Flatulence: causes and treatment of folk remedies in children and adults, symptoms

Flatulence: causes and treatment of folk remedies in children and adults, symptoms
Flatulence: causes and treatment of folk remedies in children and adults, symptoms

The release of gases from the human intestine is called flatulence. This term is not familiar to all people. This article will tell you about what flatulence is. The causes and treatment of folk remedies will be described below. You will also learn about ways to correct this condition with medication.

flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies
flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies

What is flatulence?

Causes and treatment of folk remedies in children and adults may be different. Currently, drug manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of correction formulations. Among them there are herbs that are allowed for use even by kids. You can also choose medicines containing chemical constituents. They are more effective, but less safe means. What is flatulence?

This condition is characterized by increased gas formation in the intestines. Normally, up to 0.9 liters of gases are present in the human body. However, with flatulence, this amount can increase three times. It is worth noting that children and the elderly most often experience flatulence.people. This does not rule out the occurrence of the symptom in middle-aged people.

causes of flatulence in adults
causes of flatulence in adults

Pathology or normal?

Before you find out what causes flatulence in adults and treatment with folk remedies, it must be said that a symptom can be a norm or a sign of pathology. In the first case, no correction is required. After the intestines are freed from excessive accumulation of gases, discomfort will disappear. When the need arises, the patient can take drugs to help clear the intestines from flatulence.

If the causes of flatulence in adults and children lie in the occurrence of pathological conditions, then it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. It can be medicinal or folk. It is worth noting that the second type of correction can be quite dangerous. It is not necessary to deal with pathology on your own. It makes sense to see a doctor and get the appropriate appointments.

intestinal flatulence treatment with folk remedies
intestinal flatulence treatment with folk remedies

Symptoms of the described condition

Before talking about the causes of flatulence and treatment with folk remedies, we need to mention the symptoms of this condition. Among them, the following signs can be distinguished:

  • Spasm. With an increase in gas formation, a strong stretching of the intestinal walls occurs. This is aggravated in case of constipation. The person feels periodic spasms that can last up to several hours.
  • Belly enlargement. With increased gas formation, the intestines stretch, andadjacent organs may be slightly displaced. This causes an increase in the peritoneum. Often a person feels that they cannot fit into their usual clothes.
  • Belching or heartburn. Flatulence creates pressure that acts on the stomach. As a result, nausea begins, accompanied by belching with an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Rumbling in the abdomen. With increased gas formation and accumulation of liquid feces, rumbling may occur. It appears due to wandering gases that mix with feces.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) or constipation. Often, flatulence is accompanied by a violation of the chair. In this case, a person may experience both constipation and diarrhea. It all depends on the cause of the symptom.
  • Flatulence. Direct release of gases from the intestines, accompanied by a unique sound and an unpleasant odor.

Flatulence: causes and treatment with folk remedies (is there a relationship?)

Do I need to correct increased gas formation in the intestines? Of course, yes, in the case when it causes discomfort. If flatulence occurs independently and painlessly, then the correction can not be carried out. Depending on the symptoms of flatulence, and treatment with folk remedies is carried out according to the appropriate scheme. If the pathology is manifested by a violation of the stool, then certain recipes are used. When it comes to pain, other methods help.

Doctors say that most folk remedies are unable to cope with serious pathologies. Sometimes flatulence can be caused by a tumor process. ATIn this case, the patient needs urgent medical attention. The use of grandmother's recipes can only aggravate the situation and complicate the process of subsequent treatment. Consider what causes flatulence can have, and the treatment of various pathologies with folk remedies should also be described below.

flatulence symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
flatulence symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Normal processes

What could be the causes of flatulence in infants? When a baby is born, his intestines are sterile. During the first meal, a variety of bacteria enter the digestive tract. Some of them are useful and help in the formation of the correct microflora. Others cause fermentation and the formation of gas. It is worth noting that in most children this process is accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Treatment of this condition is usually carried out by folk remedies. So, heat helps in the fight against colic. Take a heating pad or iron the diaper. After that, attach the device to the baby's tummy. In just a few minutes, the baby will feel much better. Also, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and avoid gas-producing foods. They can also cause increased gas production.

Flatulence: causes and treatment with folk remedies (chamomile)

In almost all cases of inflammation in the intestines, there is increased gas formation. In this case, self-medication can lead to complications. This must be remembered if you are going to carry out a correction with folk remedies.

flatulence in adults causes and treatment with folk remedies
flatulence in adults causes and treatment with folk remedies

The most popular anti-inflammatory drug is chamomile. The dried flowers of this plant contribute to the elimination of bacteria and the destruction of viruses in the digestive tract. It is worth noting that some patients may not be treated with herbs. Thus, cancer patients should be especially careful with such methods.

Chamomile for bowel treatment is prepared in the following way. Take two tablespoons of dried inflorescences and fill them with 300 milliliters of boiling water. Let the broth stand for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Add one teaspoon of honey to the resulting liquid and mix thoroughly. Drink 100 ml of the prepared mixture three times a day before meals.

Nutrition and gut response

If you have intestinal flatulence, folk remedies may include the use of a diet. Often, an increase in gas production occurs when a large amount of fiber is consumed. It can be bran, raw vegetables and fruits, greens. Dishes with cabbage and legumes also lead to flatulence. Sodas, white bread, and other yeasty baked goods can lead to increased gas production. Alcoholic drinks work in the same way.

How can such a condition be corrected by folk methods? Follow your diet. If diarrhea has joined the described condition, then it is worth giving preference to rice dishes, jelly-like soups, strong tea with crackers. When constipated, try to diversifyyour diet with liquid meals and plenty of drinking water. At the same time, exclude from the diet the above products that lead to flatulence. In especially difficult situations, it is worth taking some herbal preparations, for example, Dufalac, Senade, Gutasil.

flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies chamomile
flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies chamomile

Intestinal neoplasms

Tumor processes in the intestine always lead to flatulence. Treatment with folk remedies in these cases is categorically not welcome. However, some patients say that propolis, garlic, or some other miraculous folk medicine helped them in treating the tumor.

If gas formation is caused by fecal stones, then an enema will be an effective remedy. At the same time, its volume should be at least two liters. Remember that you can use such drugs only when you are sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis. So, for example, intestinal obstruction is a direct contraindication to enema.

Effective folk remedies

In addition to the above formulations to combat flatulence, there are some other effective folk remedies. Among them are the following.

flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies in children
flatulence causes and treatment with folk remedies in children
  • Cumin and anise seeds. These compounds help prevent fermentation and relieve pain. After each meal, simply chew on some of the indicated seeds, then spit out the rest.
  • Licorice and mint. From these herbsit is preferable to brew tea. To do this, take a dried plant and pour boiling water over it. Let the decoction brew, then take one cup up to three times a day.
  • Dill or fennel. These pharmacy herbs are also used to make a drink. The plant promotes the breakdown of gases in the intestines and stomach, and also relieves spasm. Dill and fennel are carminative. If necessary, natural grass can be replaced with oil, which is sold in almost every pharmacy.

Be he althy!
