Establishment of breastfeeding. What day does milk come after childbirth

Establishment of breastfeeding. What day does milk come after childbirth
Establishment of breastfeeding. What day does milk come after childbirth

Women who have given birth for the first time often face various difficulties. If the mother and child are kept in separate rooms in the maternity hospital, there is often a problem with feeding the baby. The child can sleep at the moment when he was brought to feed. In women with small breasts, the nipple is often not yet developed, and the baby cannot capture it with a small mouth. As a result, the baby remains hungry, and the mother is in a panic, especially since, in fact, she does not observe the flow of milk. When exactly does milk come in after childbirth?

What day does milk come after childbirth
What day does milk come after childbirth

Stop the panic

There is nothing wrong with the fact that in the first days after childbirth there is still no breast milk. Nature made sure that initially the mother's body was ready to saturate the newborn with a more valuable, nutritious and useful product - colostrum. So don't panic if you don't have milk. After childbirth, when colostrum appears, the need of the baby will be completely satisfied with this nutritious product.

Colostrum is yellow and veryfatty, it lays down the immunity of the newborn, which is why it is so important to attach the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth. If the baby only imitated sucking, there is nothing criminal in this either. Be sure that the right drop of a valuable substance, containing the whole complex of nutrients, has got into the baby's mouth. Then do not be lazy and put the newborn to the breast as often as possible. It is very good if you are kept in a joint ward. Then you can completely take control of the addiction process. And you will soon find out for yourself what day milk comes after childbirth.

Milk after childbirth when appears
Milk after childbirth when appears

Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body

Many women, especially if they have not given birth for the first time, willingly share their experience with new mothers. For some, milk arrives on the 3-4th day after childbirth. Some have to wait up to two weeks. There is no strict rule on this matter, because each maternal organism has its own individual characteristics. And what do the experts say? Let's ask the doctors on what day milk comes after childbirth. Experts say that after giving birth, at least a week should pass. And then the milk will begin to change its characteristic yellow color to white, it will become less thick, and the nutritional composition will be balanced in it. By then, the newborn and mother will have been discharged home.

Some Common Feeding Mistakes

We found out on what day milk comes after childbirth. But in order for the milk to be enough and the baby nothad to supplement with artificial mixtures, we will learn about the most common feeding mistakes. As we have already noted, it is very good if the mother and child are in a joint room in the maternity ward. This will avoid the obsolete strict rule of feeding by the hour, and the mother will be able to feed the newborn on demand.

What day does milk come after childbirth in primiparous
What day does milk come after childbirth in primiparous

In addition, if the baby fails to grab the mother's breast during the feeding procedure, such a rule is practiced in separate wards. The medical staff supplements the hungry baby with milk mixtures or expressed milk from another mother. However, bottle feeding does not encourage the newborn to work, because it can be said that the food itself enters his stomach. Therefore, next time he may refuse to suck milk from his mother. After childbirth, when fatty colostrum appears, it is very important to work and adapt to each other. Do not forget about the correct position of the baby during feeding. The child should not twist his neck in order to eat. The baby's face should be turned directly to the breast, and the tummy should be pressed against the mother's body.

The benefits of frequent attachment

Be sure that a newborn's stomach is not set on a scale, and he never eats the same amount of milk at one meal. At one time it can be 20 grams of milk, and at another - 100. Frequent feeding will allow swollen breasts to be released from milk in a timely manner. This circumstance, to some extent, will insure the mother fromstretch marks.

When does milk come after childbirth for pumping
When does milk come after childbirth for pumping

The negative effects of pumping

A little earlier, we learned when milk comes after childbirth. There is no reason at all to express. Expressing excess milk, mother deprives the baby of the most nutritious part of its composition. Moreover, there is no need to express milk, and then feed the baby with it. So mothers do useless work and risk further reducing the supply of breast milk. Believe that the baby is much more effective in coping with the task. The more he eats at one time, the more milk will come later.

What to do if your chest hurts

It happens that young mothers in the cold season do not care too much about additional protection of their breasts from wind exposure. As a result, the breast of a nursing mother may get sick. Unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by fever. All this can not affect the usual feeding regimen. A woman is more likely to get rid of pain if she puts her baby to her breast in the usual way.

Is it advisable to supplement the baby with water

In this article, we cover in detail the question of what day the milk comes after childbirth, as well as talk about common mistakes and some problems that new mothers may encounter at the very beginning of breastfeeding.

When exactly does milk come after childbirth
When exactly does milk come after childbirth

So, on hot summer days, according to the tradition of our grandmothers and mothers, it was customary to supplement the baby with water from a spoon or from a bottle. Doctors warnthat the crumbs after drinking may experience a false sense of satiety. It is also necessary to remember that the baby's stomach is far from dimensionless. Therefore, the more water he drinks per day, the less milk he will require, respectively. Therefore, in the future, the mother may experience a decrease in the arrival of milk.


In this publication, we learned on what day milk comes after childbirth. In primiparous women, this issue is one of the most burning. If you do not panic and refuse natural feeding at the first difficulties, then your baby will grow up strong and he althy.
