Hair often determines the state of human he alth. If they begin to fall out strongly, become dull and brittle, then there can be a huge number of reasons for such a phenomenon. Hair diseases can develop both due to chemical or physical effects on them, and due to the pathological process that is observed in the human body. In addition, often the cause lies in hereditary factors, metabolic disorders. The state of the nervous and endocrine systems affects the growth and quality of the strands. In this article, we will take a closer look at what hair diseases can be, what provokes them, and how to deal with them.

You can talk about the onset of baldness if a person begins to lose more than 100 hairs a day. In this situation, the hairshave time to be replaced by new ones, and the pathology is manifested by various external signs. Hair disease, which is accompanied by hair loss, is commonly called alopecia in the field of medicine.
Causes of alopecia
Such a disease can manifest itself for the following reasons:
- Hormonal failure in the human body, for example, thyroid pathology, pregnancy, menopausal syndrome, and fungal infection.
- Injury to the skin, which should include chemical, radiation, mechanical or burn.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Too much testosterone produced by the body.
- Strain, nervous breakdowns, depression, stress.
- Unhe althy diet and bad habits.
- Autoimmune response of the human body. In this case, the reason for this situation is still unclear.
Hair growth will only resume when the irritant that caused the problem stops working.

Alopecia symptoms
If you suspect that you have this hair disease, you should seek help from a trichologist. Symptoms may manifest themselves gradually, while not being very expressive. In some cases, the signs are very bright. Symptoms of this hair disease include:
- The appearance of small areas of baldness on the head.
- Hair growth too slow.
- Fullhair loss on the head, face, and other areas of the body.
Alopecia treatment
If you suspect alopecia, you can seek help from a trichologist. In Moscow and other large cities of Russia, there are a huge number of these specialists. Mostly for treatment, specialists prescribe corticosteroids. For example, various preparations are injected into the area of baldness using a special syringe. In addition, different gels and ointments can also be used. The most effective of them are: "Fluocinolone", "Dexamethasone". Of course, trichologists in Moscow and other cities of our country prescribe multivitamin complexes to their patients for treatment, providing the patient's body with the necessary substances.

Those drugs that are made on the basis of zinc are considered very effective. But they should be taken very carefully. The fact is that a large dosage of zinc is effective, and it can provoke various side effects.
When a person has complete baldness, then special irritating drugs are used that stimulate hair growth. In some cases, patients require medications that can suppress the autoimmune response.
Therapy for alopecia in men and women can be reduced to the use of hormonal drugs.
Trichorhexis knotty
This disease causes the development of abnormal hair shafts. This disease is characterized by a weakening of the hair follicles, as well aspermanent breakage of the hair due to the insufficiency of the cuticle layer. There are two forms of trichorrhexis nodosa: acquired and congenital. The congenital form of the disease is diagnosed in children at birth. It may be the result of a metabolic disorder in the body. As for the acquired form, it is the most common. Acquired trichorrhexis occurs as a result of the use of a large number of chemicals and products for the care of one's hair.
Reasons for the development of trichorrhexis nodosum
The causes of the disease include chemical, mechanical injury to the hair shafts. In most cases, this affects the fair sex with long hair, who use perms, blow-drying, coloring, inappropriate shampoos or hair styling products, frequent bouffanting, overdrying in the sun and much more. And if the hair is naturally dry, then the risk of developing this disease increases several times.

As mentioned above, trichorrhexis nodosa can be a congenital pathology. The disease can develop in people with congenital metabolic disorders. In such situations, hair damage often appears in combination with dystrophy of the teeth and nails.
The disease can also be accompanied by various hereditary syndromes, manifested by damage to the skin.
So, we figured out what are the causes of brittle hair with trichorrhexis nodosum. But how exactly will it manifestyourself this disease? This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Dry hair.
- Hair section and breakage.
- Fibrous hair split along shaft.
- Whitish-gray knots in areas of hair splitting.
- Loss of elasticity and strength of hairs.
In this case, attention should be paid to the fact that with this disease, the splitting of the rod into several fibers is observed with any impact, most often with combing. In the case of severe splitting, the hair breaks off under its own weight. At the break point, the tip of the hair looks like a brush.
Treatment of trichorrhexis nodosum
Therapeutic techniques are used to treat this disease. The disease affects the hair follicles, so it is not able to lead to surgery. For this reason, in this situation, there is no need to use surgical intervention for therapy. The principle of treatment will be reduced to a constant haircut, hair treatment with burdock, castor, and other vegetable oils. When diagnosing a hair disease, experts also recommend using moisturizing masks. Vitamins A, E, and group B are prescribed for oral administration.
Dry skin seborrhea
So, we continue to consider what diseases can affect the hair. One of these is dry seborrhea, which is an ailment of the scalp. The reason for dry seborrhea of the skin is the low activity of the sebaceous glands. A violation of the imbalance can lead to the fact that the skin becomes rough,peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis appears, and in some cases the natural shade of the skin disappears.

