Hiccups are few people enjoy. When it appears suddenly, it can ruin a person’s mood for the whole day. That is why many are interested in the question of how to stop hiccups in an adult. There are several effective methods by which you can get rid of the problem. We will talk about them in more detail in this article. However, before you learn how to stop hiccups in an adult, you need to understand its varieties.
Types of hiccups
In the field of medicine, experts distinguish three main types of hiccups. These include the following:
- Hiccup Benin. This type of hiccups is the most common. It is found in the majority of the population. As a rule, such hiccups last from a few seconds to several minutes. However, it may occur several times a day.
- Persistent hiccups. This hiccup lasts forfor two days, sometimes more. Also, it is repetitive.
- Prolonged hiccups. This type of hiccups can last for months, and in some cases years.

Before answering the question of how to stop hiccups in an adult, it is also necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence. By itself, hiccups is an involuntary rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm, as well as intercostal muscles. Muscle spasms are accompanied by the closure of the gap, which is located between the vocal cords. It is for this reason that a person makes a characteristic sound. Many people wonder what is the cause of hiccups in humans. Consider the most common of them:
- The most common cause of hiccups is overeating. The formation of muscle contractions can lead to an overly full, as well as a strongly stretched stomach in a person.
- Another cause of hiccups lies in irritation of the so-called vagus nerve. Long hiccups for no apparent reason are observed in humans due to the fact that the phrenic nerve begins to transmit excitation to the muscles. This reason is still poorly understood.
- Many experience hiccups due to fright, when the aforementioned phrenic nerve is clamped due to a sharp breath.
- With such an unpleasant ailment as hiccups, absolutely everyone who will stay for a long time in an uncomfortable position, for examplewhen the torso is squeezed or constricted.
- There is also a less common cause of it, which is the following: hypothermia, successful swallowing of insufficiently chewed food, alcohol intoxication, strong laughter or hysterical cough.
- The cause of this kind of problem may also be internal pathology or damage. The most common are diseases of the digestive and nervous systems, as well as metabolic disorders.

When you have an idea of the cause of a problem, you can make it much easier to get rid of it. It happens that a simple act of precaution greatly helps to prevent the onset of hiccups. However, there are cases when even surgery is necessary to combat hiccups.
How to stop hiccups in an adult?
There are many quick methods by which you can get rid of annoying hiccups. If the cause of the appearance does not pose any danger to human he alth, then you can solve this problem on your own at home. So, how to stop hiccups in an adult? Consider the most effective methods.
Surely many have heard that you can stop hiccups in an adult and a child with water. This method is based on irritation of the diaphragm. However, you should pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to consume the liquid chilled and in small sips, slowly. Swallowing movements incombinations with temperature difference work perfectly in the fight against hiccups.

Many are wondering how to stop hiccups in an adult after alcohol. Holding your breath is very effective. You can try to influence the contraction of the diaphragm with pressure. To do this, take a deep breath, hold your breath to the maximum. Inhalation is best done not with the chest, but with your stomach, as is done in yoga.
We continue to consider how to stop hiccups in humans. This method involves breathing into a bag, but not into plastic, but from paper. First you need to inflate it so that it forms a bubble shape. Then the air from the paper bag must be drawn in.

Sugar or butter
Butter or sugar is also a very effective way to stop hiccups. To do this, one teaspoon of sugar is placed under the tongue, slowly absorbed. This action provokes profuse salivation in humans, which affects the functioning of the esophagus, the sensitivity of the diaphragm, and swallowing. But how to quickly stop hiccups if you do not like sugar? To do this, you can use natural butter, which also dissolves under the tongue.
What can I do to stop hiccups at home? For this hiccuping person, you can just scare. The fact is that through a sudden sound or a sharp pop, a reflex is provoked, which willthe opposite of the one that caused the problem. As a result of a sharp contraction of the diaphragm, there is a chance to get rid of obsessive hiccups.
Kneel to chest
You can solve the problem of hiccups by simply pressing your knees to your chest. However, you should pay attention to the fact that you need to lean in such a way as to squeeze the diaphragm.

Hiccups that last no more than 10 minutes do not pose any danger to human he alth. To prevent this problem, you need to eat a balanced diet, do not overeat, take care of your nervous system, and also adhere to a generally he althy lifestyle.
Special gymnastics
Quite often, people use special exercises to combat hiccups that affect the laryngeal muscles. Consider them in more detail:
- Open your mouth wide, slightly raise your tongue to the larynx. This can be done with the back end of a teaspoon or with a special stick. Please note that during this procedure, you may experience a gag reflex. But this will only help stop the problem. As a result of such actions, problem areas of nerve endings are stimulated, and contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles is also prevented.
- You can also do light exercises, during which the muscular system of the diaphragm and the press is involved. As a rule, such actions lead to a positive result in the fight against hiccups.
- We can get rid of obsessive hiccups with the help ofbreathing exercises, as well as performing the so-called yoga asanas. If you have never heard of such exercises, then you can simply pull yourself up, standing on your toes, making a slow tilt, but not forgetting about deep and even breathing, which should be done through the nose.
- You can also stop spasms in the respiratory organs with the help of the following actions. Inhale deeply while covering your nose and ears with your fingers. It is recommended to stay in this state for 5-10 seconds.
- Singers and professional announcers have a very interesting method of dealing with hiccups with a simple gargle. To do this, you need to collect a small amount of water, after which the head is thrown back, and the air is exhaled through the throat. Please note that you must not swallow any liquid during this exercise.
- Swallowing saliva helps many in the fight against hiccups. This method will be relevant for frequent bouts of hiccups, which are caused by laryngeal spasm. In this case, a small portion of saliva is swallowed, but with each swallowing, you should hold your breath for a while. With this method, you can deal with both long-term and short-term hiccups.
- If you have mild mild hiccups, you can simply press the indentation at the bottom of your neck.
- Hiccups can be de alt with quickly with a light chest massage.
It is important to note that these methods apply to short-term hiccups. If you have a prolonged involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, then it is better to seek medical attention.help to a specialist who will select for you the most appropriate method of dealing with such an attack.

Prolonged hiccups
If you suffer from prolonged hiccups, then this case needs more thoughtful and decisive action. As a rule, in such situations, the specialist prescribes a medication that helps get rid of the problem. In some cases, muscle relaxants are prescribed, as well as drugs that regulate digestion. An anti-acid or carminative may also be prescribed.
You can also get rid of persistent hiccups by saturating the blood with carbon dioxide. This can be done by simply breathing into a paper bag with your mouth open.
Hiccups due to stress need to follow some guidelines, which are as follows:
- In stressful situations, breathing should be calm, even, no need to hold it.
- Before some important event, it is recommended to take a sedative, as well as divert your attention to some other issue.
- A bracelet or elastic band is put on the wrist. When you feel the hiccups coming on, sharply shade the elastic and lower it.

Reviews of people who often suffer from hiccups suggest that this problem is easiest to eliminate with a glass of water. Some say that they use holding their breath to fight hiccups.