The seam came apart after childbirth: what to do, how to handle? How long do stitches heal after childbirth?

The seam came apart after childbirth: what to do, how to handle? How long do stitches heal after childbirth?
The seam came apart after childbirth: what to do, how to handle? How long do stitches heal after childbirth?

Pregnancy and childbirth are difficult tests for the female body. Often, during childbirth, a woman in labor is injured. Some of them heal quickly and leave no traces behind, and some bring a lot of inconvenience to a woman. One of these consequences are tears and incisions, as well as the subsequent application of medical sutures. The wound must be constantly monitored and cared for. Otherwise, complications may arise. How to care for the seams and what to do if they come apart?

can the seam open after caesarean
can the seam open after caesarean

Types of seams

All seams are divided into:

  1. Domestic.
  2. External.

Stitches on inner fabrics

They are stitches that are placed on the cervix and vaginal walls. The process of applying this type of stitches on the uterus is not anesthetized. There are no muscle endings in this area, so anesthesianot used. When the vagina is torn, an anesthetic is used. After such operations, surgeons prefer to apply absorbable sutures after childbirth.

Stitches placed on the internal organs do not require special treatment. A woman should take a very responsible approach to observing the standards of hygienic personal care.

In order for the wound not to cause problems after the operation, it must be properly looked after. To do this:

  • Use panty liners. At first, the seam will bleed, and in order not to stain the underwear, it is better to use additional protection.
  • For the healing period, give preference to underwear made from natural materials. It should not cause discomfort, rub or restrict your movements. The best option would be to use disposable panties.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. After the operation, washing should be done regularly (after each toilet). To complete the procedure, choose a gentle remedy. It is best to give preference to baby soap. You can make periodic washing with herbal infusions (for example, chamomile).

In order for the inner seam not to cause trouble for a woman, it is recommended:

  • Abstaining from sexual intercourse for at least two months.
  • Refuse from heavy physical activity. Sports activities will have to be postponed for at least two months. Heaviness during this period is also not worth wearing.
  • Be mindful of your daily toilet. A woman should not experience constipation, retention, or too hard stools. For normalizationthe process of defecation after childbirth, it is recommended to drink one spoonful of oil before meals.
Seam came apart after childbirth
Seam came apart after childbirth

The reasons for internal sutures are usually the same:

  • Wrong behavior of a woman in labor (main and most frequent). If the uterus is not yet ready for the birth process, and labor has already begun, then the woman has to push. At this point, the gap occurs.
  • Previous uterine surgery.
  • Late delivery.
  • Reduced cervical elasticity.

Outside seams

This type of suture is applied after delivery by caesarean section and, if necessary, a perineal incision. Depending on the type and nature of the incision, different threads are used. The most common option is self-absorbable sutures after childbirth.

Reason for suturing:

  • Low elasticity of the vaginal tissues.
  • Scars.
  • Prohibition of attempts on the testimony of a doctor. For example, after a delivery by caesarean section at the first birth or myopia, a woman should not push.
  • Incorrect position, large weight or size of the baby. To reduce the risk of tearing, doctors prefer to make a small incision. They heal faster and better.
  • Fleeting childbirth. In such a situation, an incision is made to minimize the risk of birth trauma in the baby.
  • The likelihood of vaginal ruptures. With surgery, the healing process is faster and easier.

Requires permanentcare and attention. Otherwise, there may be complications. For example, inflammation, suppuration of the seam. It is most often after such complications that women turn to doctors about the fact that the seam has parted after childbirth.

how long does it heal
how long does it heal

At the maternity hospital, nurses and the doctor who performed the operation look after the woman. The stitches are processed twice a day. If during the operation the doctor used simple threads or staples, then they are most often removed before discharge.

Correct behavior after external sutures

  1. The seam will itch at first. At the same time, scratching it is strictly prohibited.
  2. When choosing underwear, give preference to natural materials, while the style should be such that it does not hinder movement, and even more so does not rub. It is most convenient to use disposable panties (at least in the early days).
  3. About four to five days after giving birth, a woman has spotting, so you need to use personal hygiene products (pads). They need to be changed every one and a half to two hours.
  4. Some time after the operation (two or three days) it is forbidden to get water on the wound. Therefore, the shower can not be taken immediately. When washing, try not to wet the wound. It is best to purchase a special waterproof plaster for seams. You can buy it at any pharmacy.
  5. We'll have to give up extra physical activity. Weights will not be lifted for 1 to 3 months.
  6. Sex life will be banned for the first time. You will have to abstain for at least two months.
  7. Pay special attention to hygiene. Washing should be done regularly, using gentle hygiene products. After the procedure, be sure to dry the wound. It's good to go without underwear for a while after a shower. Air baths promote the speedy healing of wounds.
  8. When suturing the perineal area, do not sit for at least a week and a half.
  9. After discharge, a few more days will have to treat the stitches with an antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin).
  10. To reduce the risk of rupture of the seams, in the first few days you need to follow a diet and monitor the stool. Pushing at this time is not recommended. Food should be soft or liquid. Avoid pastries and sweets. Eat more dairy products. They will help improve the condition of the intestinal microflora.

Additional recommendations after delivery by cesarean:

  • To prevent seams from coming apart after a caesarean section, try to feed your baby in a supine or semi-sitting position.
  • For better wound healing, you can wear a bandage. Instead of a medical device, you can use a flannel baby diaper. Tie it around your belly. This will help form a framework on the weakened area.
pain in the suture after caesarean section
pain in the suture after caesarean section

To ensure that the stitches heal correctly, quickly, and do not cause problems and complications, do not forget to visit the gynecologist after returning home. It is advisable to see a doctor a week or two after discharge from the hospital so that he can examine the wound and the degree of its healing.