Causes of dry seborrhea
What can contribute to the development of this disease. The underlying factors are:
- Overvoltage, stress, mental fatigue.
- Problems of the endocrine system.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Avitaminosis or an overabundance of vitamins.
- Decrease in the protective functions of the human body.
If there is at least one of these factors, then it can cause the development of this disease.
Symptoms and signs of dry seborrhea
This disease cannot be confused with any other, for example, with alopecia areata. The fact is that this disease is characterized by special symptoms. They are as follows:
- Hair becomes coarse and thin.
- The scalp becomes too dry.
- Dandruff and sores on the head can form with this disease.
- Hair starts to lose its color, elasticity and shape.
- If itching of the head and hair loss appear, the cause may lie in the development of seborrhea.
- Pink spots appear on the skin.
- The inflammatory process of the cover can provoke the development of a fungal disease with the addition of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
Such symptoms indicate that you need to seek help froma specialist who determines the cause of the disease, and also makes a diagnosis. Only in this case can a person be completely cured of dry seborrhea.

Treatment of dry head seborrhea
If a specialist has diagnosed dry seborrhea of the scalp, then the patient will also need to be examined by the following specialists: endocrinologist, dermatologist, gynecologist, andrologist. The complex of therapy includes the following methods: traditional medicine recipes, drug therapy, nutritional habits, the use of special products aimed at caring for the scalp and hair.
Treatment of this disease begins with the passage of the so-called retinol course. Its duration is usually 2 months. Such a course involves taking the following medications: B vitamins, tocopherol with biotin, as well as ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Many experts recommend also using 10% sulfuric ointment in the complex. This tool helps to moisturize the skin, and also removes the negative signs of the disease.
You can use baking soda in traditional medicine recipes. To do this, glycerin in the amount of one tablespoon is mixed with the same amount of baking soda. The finished mixture is added to the water. The resulting solution is rubbed into the damaged areas of the scalp. The course of therapy is repeated every 4 days. In total, it will be necessary to carry out 5 procedures.
Why do hair roots hurt?
Many people experience such pleasantsymptoms like soreness of the hair roots. What can it say? Is this disease dangerous at the hair roots? How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom?

In most cases, pain in the hair roots is accompanied by burning and itching. It begins to seem to a person as if a helmet is too tight to put on his head. It should be noted that hair follicles in reality cannot hurt, since they lack nerve endings. That is why it would be more correct to say that such an alarming symptom is associated with the scalp. The fact is that there are blood vessels in the skin, as well as an extensive system of nerves, which causes unpleasant pain.
Such pain can occur in a person of absolutely any age. In this case, the height and length of your hair will not be a determining factor. Absolutely anyone can suffer from a similar problem.
Causes of hair root pain
In some cases, the causes of such a symptom lie inside the body. The ailments that can provoke a similar sign should include:
- Vegetovascular dystonia.
- Other diseases that are accompanied by circulatory disorders.
- Furunculosis.
- Exacerbation of herpes.
- Migraine.
- Pinched nerve.
- Dermatological diseases, e.g. seborrhea, psoriasis.
There are also some human body malfunctions that have the ability to provoke such pain, whichlocated at the roots of the hair. These include:
- Changes in hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy, menopause.
- Constant stress.
- Deficiency in the body of minerals and vitamins.
- Exhaustion and overwork.
How to get rid of pain at the roots of the hair?
If the roots of the hair often and severely hurt, then this is an occasion to undergo an examination in a medical institution. Trichologists or dermatologists help to cope with the disease. It will also be useful to visit a cardiologist and a neurologist, having passed the tests to these specialists.
To get rid of an unpleasant symptom yourself, you can replace your shampoo, for example, with hypoallergenic baby shampoo. Try to wear your hair down more often.