Every he althy person is recommended to check from time to time if his sugar is normal. The level of glucose in the blood is measured by comparing its concentration and the necessary expenditure on the work of internal organs. If the sugar is too high, this condition is called hyperglycemia, and if it is too low, hypoglycemia.
There are several units for measuring blood sugar. They may differ from country to country, and different medical institutions may also use one or the other option.

Molecular weight measurement
The blood sugar measurement unit in Russia and many other countries is mmol/L. The designation stands for millimoles per liter. This indicator is obtained based on the molecular weight of glucose and the approximate volume of circulating blood.
Generally accepted norms
If blood is taken from a finger, the normal blood glucose is 3.2 - 5.5 mmol/l. When the result is higher, then this is already hyperglycemia. But thisdoes not mean that a person has diabetes. He althy people also go beyond. Factors that increase blood sugar can be severe stress, adrenaline rush, a large amount of sweets.
But in case of deviation from the norm, it is always recommended to re-examine and visit an endocrinologist.
If the readings are lower than 3.2 mmol/l, then you should also visit a doctor. These conditions can lead to fainting. If a person has severely low blood sugar, he needs to eat food containing fast carbohydrates or drink juice.
If a person has diabetes, the norms shift for him. On an empty stomach, the number of millimoles per liter should be 5, 6. Often, this indicator can be maintained with the help of insulin or hypoglycemic tablets. During the day before meals, it is considered normal readings of 3, 6-7, 1 mmol / l. When the glucose level is difficult to control, it is advisable to try to keep it within 9.5 mmol / l.
Good indications for diabetics at night - 5, 6 - 7, 8 mmol / l.

If the sampling for analysis was carried out from a vein, the units of measurement of blood sugar will be the same, but the norms are slightly different. Due to the physiological characteristics of a person, the norms for venous blood are 10-12% higher than for capillary blood.
Molecular weight measurement and mmol/L notation is the world standard, but some countries prefer it differently.
Weight measurement
The common unit of measure for blood sugar in America is mg/dl. ATThis method measures how many milligrams of glucose are in a deciliter of blood.
In the countries of the USSR, the same method of determination used to be, only the result was indicated by mg%.
Blood sugar is often measured in mg/dL in Europe. Sometimes both meanings are used equally.
Norms in weight measurement
If the unit of measurement of blood sugar in the tests is taken in weight measurement, then on an empty stomach the norm is 64 -105 mg / dl.
After 2 hours after breakfast, lunch or dinner, where there was a large amount of carbohydrates, 120 to 140 mg/dl is considered normal.
When analyzing, you should always take into account factors that can distort the result. The important thing is how the blood was taken, what the patient ate before the analysis, what time the blood is taken and much more.

Which measurement method is best to use?
Because there is no common standard for blood sugar units, the country-specific method is usually used. Sometimes diabetic products and related texts provide data in two systems. But if this is not the case, then any person can find out the required value by transferring.
How to translate readings?
There is a simple method for converting blood sugar units from one system to another.
The number in mmol/L is multiplied by 18.02 using a calculator. This is a conversion factor based on the molecular weight of glucose. Thus, 6 mmol / l is the same value,which is 109.2 mg/dl.
For reverse conversion, the number in the weight measurement is divided by 18, 02.
There are special tables and converters on the Internet that will help you make a transfer without a calculator.
Measuring glycated hemoglobin
In 2011, a new method for diagnosing diabetes was launched. To detect the disease, it is not the sugar readings at the moment that are measured, but the level of glycated hemoglobin.
This method helps to determine how much sugar a patient has had for a given time (for example, a month or three).
Glycated hemoglobin is obtained from the combination of glucose and hemoglobin. It is in the body of every person, but diabetics will have much higher rates.
An abnormal and disease indicator is HbA1 above 6.5 percent, which is 48 mmol/mol.
If a person is he althy, their glycated hemoglobin will not exceed 42 mmol/mol (6.0 percent).

Measuring device - glucometer
The most reliable way is to take tests in the laboratory, but the patient needs to know his sugar level at least 2 times a day. For this, easy-to-use pocket devices - glucometers were invented.
It is important which unit of blood sugar measurement is set in the device. It depends on the country in which it was made. Some models have a selection option. You can decide for yourself whether you will measure sugar in mmol / l and mg / dl. For those who travel, this can be convenient not to transfer data from one unit to another.
Meter Selection Criteria:
- How reliable it is.
- Is the measurement error high.
- The unit used to measure blood sugar.
- Is there a choice between mmol/l and mg/dl.
In order for the data to be accurate, you need to wash your hands with soap and water before measuring. The device must be monitored - calibrated, carried out control measurements, replaced batteries.
It is important that your analyzer works properly. Requires periodic calibration, replacement of batteries or accumulator, control measurements with special fluid.
If the device has been dropped, it must also be checked before use.

Frequency of glucose measurements
It is enough for he althy people to take tests every six months. This recommendation is especially worth paying attention to people at risk. Overweight, inactivity, combined with poor heredity can serve as factors in the development of the disease.
Those who already have a diagnosis measure their sugar several times a day.
In the first type of diabetes, measurements are taken from four times. If the condition is unstable, the glucose level jumps a lot, sometimes you have to take blood for analysis 6-10 times a day.
For type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to use the meter twice - in the morning and at lunchtime.

When should I check my blood sugar?
Sugar is usually measured on an empty stomach in the morning. If you take food, indicatorsglucose levels will rise and the test will need to be retaken.
During the day, sugar is measured 2 hours after breakfast, lunch or dinner. By this time, in a he althy person, the indicators are already returning to normal and are 4, 4-7, 8 mmol / l or 88-156 mg%.
During the day, the level of glucose fluctuates constantly and directly depends on the food that a person takes. Carbohydrate-rich foods are especially affected.

Recommendations for maintaining normal sugar
To keep your sugar levels in a normal state, it is important to follow these tips:
- He althy eating.
- Maintaining a balance in the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
- Eating lots of fiber, fruits, raw vegetables.
- Fats are better to eat those that are he althy and safe: coconut and olive oils, nuts, avocados.
- It is better to refuse sugar altogether, sweeteners are also not an option. He althy alternatives to sweeteners include honey, dried fruits, Jerusalem artichoke and agave syrup.
- White flour should not be used. Now there are many he althy and tasty alternatives. For example, coconut and almond flour.
- No more than three teaspoons of sweets a day and only natural sweets.
- Alcohol and packaged fruit juices should be avoided.
- Regular physical activity.
- Short-term exercise helps muscle tissue take in more glucose and use it for energy.
- Long-term loads makecells more sensitive to insulin.
- Emotion management.
- Sugar is very high from constant stress, so it should be avoided as much as possible.
- From stress, hunger arises, cravings for sweets, you should not succumb to such states.
- To relieve stress, yoga, meditation, relaxation, walking, socializing with friends, baths with essential oils are recommended.
- Early lights out and wake-ups are he althy.
- Extra light and night sounds prevent the body from getting proper rest, we must strive to fence ourselves off from everything that disturbs peace.
- Lack of sleep may contribute to the release of appetite hormones.
- Sleeping at the wrong hours, poor sleep impairs insulin secretion.
- Normal sleep to maintain sugar at the proper level - 7-9 hours.