Timesuture healing

Often women ask the question: how long does the seam heal? Many factors affect the healing rate: the skill of the surgeon, the material used, medical indications, incision technique and other factors.

Sutures can be applied with:

  • Self-absorbable threads.
  • Ordinary threads.
  • Using special brackets.

The material used is of great importance for how long the stitches heal after childbirth. When using the first type of material, wound healing takes one to two weeks. When suturing using staples or conventional threads, the healing period will be an average of 2 weeks - a month. Stitches are removed a couple of days before discharge.

Painful and unpleasant symptoms

If the seam hurts after a caesarean section, then you should not immediately start worrying. Unpleasant sensations in the suture area will disturb the woman for about one and a half to two months. Pain in the operated area disappears within a week or two. If the seam hurts after a cesarean section for a longer time, then it is better to see a doctor.

For more accurate information, you should talk to the surgeon. He will be able to tell how long the stitches heal after childbirth in your situation.

bloody suture after childbirth
bloody suture after childbirth

If in the first days the wound is very disturbing, then do not rush to take painkillers. Not all medications are compatible with breastfeeding. Check with your doctor first.

How to care for a seam at home

Often after childbirthwomen go to the hospital with the problem that the suture does not heal after childbirth. Before a woman in labor is discharged, she is explained how to treat wounds on her own. As a rule, antiseptic solutions are used for such a procedure, such as: Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide. It is possible to use ointments as prescribed by a doctor: Solcoseryl, Levomikol and others. With proper care, the risk of negative consequences is low.

Possible Complications

If the doctor's recommendations and instructions are not followed, if disinfection and suture treatment are neglected, the risk of complications is high. Suppuration, inflammation, divergence of the seam are possible, it happens that the seam bleeds after childbirth.

  1. Suppuration. Signs of the inflammatory process can be: swelling of the wound, redness, high body temperature, discharge of pus from the operated area, weakness and apathy. Such consequences are possible with insufficient care for the seams or non-compliance with the basics of personal hygiene. Attending physicians in such situations supplement home care with the use of tampons with wound healing ointments.
  2. Pain in the suture area. The first time after the operation, discomfort is natural. It is worth starting to worry if they continue to disturb for a long time or periodically increase. Such symptoms may indicate the onset of inflammation or infection of the wound.
  3. The seam came apart after giving birth. Situations like this don't happen often, but require the most attention.

The seam came apart after giving birth. What to do?

Seam divergence occursrarely, and the reason for this, as a rule, is the lack of precautions. Before discharge from the hospital, the woman is explained how long the suture takes to heal, what rules to follow and how to properly care for the operated area.

the seam does not heal
the seam does not heal

Causes of seam divergence:

  1. Early sexual activity (recommended abstaining for at least two months).
  2. Excessive exercise (e.g. heavy lifting).
  3. Failure to comply with the recommendations on the timing of when you can not sit.
  4. Infection in the operated area.

Symptoms that the seam has opened after childbirth can be: inflammation, swelling, spotting, pain, high body temperature.

Seam may come apart:

  • partially;
  • completely.

Depending on this, the actions of the attending physician will also be different.

Partial seam split

After the operation, there may be a slight divergence of the seam. It's about two or three stitches. This situation does not require emergency surgery. As a rule, the seam is left in the same form, unless there is a threat of infection or complete separation.

Complete divergence of the medical suture

When the postoperative suture is completely open, a new incision is required. The stitches are re-sealed. This is done in order to prevent possible infection and the development of the inflammatory process.

Most often, women go to the hospital due to the fact that the seam has completely opened after childbirth, already from home. In suchthe situation should not hesitate, it is better to immediately contact an ambulance. Although a discrepancy is possible and almost immediately after childbirth. Then do not worry, it is better to immediately tell your doctor about the problem. Initially, the wound must be treated with antiseptic solutions, after which re-suturing is performed.

To minimize the risk of discrepancy, a woman should not neglect the established mandatory hospital stays. Don't be in a hurry to run home. Being under the supervision of a doctor and medical staff minimizes the possibility of complications.

Can a stitch come apart after a c-section?

The divergence of the seams after childbirth is not common. If a woman suspects that the seam has opened after a cesarean section, then you should immediately contact the clinic at the place of residence or an ambulance. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose in such a situation after an examination. If the inner seam has come apart, then re-suturing is no longer carried out.

seams parted after childbirth consequences
seams parted after childbirth consequences

If the outer seam began to diverge, then the woman herself will be able to detect the symptoms (signs). Signs of suture separation after surgery:

  • bleeding from the wound;
  • pain aggravated by sitting and standing;
  • temperature increase.

If you have a seam split after childbirth, the doctor will tell you what to do. You need to go to the hospital immediately. If the outer seam diverges, the doctor re-suturing. However, afterprocedure, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent the development of inflammation. Unfortunately, after treatment, the woman is forced to stop breastfeeding, as the drugs accumulate in the body and are passed through the milk to the baby.

If your stitches come apart after childbirth, the only consequences will be that this fact will be taken into account in subsequent pregnancies and childbirth.


Suturing after the birth of a child is a fairly common procedure. You shouldn't be afraid of her. With proper wound care and following the doctor's recommendations, the wound will heal quickly, and the scar will become barely noticeable over time.