Belozor marsh: photo and description of the plant, useful properties, use and contraindications

Belozor marsh: photo and description of the plant, useful properties, use and contraindications
Belozor marsh: photo and description of the plant, useful properties, use and contraindications

Marsh Belozer is a perennial plant, up to forty centimeters high with a short rhizome, from which a loose rosette with leaves and simple straight stems with one flower at the top extends. This plant has many different names: marsh white flower, core, diuretic herb, royal eyes, etc.

Belozor marsh
Belozor marsh

Biological Description

Belozor marsh has long-petiolate, heart-shaped-ovate leaves. One sessile leaflet emerges from the central part of the stalk, similar to the leaves of a basal rosette. The flowers are quite large, up to three centimeters in diameter, regular shape, bisexual. The calyx is green, the corolla is white or slightly pinkish. The corolla contains five white, broadly ovate, slightly incised petals with distinct pink veins.

Belozor marsh has five stamens, alternating with five underdeveloped stamens. Flower appendages are golden green, rising above each of the fivepetals. Their shape resembles a miniature hand with spread fingers. Each flower lasts about a week.

After flowering, a seed pod is formed. The ripening of the fruits of the marsh belozor occurs in September-October.

Where it grows

It is quite widespread. The wild plant Belozor marsh is found throughout the Russian Federation, including Siberia, the Far East, and the Caucasus. Grass prefers moist meadow soils, river banks, swampy areas.

Belozor marsh photo
Belozor marsh photo

Properties and composition of the plant

The medicinal properties of the marsh belozor are determined by its constituent substances. This plant is rich in tannins, alkaloids, bitterness, flavonoids, saponins, coumarins, carbohydrates. The grass also contains ascorbic acid and resins. The roots contain a large amount of alkaloids. All these substances make it possible to use the plant as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, bactericidal, vasoconstrictor, hemostatic, sedative, astringent, choleretic, laxative and wound healing agent.

In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat a variety of pathologies.

  1. SARS, influenza.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. Neurosis of the heart.
  4. Headaches.
  5. Insomnia.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Epilepsy, convulsions.
  8. Pneumonia.
  9. Hysteria.
  10. Colitis, gastritis, stomach cancer.
  11. Hepatitis, cholecystitis.
  12. Cholelithiasis.
  13. Jade, cystitis and other pathologiesurinary system.
  14. Gonorrhea.
  15. White in women.
  16. Inflammation of the conjunctiva.
  17. Rheumatism.
  18. Various wounds.

For the treatment of each type of ailment, certain compounds from this plant are used.

Belozor benefit and harm
Belozor benefit and harm

Traditional medicine

Knowing what the marsh belozor grass helps from, you can cook a variety of compositions with it. The main rule when preparing infusions and other preparations is to be attentive to the dosage of raw materials and the course of therapy, since the plant is poisonous and can cause poisoning.

Recipes of traditional medicine

To prepare the infusion according to the general recipe, you will need two tablespoons of herbs with flowers, pour 0.5 liters of water. The composition is placed in a water bath and simmered for ten minutes. The broth is then allowed to cool. After filtering, it is necessary to bring the composition to the original volume by adding boiled hot water. Ready cooled product is taken 1-3 tablespoons no more than four times a day after meals. Duration of reception means - a week. This tool can be used for douching for various gynecological pathologies, after diluting with water in a ratio of 1:4. Douching requires one and a half liters.

For the treatment of female diseases, you can use the following composition: a teaspoon of herbs is steamed with two cups of boiling water. Belozor flowers should be infused for an hour. After straining, the product can be taken in a teaspoon up to six times a day.

As a sedative, an infusion is prepared from a teaspoon of raw materials in half a glassboiling water. The grass is brewed with boiling water, insisted for two hours. Take a tablespoon three times a day. This remedy can be used for hypertension, as well as for rubbing, compresses.

From what Belozor marsh grass
From what Belozor marsh grass

Remedy for gastrointestinal pathologies

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction is prepared from two tablespoons of the aerial parts and roots and two glasses of water. Belozor is poured with water and boiled. Boil the composition for five minutes, then let it brew for two hours. After straining, the remedy is taken in a spoonful once a day.

For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of seeds is used. To prepare it, you will need ten grams of mature Belozor seeds and a glass of boiling water. The product is prepared in a water bath, languishing it for forty minutes. Then the broth is allowed to cool, filtered. After cooking, it is necessary to bring the volume to the original volume with boiling water. The finished composition is divided into three doses. The duration of treatment is a week.

Treatment of various diseases

With palpitations, headaches, internal bleeding, take an alcohol tincture of Belozor. To prepare it, you need to fill fifty grams of raw materials with two glasses of vodka. The composition is insisted for two weeks. After straining, the product is ready to receive. It should be taken in thirty drops, previously diluted with a small amount of water. The remedy is taken twice a day.

With conjunctivitis, lotions are made. To do this, take fresh grass, knead it and apply it to the sore spot. Crushed grass is applied to purulent and fresh wounds.

Belozor marshwild plants
Belozor marshwild plants

Contraindications for use

You can not take Belozor swamp pregnant, nursing mothers, children. Also, the plant is contraindicated in persons suffering from hypertension, increased blood clotting, with bradycardia and individual intolerance.

Belozor is a poisonous plant, so all preparations based on it should be used with caution, strictly observing the dosage.

In case of poisoning, the following symptoms appear: increased salivation, diarrhea, nausea, shortness of breath. At the first sign, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The marsh belozor shown in the photo has been little studied, but scientists have proven that this plant is toxic. It is only allowed to be used after consulting a good experienced specialist who is well versed in the composition of herbs.
