"Hematogen": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications

"Hematogen": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications
"Hematogen": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications

If you analyze reviews of hematogen, you will notice that the most frequent statement sounds like: "This is a he althy and tasty dessert, with a low cost, which we remember from childhood." Even in Soviet times, everyone who ever tried this delicacy knew exactly what it was made on the basis of. Today, due to the diversity of choice in this category, the compositions are very different from bar to bar. Also, not many people know what it is for.

In the article below, you can find out all the useful information about the hematogen. Feedback from doctors and ordinary customers also formed the basis of the material.


Hematogen Bar
Hematogen Bar

According to the official definition, a hematogen is a drug in the form of a bar. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements (BAA) and is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription to stimulate blood formation.

So despite the widespread reviews about the hematogen, it is farnot a treat or candy to snack on. Even despite the resemblance to popular chewy bars.

Application History

This product has been around for a long time and was widely known during World War II. At that time and also later it was used for:

  • supplements to the diet of both wounded and he althy military personnel;
  • to maintain the he alth of the elderly;
  • as an additional component of the rehabilitation of children who were hospitalized.

Modern indications for use

According to reviews, hematogen with low hemoglobin is a rather useful and pleasant addition to the main treatment. Today it is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  • With limited or malnutrition.
  • In the presence and treatment of various blood diseases.
  • In case of gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  • After broken bones.
  • According to reviews of Hematogen, the benefits are very noticeable when it is used to improve well-being during menstruation in women.
  • As an additional source of nutrients when recovering from various serious illnesses.
  • During treatment periods after operations.
  • In case of visual impairment.
  • For various chronic diseases.
  • There are also a lot of positive reviews about the hematogen in anemia.
  • In case of withdrawal symptoms.

Indications for use for children

Slice of hematogen
Slice of hematogen

According to reviews of the hematogen, this biological supplement is perceived more as an additional food for children. Most often it is used when:

  • drowsy;
  • frequent tantrums;
  • abnormally low weight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysplasia;
  • skin problems;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • have vision problems.

How to use

The standard dose of this dietary supplement is one bar per day. The official readings are as follows:

  • The daily dose of hematogen for children should not exceed 40 grams per day. It is worth noting that one bar just has exactly this weight.
  • Adults should not consume more than 50 grams of this product per day.

However, according to the recommendations of doctors, there may be exceptions.


Abroad, hematogen is called "bloody caramel" or "bloody bar"
Abroad, hematogen is called "bloody caramel" or "bloody bar"

Now it's time to figure out what this biological supplement is made of. If you recall the reviews of the hematogen, they claim that the main component is purified blood of cattle. However, that's not all:

  • To eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions, hemoglobin was added instead of blood. Also purified from all microorganisms.
  • Carbohydrates include glucose, sucrose, m altose anddextrin.
  • Essential and non-essential amino acids that partially fill the daily requirement for proteins.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins and animal fats.
  • Divalent iron. It is well absorbed in the intestines and helps to correct the deficiency of this component.
  • From vitamins A and C are present.
  • Minerals are represented by potassium, sodium, chlorine and calcium.
  • Hematogen uses molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, honey, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits and more to provide different flavors.

Next, it is worth sorting out the reviews about the benefits and harms of hematogen.

General benefit for adults and seniors

From the previous use cases, it is already clear that this biological supplement is not only for children. It is great for people of all ages and has the following effects on the body:

  • replenishes the lack of essential proteins and amino acids;
  • great as a nerve tonic when dealing with stressful situations;
  • contributes to the overall strengthening of immunity;
  • does a great job of keeping nails, skin and hair in good condition when used regularly;
  • capable of partially eliminating the results of an unhe althy lifestyle;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • eliminates bouts of drowsiness and feelings of fatigue;
  • great as a he althy source of energy and protein.
Great for supplementing sports nutrition
Great for supplementing sports nutrition

Do not forget about the shortcomings of this product. After all, before you start taking, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the product.


The most common type of natural hematogen in the Russian Federation without additives
The most common type of natural hematogen in the Russian Federation without additives

According to doctors, you should not lean too much on this biological supplement or replace meals with it. This can lead to consequences such as:

  • Damage or destruction of cell walls caused by an excess of iron in the body due to exceeding the allowable dose.
  • Excessive amount of this mineral contributes to the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, which, in turn, is one of the main factors leading to the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  • Excessive consumption of Hematogen Bars leads to bouts of diarrhea, nausea or dizziness. All this is due to fermentation processes.

When not to use Hematogen?

This dietary supplement may not be desirable in some cases. Among them:

  • The presence of diagnosed diabetes mellitus or any of its signs. In this case, the ban is relevant due to the presence of a sufficient amount of easily digestible carbohydrates in the bar, which lead to an increase in sugar levels.
  • In case of obesity, as an additional source of fast carbohydrates.
  • The presence of hypersensitivity of the body to one or more components included inbar composition. As a result, angioedema, urticaria and other reactions may occur.
  • Hematogen is forbidden to use in case of anemia, which is not related to iron deficiency. So, instead of getting better, you will get a negative toxic effect on your body.
  • It is also not recommended to use this dietary supplement if you have a metabolic disorder.
  • Another prohibitive factor is varicose veins.
  • Due to the fact that hematogen leads to some thickening of the blood, it should not be used in the presence of thrombophlebitis.
  • It is not allowed to give the bar to children who are under the age of three.

Next, it is worth understanding the need to use hematogen during pregnancy. The reviews again served as an additional source of this information.

Can I use it during pregnancy?

It is known that in a given period of time the need for iron increases sharply in the body. Moreover, the volume should not be less than 27 milligrams. As a result, in order to prevent the development of a deficiency of this substance and its consequences, it is recommended to consume either half or one whole bar per day. But do not make it the main source. This role should be given to he althy eating.

Thus, hematogen should be an addition to products such as:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • cereals;
  • green vegetables.

With what notmatch?

One of the varieties of candy bar
One of the varieties of candy bar

If you are taking any medication, you should consult your doctor before using this dietary supplement. In general, hematogen should not be used with drugs such as:

  • "Tetracycline";
  • Minocycline;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Ofloxacin and others.

Mandatory consultation is subject to combination with the following medicines:

  • Naproxen;
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • Diclofenac.

What not to buy?

It is important to keep in mind that hematogen is a biological supplement that belongs to medicines. Therefore, you need to buy it only in pharmacies.

Do not buy a product with additives
Do not buy a product with additives

Also remember that you can not take a product that contains:

  • nuts, cereals and other herbal ingredients;
  • various sweeteners;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers.

Also pay attention to the presence of various unfamiliar or harmful combinations of numbers and letters.
