Intestinal spasm: symptoms, causes

Intestinal spasm: symptoms, causes
Intestinal spasm: symptoms, causes

It often happens that a person begins to hurt his stomach for no particular reason. In this case, we can talk about intestinal spasm. This is what I want to talk about now.

intestinal spasm symptoms
intestinal spasm symptoms

What is this?

At the very beginning, you need to understand the main concept that will be used in this article. So, intestinal spasm is a sharp and painful contraction of the muscles of various parts of the intestine. Most often there are spasms of the thick or thin sections. But since the pain is almost always widespread, it is customary to speak in general of a spasm of the entire intestine, and not of its individual parts.


Why can there be spasms in the intestines? The reasons in this case can be very different. The most common ones are:

  1. Excessive irritation of the intestinal walls (caused mainly by various harmful substances - heavy metal s alts, poisons, parasites, etc.).
  2. Nervous stress. In this case, bowel treatment is not required, and spasms disappear after the person calms down.
  3. Certain gastrointestinal conditions such as pancreatitis or gastritis.
  4. Why elsespasms in the intestines? The reasons may lie in the most banal overeating or too fast absorption of food.
  5. Spasms can occur after low-quality or poorly processed food has entered the human intestine (the harmful microorganisms that inhabit these foods cause a similar symptom).
  6. Helminthiasis very often also causes intestinal cramps. Indeed, in this case, the parasites in the intestines have an irritating effect on it. Accompanying symptoms are weight loss, nausea, poor appetite.
  7. Well, viral diseases can also cause a similar symptom. Intestinal spasm will occur if the infection captures the digestive system.
spasms in the intestines causes
spasms in the intestines causes

How does the disease manifest itself?

How to recognize an intestinal spasm? Symptoms and manifestations of this condition - that's what you also need to know about. How will the person feel?

  1. Pain will be paroxysmal, sharp.
  2. Pain will be localized in the navel.
  3. You will also feel heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  4. Possibly also bloating.
  5. It is not uncommon for a person to experience incomplete bowel movements.
  6. False toilet urges may occur.
  7. Stool color and consistency may vary.
  8. It is not uncommon for people with intestinal spasms to burp.

These symptoms may appear all together or alternately. Some may not beat all.

Other symptoms

If a person has intestinal spasm, the symptoms may also be secondary. What are these indicators?

  1. May cause nausea, rarely vomiting.
  2. The person will feel the general weakness of the body.
  3. It is not uncommon for intestinal spasm to be accompanied by a headache.
  4. If the patient has a spasm of the intestine, the symptoms may relate to sleep. So, often in such cases, a person is tormented by insomnia.
  5. In case of intestinal spasm, the patient may also have frequent urination.
  6. Another infrequent accompanying symptom is chills, night sweats.
how to relieve intestinal spasm
how to relieve intestinal spasm


We further consider such a problem as intestinal spasm. Symptoms - this has already been de alt with. Now you need to understand how you can diagnose this problem. It is worth saying that if the spasm manifested itself sporadically and no longer bothers the person, you should not contact the doctor. Otherwise, be sure to visit a doctor who:

  1. Examine the patient and collect anamnesis.
  2. Give a referral for a blood and stool test.
  3. Will conduct an examination of the human gastrointestinal tract. For this, methods such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are most often used.
intestinal spasm symptoms and treatment
intestinal spasm symptoms and treatment


We looked at the main symptoms and causes that cause intestinal spasm. Treatment of pathology is the next topic, which is also important to dwell on. At the very beginning I would like to saythat in the event of recurring spasms, you need to seek help from a doctor (gastroenterologist). Only a qualified specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences and a significant deterioration in he alth.

  1. To relieve muscle spasm, you can take antispasmodics. In this case, drugs such as No-shpa, Spazmalgon or Baralgin will be relevant.
  2. Also, the doctor may advise the patient to change the diet. In this case, doctors prescribe table number 4. With this diet, warm and puff pastry, fatty fish and meat, legumes, smoked meats, pickles, raw vegetables and fruits, convenience foods, cold drinks and ice cream, chocolate are excluded from the diet. At the same time, you will also need to eat in fractional portions at least 4-5 times a day.
  3. Enema. In some cases, intestinal spasm can be removed with a warm enema from a decoction of mint or lemon balm.
  4. Another way to relieve intestinal spasm? So, you can put an anal candle with belladonna.
  5. Surgery. In some cases, doctors may recommend surgery to the patient. Here you need to remember that doctors take such drastic measures only in the most extreme cases.


Having considered such an ailment as intestinal spasm, its symptoms and treatment, it is also worth saying that this problem is easier to prevent than to fight it. In this case, the following preventive measures will be relevant:

  1. You need to eat dishes prepared exclusively from fresh products.
  2. Food should be chewed thoroughly.
  3. Overeating and overeating should be avoided.
  4. While eating, you can not be distracted by reading, watching TV. In this case, a person does not feel a sense of satiety, which leads to multiple problems.
  5. You need to include plant foods in your diet.
  6. Don't drink cold drinks or sparkling water with food.
  7. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, about 5 times a day.
intestinal spasm treatment
intestinal spasm treatment

Traditional medicine

You can try to cope with intestinal spasm in folk ways. However, in this case, you need to remember that self-medication can lead to poor he alth.

  1. If the spasm is minor, a decoction of chamomile will help to cope with it. A tablespoon of this plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. The medicine is taken throughout the day, 30 ml every two hours. Course: 7-10 days.
  2. For chronic and long-term spasms, a collection of centaury grass, sage leaves and chamomile flowers can help. It is necessary to mix one teaspoon of all the ingredients, pour everything with a glass of boiling water, leave for 0.5 hours. The medicine is taken every two hours in a tablespoon (in the first 3 days). Further - 3-4 times a day, 30 ml throughout the week.
