungus

If the fungus affects a person with normal immunity, then the disease is asymptomatic, chronic and without complications. Fungal infection occurs against the background of other existing lung diseases. In addition, there may be allergic mycoses of the lungs, which occur when dust contaminated with fungi is inhaled.

For adequate treatment, timely diagnosis is very important, therefore, if absolutely any problems with the lungs occur, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Therapy should be systemic, drug-based and carried out in a hospital setting.

Degrees of damage to the nail

Treatment of a fungus on the legs largely depends on the degree of damage, and this factor is taken into account firstqueue for diagnostics. According to modern clinical guidelines, there are several forms of fungal infection. The distal form is characterized by infection of the final part of the nail, as well as its gradual separation.

Proximal shape indicates deterioration of the immune system. It is often found in people with diabetes, tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms. With this type of disease, infection begins with the part of the nail that is closer to the metatarsus.

The superficial type of the disease is very rare and can be triggered by various pathogens. It manifests itself in the form of a change in the color of the nail plate, as well as its gradual destruction. After a while, the nail begins to crumble and exfoliate.

The dystrophic total type of the disease refers to the very last stage of the lesion of the nail plate. This type of disease is characterized by the complete destruction of the nail plate.

When the first symptoms of a lesion appear, you need to contact a qualified doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe a competent treatment. The remedy for the fungus on the legs or arms must be selected depending on the degree and characteristics of the lesion.

Causes of fungus

When deciding whether to treat nail fungus and other fungal diseases, you must first determine the cause of their occurrence. Given the prevalence of this pathological process, many believe that it is very easy to get infected, but this is not entirely true. For fungus to appearcertain conditions for its subsequent development are required. These include:

  • strong decrease in immunity;
  • wet shoes and socks;
  • excessive vulnerability of the skin and nails;
  • excessive or insufficient hygiene;
  • taking certain antibiotics.

Knowing the main causes of such a disease, it is enough just to follow certain rules that will help prevent the danger of infection. A beneficial environment for the development of fungal diseases is poor-quality shoes, in which the feet often sweat and sweat. However, even high-quality shoes that can be rented are dangerous for the occurrence of fungal infection.

toenail fungus at home
toenail fungus at home

In addition, the fungus can stay in the shower, bath, pool for a long time if it is not removed with special disinfectants. But on the beach, it is almost impossible to get a fungus, as hot sand and s alt water quickly neutralize it.

Symptoms of fungal diseases

You can cure nail fungus quickly and quite effectively, however, it is initially important to determine its type by symptomatic manifestations. Keratomycosis is localized on the surface of the scalp and skin. This type of infection is the least dangerous, as it provokes the occurrence of diseases, the symptoms of which do not provoke inflammation of the skin and itching. Often, such a pathological process is characterized by a change in the color of the skin,the appearance of white spots. Most of these diseases occur in adults. In children, they are formed in the presence of diabetes.

Yeast-type parasites cause itching and redness of the skin. Often, pathogens affect the armpit and groin area. Symptoms grow rapidly, expressed as redness of the affected area, so it is important to treat as soon as possible. When small children are infected, white spots form on their mucous membranes, in particular in the oral cavity.

Dermatophytosis occurs due to the penetration of dangerous pathogens into the body. Often, a fungal infection affects the deep layers of the skin and provokes diseases such as:

  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis;
  • epidermophytosis.

Among the main symptoms, one can single out the presence of inflammatory processes. In the initial stages, white and red spots form on the skin, which cause itching and severe peeling. With the subsequent course of the disease, small blisters form on the skin, which eventually begin to burst, and fluid is released from them. Such symptoms are observed in children and adults, so it is important to take preventive measures.

Deep mycoses provoke a very severe reaction of the body, but they are quite rare. It is very difficult to treat such a disease, and various complications can occur in the form of a viral disease. Fungal infection of the skin occursfast enough, but antifungal drugs help very well, but slowly. After therapy, certain rules must be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of a relapse. Having found the symptoms of a fungal disease, you need to urgently contact a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Methods of treatment

Many patients say: I treat nail fungus on my own. However, this is absolutely impossible to do, as you can greatly harm your body. Fungal diseases of the skin and nails can be very different and are provoked by different pathogens. Although the therapy of all types of diseases comes down to several directions, in any case, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, select drugs and the features of their use. For therapy, such means and techniques are used as:

  • antifungals;
  • drying preparations;
  • mycotic antibiotics;
  • vitamins and immunomodulators.

In the presence of a fungal infection of the skin, special antifungal shampoos are used. Affected nails can be removed surgically. In addition, you can use folk remedies and techniques for therapy and prevention.

foot fungus treatment
foot fungus treatment

The surgical method of therapy is used only for severe damage to the nail and implies the complete removal of the nail plate. The whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia and continuesfor approximately 15-20 minutes. It does not require hospitalization of the patient, it is performed on an outpatient basis, after which the patient goes home and continues general therapy.


Cure toenail fungus at home is quite simple, as there are many different antifungal drugs that can quickly eliminate absolutely any symptom of mycosis. Surgical intervention is performed very rarely, in especially difficult cases. However, before using absolutely any remedy, you must first undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

Depending on the type of fungus, an effective way to eliminate it involves the use of appropriate medications. Fungal infection of the scalp can be treated with medication in tablet form, and ringworm can be treated with ointments.

Anti-inflammatory creams such as Nystatin or Diflucan help well. They will help eliminate spots, puffiness and at the same time do not damage the skin. An ointment from the Lamisil fungus is used, as it helps to eliminate itching and has healing properties. You need to apply this tool in accordance with the instructions several times a day.

foot fungus remedy
foot fungus remedy

In the form of capsules, Fluconazole or injection liquid Amphotericin is prescribed. These antimycotic drugs are prescribed if you need to cure a very severe fungal infection, as well as cope withchronic diseases.

Fast recovery occurs when antifungal drugs are used in large quantities for a short period of time, and then a break is taken for a long time. It is worth remembering that all antifungal drugs are very toxic, so they should only be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Traditional medicine

Can I cure my own fungus? Folk remedies are the safest and most effective. However, the most positive result can be obtained with this treatment of mild forms of fungal infection. It is worth remembering that by using only alternative methods, there is a risk that the disease will not be completely cured, and relapses will occur.

To cope with foot fungus at home, baths from various medicinal herbs will help eliminate inflammation, heal the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. For the treatment of skin fungus, an ointment prepared on the basis of butter and chopped garlic is used. It is applied to the skin, avoiding mucous membranes, covered with a film and left overnight.

Oregano oil helps to cope well with mycosis of the scalp. It can be added to shampoo when washing your hair. Treatment of nail fungus at home is carried out in a complex manner, for which various ointments and infusions are used. Before the procedure, it is necessary to make s alt baths, then clean the flaky skin, then apply iodine to the entire affected surface and apply a softening cream.

Nail fungus at home can also be eliminated with blue clay. This remedy must be diluted with water to the state of gruel and applied to the affected area. Fix from above with a bandage or bandage.
