Clots after childbirth in the uterus: causes. What to do? Cleaning after childbirth

Clots after childbirth in the uterus: causes. What to do? Cleaning after childbirth
Clots after childbirth in the uterus: causes. What to do? Cleaning after childbirth

Childbirth is a complex process for the body. A woman experiences a lot of stress, which can lead to complications. What discharge from the uterus is normal, and what should be feared? What symptoms should cause concern and referral to the hospital?

blood clots in the uterus after childbirth
blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus is subjected to the greatest test and stress. It is with the help of this organ that the child matures, the process of his birth, after which she pushes out the placenta (the membrane of the fetus, the umbilical cord, which connected the baby with the mother and the placenta). But despite the fact that most of the remnants (lochia) are released immediately after the completion of the birth process, a part still remains in the uterus. Therefore, if a clot has left the uterus after childbirth, then do not panic. The remainder of the placenta comes out gradually. The process can take up to six to eight weeks.

Isolation of lochia is like clots after childbirth in the uterus. The first days they are quite plentiful and have a bright scarlet color. Over time, they become lighter. As a result, the lochia stands out in an almost transparent color.

clots after childbirthin the uterus
clots after childbirthin the uterus

Several periods of increased secretions can be noted:

  • Breastfeeding. At this moment, there is an active contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ, which helps to cleanse it of unnecessary elements.
  • When getting up abruptly from bed. Perhaps even the occurrence of pulling pains.

Isolation of lochia is reduced gradually over several months. The most intensive process is the first week, then gradually becomes less and less noticeable. As a rule, after two months, the genital organ stops secreting clots after childbirth in the uterus, which indicates that a complete cleansing has occurred.

The process of cleansing the uterine cavity may be accompanied by pulling painful sensations that gradually disappear. The reason for this is the contraction of the reproductive organ. The pain will stop when the uterus returns to its original size and shape.

Clots after childbirth in the uterus are normal for a woman. During the period when lochia is especially abundant, the woman in labor is under the supervision of a doctor and medical personnel.

Female behavior

The first few days after the long-awaited process of childbirth, the discharge is especially plentiful. At this time, you need to carefully monitor hygiene and use special medical pads. After the discharge becomes moderate, you can switch to the use of regular pads, and then daily ones. Remember to change your hygiene products regularly.

Discharge from the hospital

Before sending a woman in labor home, an ultrasound examination is performed. On himexamine the uterine cavity for the presence of large lochia. If you have not had an ultrasound examination, then contact the clinic at the place of registration or residence. The procedure can protect you from complications.

cleansing after childbirth
cleansing after childbirth

If any deviations are found, the statement is postponed to a later date. There should be no clots left in the uterus at all. Otherwise, a woman may be prescribed a procedure such as cleaning after childbirth. If clots are found in the first two or three days after the long-awaited moment, when the walls of the uterus have not yet contracted, then the procedure for cleansing the genital organ will be less unpleasant, because you will not have to expand the walls.

Postpartum scraping

The procedure is an operation performed in a hospital. Cleaning after childbirth is sometimes just a necessary procedure. During it, the doctor removes all the remnants of the placenta that remain in the uterus. This avoids pain and inflammation in the future. The process itself is performed under anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain.

Causes of placenta remnant

If clots remain in the uterus after childbirth, then the possible reasons for this may be:

  • Low activity of the walls of the uterus, which leads to ineffective contractions. The cause of the problem, as a rule, is a decrease in the level of such a female hormone as prolactin. It is he who promotes uterine contractions and the removal of amniotic membranes.
  • The presence of a bend in the isthmus of the uterus. It may be inbornorganism. During the period of active secretions, blockage of the passage may occur, which will lead to an inflammatory reaction. The presence of such a feature is established by conducting an ultrasound examination. In its absence, the woman herself will be able to recognize the danger by the main symptom of the bend - a sharp stop in the discharge.
blood clots come out what is it
blood clots come out what is it

When should you seek medical attention?

If blood clots come out, what is it, the doctor will be able to tell for sure. Even after the doctor confirms that all is well and goes home, the woman should pay special attention to her discharge. As soon as some strange symptoms appear, then it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor.

The reason to see a gynecologist should be:

  • If blood clots in the uterus after childbirth are bright scarlet and are accompanied by painful sensations.
  • Very heavy bleeding.
  • If the allocation continues after two months.
  • If lochia smell and itch.
  • Increase in body temperature and stop excretion of lochia.
  • If there are pauses in the discharge for several days.


Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid complications and pathologies.

  • Keep personal hygiene. Wash your genitals several times a day. This helps reduce the risk of an inflammatory response.
  • Refrain from strenuous exercise, as well as lifting heavy weights.
  • Take good care ofto your chair. There should be no delays or constipation.
  • Lie on your back once or twice a day. This posture encourages the lochia to come out.
  • After childbirth, it is recommended to apply ice on the abdomen. This helps to reduce blood loss.
a clot came out after childbirth
a clot came out after childbirth

Possible Complications

If you find yourself with alarming symptoms, then you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist. Otherwise, it may lead to complications such as:

  • The development of endometriosis is the process of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
  • Beginning of subinvolution - stopping the muscle contractions of the uterus.
  • Clogging of the uterus, leading to an inflammatory response.
  • The development of the inflammatory process due to the growth of infection.

After the examination, the gynecologist sends the woman for an ultrasound examination to determine the exact cause of the pathology, after which, as a rule, she cleans the uterus. In some situations, it is possible to limit yourself to medical treatment. In this case, the woman is prescribed antibiotics. With natural feeding, the doctor selects a drug that is acceptable to use during this period. In any case, it is recommended not to neglect the precautionary measures. So, it is better to feed the baby before taking the drug. The entire period of treatment, give the baby lacto- and bifidobacteria. They will help to avoid problems with an unformed intestine.

after childbirth, clots remained in the uterus
after childbirth, clots remained in the uterus


Thus, clots after childbirth in the uterus and their release is a normal physiological process. Knowing the symptoms of complications and inflammation, a woman should not be afraid.
