The goal of all psychological assistance centers is to create conditions for the emotional, spiritual and social development of young visitors. These institutions include various commercial and government structures that were created to support children and adolescents in a difficult life situation.
In Russia, there are a sufficient number of psychological care institutions, where many qualified specialists work: psychologists, psychotherapists, trainers, psychoanalysts. They help young people to know themselves and live in harmony with their world.

Center for Psychological Assistance to Children and Adolescents (Moscow)
The socio-political and economic conditions in the country are constantly changing, and the most vulnerable in this situationare children and adolescents. Parents often do not have enough time for them. Centers for socio-psychological assistance to youth draw up a program to provide assistance, support, and development of small citizens. In Moscow, there are similar establishments in every district.
It is worth starting the story from the Genesis Center for the Social and Psychological Adaptation of Children and Adolescents. It is located at: Moscow, Trubnikovsky pereulok, 22, building 2. Specialists provide consultations for the whole family. Groups are regularly recruited in which various trainings for children are held. Classes are also organized with school psychologists, pedagogical teams who can improve their skills here.
"Hermes" is engaged in publishing psychological and pedagogical literature. The Center has a joint project with the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, where a new speci alty "Practical Personality Psychology" has appeared.
Experienced psychologists will provide paid services in the following areas: behavioral difficulties of preschool age, features of schooling, family relationships. You can make an appointment from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.
Psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to youth is provided by the state budgetary educational institution "Interaction". You can find it at the address: Moscow, Kashirsky proezd, 7. Here are the directions in which this institution works:
- Consulting children from 3 to 18years.
- Diagnosing the level of age development and development of abilities.
- Helping children with learning difficulties.
- Preventive and corrective measures to correct violations in behavior and relationships in the family.
- Immediate assistance to families, teachers after extreme situations.
- Regular trainings for moms and dads in the "Parents Club".
- Carrying out career guidance events for youth.
- Prevention work for drug addicted teenagers.
If a family has a serious problem with raising a child, you should contact the center for psychological assistance to children and adolescents. The services provided there are sure to help in the most difficult situations. There are a lot of such institutions in Moscow: Printers, Vesta, Perspektiva, Our World, Correction, Genesis. This is not the whole list of Moscow institutions dealing with the problems of the younger generation.

Psychological support for children in Yaroslavl
The psychological help center for children and adolescents will help to cope with numerous problems most effectively. Yaroslavl did not stand aside, there are several similar paid institutions where you can turn for advice. Practice individual conversations with children and adults, trainings for companies.
The services of a family psychologist are gaining special popularity in the city. ATYaroslavl, there are hotlines where you can consult on important issues and make an appointment. Very often they turn for help to the center for medical and psychological assistance to children and adolescents, which is located in the regional clinical narcological hospital.
Island of change
Very intense work in the center of psychological assistance to families, children and adults called "Island of Change". It is located at the address: Yaroslavl, st. Soviet, 69, of. 203. Families who want to develop, reveal their talents, correct shortcomings and enjoy every moment will be comfortable here.
Experienced specialists have been helping parents raise their children for a long time: to approach schooling correctly, rejoice at victories, resist failures, and take a special approach to adolescence. Some experienced psychologists of the institution have 20 years of experience in this field. Here are the programs waiting for visitors to the "Island of Change":
- "Happy family - happy children". It will tell you how to protect your family from quarrels, divorces, envy and become good parents.
- "Let's rejoice together". Designed for the youngest visitors, conducted in a playful way.
- "The world around". Helps children 6-7 years old to notice the surrounding beauty.
- "I know and I can". Promotes the development of the abilities of young talents.
- "Euroclass". Designed for children not attending kindergarten.
- "Secrets of communication". Designed for teenagersto identify leadership qualities.
- "Competitive Personality". Helps school graduates in choosing a profession.
In addition to these programs, the center also has interest clubs where you can always show your best qualities.

Bryansk Youth Psychological Service
You can not bypass the center of psychological assistance to children and adolescents (Bryansk) called "Sphere". In another way, it is also called the center of psychology and human development. It is located at the address: Bryansk, Soviet district, st. Oktyabrskaya, 86.
This institution employs many psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, music therapists, adapted physical education methodologists, theater directors. "Sphere" provides the following services:
- Individual and group lessons, consultations, trainings for all family members.
- Diagnostic examinations of children from 5 months of age.
- Developing and remedial classes for schoolchildren.
- Game lessons for the development of thinking, memory, attention, fine and gross motor skills, emotional sphere and creativity in preschoolers.
- Correctional interventions to correct behavior (hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, aggressiveness, slowness).
- Work with phobias, psychotraumas, neuroses.
- Classes with mentally retarded children.
- Support for teenagers in various life situations,before a difficult choice.
- Music therapy, fairy tale therapy, art therapy, game therapy, "Acting School".
- Rooms for relaxation and restoration of mental balance.

Center for Psychological Assistance to Children and Adolescents (Ufa)
How to help your children? An excellent program for such support was developed by Ufa psychologists at the "We alth of Life" psychological center. It offers consultations of a family, child, adolescent psychologist. Trainings, group classes with adults, children and teenagers are held regularly.
"We alth of life" complies with all the rules of the "Code of Ethics of the Psychologist". All information received from clients is strictly confidential. All specialists approach their work with knowledge of their business. Only science-based and safe methods are used in the work.

Activity of psychologists in Kirov
The Center for Psychological Assistance to Children and Adolescents (Kirov) is licensed by the Department of Education of the Kirov Region. It is located at the address: Kirov, st. K. Marx, 47.
Many experienced psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, social pedagogues work here. A joint development studio "Consonance" is open for families. The linguistic studio "Bravo" is at the service of young people, as well as many different projects.

Consultations of psychologists in Tver
The Center for Psychological Assistance to Children and Adolescents in Tver opens its doors to young visitors. It is located at the address: Tver, st. Serova, d. 12. Here, psychologists will help the younger generation to solve the most difficult life situations. Key areas of work:
- behavioral problems of children;
- disorder in communication and interaction with the child;
- changes happening to the child;
- difficulties of adolescence.

Psychological centers in all cities of Russia have a lot of good reviews. After all, it is here that they help the child to know himself, his desires and abilities. Some teenagers are grateful for help in choosing a profession and for eliminating problems in communicating with their parents. Developing classes to prepare for school are especially popular.