Modern doctors tend not to use antibacterial agents for otolaryngological diseases in adult patients unless absolutely necessary. So, if a person is not worried about severe pain, hyperthermia and swelling, and the general condition of the patient does not cause concern, the doctor takes a wait-and-see attitude and antimicrobial drugs are not prescribed due to:
- high chance of drug-resistant bacteria;
- manifestations of side effects.
What are the best antibiotics for ENT diseases in adult patients?

In cases where a patient has the following diseases, the timely intake of antimicrobial agents becomes vital:
- Purulent otitis media is a common otorhinolaryngological disease, purulent inflammation of the middle ear involving all its anatomical sections in the pathological process.
- Angina is an infectious disease with local manifestations inthe form of acute inflammation of the components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, most often the palatine tonsils, caused by streptococci or staphylococci, less often by other microorganisms, viruses and fungi.
- Acute tonsillitis.
- Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses. It may occur as a complication in acute rhinitis, influenza, other infectious diseases, as well as after injuries of the facial area.
What antibiotics are there for ENT infections?

Differences between antibiotics
Antibacterial drugs are divided into several therapeutic groups:
- Aminoglycosides are nephrotoxic and ototoxic drugs that are effective against gram-negative bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases, as well as meningitis and digestive disorders. These antimicrobial agents are not used for otolaryngological diseases in children and adult patients due to low efficiency and a large list of adverse reactions.
- Sulfanilamides are broad-spectrum systemic antibacterial agents. Adversely affect clostridia, listeria, protozoa and chlamydia. Sulfonamides are rarely recommended for the treatment of ENT diseases. As a rule, with individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones and drugs of the penicillin group.
- Penicillins are active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, so they are widely used in ENT practice for the treatment of adult patients and children. Have littlecontraindications, but can provoke serious allergies.
- Cephalosporins have a bactericidal effect. Used to eliminate streptococci and staphylococci, which in most cases cause tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis media.
- Macrolides are the safest antibacterial agents. Well eliminate mycoplasmas, chlamydia. They have a bacteriostatic effect.
- Fluoroquinolones are the most popular broad-spectrum highly effective antimicrobial drugs. Help with the defeat of meningococcus, staphylococcus aureus. Prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding, drugs have an extensive list of adverse reactions.
A medical specialist makes a decision on the appointment of drugs of one or another group for otolaryngological diseases, based on methodological recommendations, as well as the characteristics of the anamnesis, information on the effectiveness of previously used medications and reactions to prescribed drugs. What antibiotics are used for ENT diseases in adult patients?

Antibacterial remedies for sinusitis in adults
Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the membrane that affects the paranasal sinuses. The following inflammations are distinguished at the site of occurrence:
- Sinusitis - defeat of the maxillary sinuses.
- Ethmoiditis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cells of the ethmoid bone.
- Frontitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the mucous membrane of the frontal sinusnose.
- Sphenoiditis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous base of the sphenoid paranasal sinus.
Sinusitis in adults and children can be acute or chronic, the main symptoms of the disease in the acute phase:
- purulent nasal discharge;
- hyperthermia - overheating, the accumulation of excess heat in the human body with an increase in body temperature, caused by external factors that impede heat transfer to the external environment;
- throbbing pain in the frontal region, above the upper jaw, which increases when the head is tilted down. Pain can be exacerbated even by the blow of a cold wind in the face.
Chronic disease can have a blurred picture with less severe symptoms. Incorrect and untimely treatment of the disease can provoke meningitis and sepsis. Sometimes such complications end in death for the patient.
Systemic treatment of sinusitis is carried out after receiving the results of the tests, but if there is no time to wait, the ENT chooses broad-spectrum antibiotics of the penicillin group, for example:
- "Amoxicillin".
- "Amoxiclav".
- "Flemoxin Solutab".
Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum drug, but, if its effectiveness in a particular situation is low, therapy is adjusted with the help of Amoxiclav, a protected antibacterial agent in which the main trace element is supplemented with clavulanic acid.
And"Amoxicillin" and "Amoxiclav" are well absorbed in the stomach and intestines, distributed throughout all tissues of the body. Drugs are excreted with urine, so the main contraindication to their use is damage to the excretory system and general intolerance to the active substance.
It is necessary to use medicines for otolaryngological diseases orally or in injections.

"Flemoxin Solutab" is the same "Amoxicillin", only the drug is produced under a different brand name. Released from pharmacies in tablet form.
For diseases, ENT widely prescribes antibiotics for children:
- "Erythromycin".
- "Azithromycin".
- "Sumamed".
These antibacterial agents have little toxicity, do not provoke the appearance of allergies, like penicillin drugs.
For the treatment of patients, these drugs are used in the form of tablets, capsules and powder for the manufacture of suspensions.
The most popular drugs are the third generation, for example, "Ceftriaxone". The drug helps to cope with purulent sinusitis, is produced in the form of a powder, from which an injection is prepared with the help of solvents. The introduction is painful, the appearance of pronounced local reactions is likely.
For local treatment of inflammatory processes in the membrane of the nasal sinuses in adult patients, antibiotic drops and sprays are used:
- "Isofra" is a French drug, the structure of which includes framycetin, which is active against coccal microorganisms.
- "Polydex" copes well with sinusitis and otitis media. Available in the form of a spray and drops. The drug is effective in purulent discharge.
- "Bioparox" has an active ingredient - fusafungin. Produced in the form of an aerosol, it eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses.
For effective treatment of sinusitis with local antimicrobial drugs, it is first necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops that will eliminate swelling and give the necessary patency to the antibiotic.

Otitis media
Pathological condition of the hearing organ of infectious origin. There are several types of otitis media:
- outer;
- medium;
- internal.
The most popular is otitis media. It covers the cavity from the tympanic membrane to the area in which the auditory bones are located. Most of the cases are children under five years old, but adults also suffer from this disease.
Main sources of disease:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae.
- Staphylococcus.
- Pneumococcus.
- Mushrooms of the genus Candida.

Medicines for the treatment of otitis media in adult patients
Systemic antibacterial agents are used for therapy:
- "Amosil".
- "Ospamox".
- "Flemoxin".
- "Amoxiclav".
- "Zinnat".
- "Axotin".
- "Zinacef".
- "Cephurus".
- "Ceftriaxone".
In exceptional situations, otolaryngologists recommend adult patients with drugs from the fluoroquinolone group, such as Norfloxacin in tablet form.
Effective and local therapy, which is carried out with drops of two types, which include only an antibiotic: Ciprofarm, Normax, Otofa.
If the mucous membrane of the ear canal is infected with fungi, doctors recommend combination creams: Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Pimafucort.
When choosing the most suitable ear drops for adult and pediatric patients, it is essential to determine whether there has been a perforation of the eardrum, which usually occurs with otitis media. If a breakthrough of pus is detected, the patient can only use one-component antimicrobial drops without analgesic or anti-inflammatory action.
In addition, the antibiotic aminoglycoside is also not recommended:
- "Gentamicin".
- "Framicetin".
- "Neomycin".
- "Polymyxin".
These active trace elements have an ototoxic effect on the auditory ossicles and the mucous membrane of the inner ear, which can cause hearing loss, deafness or inflammation of the membranes of the brain.
Therefore, treatmentotitis media cannot be carried out without examination and supervision of a medical specialist.

Acute infectious disease, the causative agents of which violate the palatine tonsils. Signs:
- Rise in body temperature to high levels.
- Severe sore throat.
- Enlargement of palatine tonsils.
- Abscesses or serous plaque on the tonsils.
- Migraine is a neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe and painful attacks of headache in one side of the head.
- Oppression.
- Apathy is a symptom expressed in indifference, indifference, in a detached attitude to what is happening around, in the absence of a desire for any activity.
- Sluggishness.
- Pale skin.
- Tachycardia is a special condition of the body in which the heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of studies of the purulent contents of the pharynx, as well as an assessment of the general condition of the patient. The following ailments are likely to appear:
- Myocarditis.
- Rheumatism.
- Meningitis.
- Pyelonephritis.
Otolaryngological diseases are eliminated in adults with antibiotics (ENT will prescribe the necessary after diagnosis). Respiratory tract infections provoke:
- streptococcus;
- staph;
- staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Antibiotics to eliminate sore throats in adultspatients
Very rare infection with Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, mixed flora. The spreader of the infection is always an infected person, the route of transmission is airborne. Systemic therapy for adult patients is carried out with the following drugs:
- "Amoxicillin"
- "Amoxiclav".
- "Erythromycin".
- "Sumamed".
- "Zitrolide".
- "Hemomycin".
- "Zinnat".
- "Ceftriaxone".
- "Ciprofloxacin".
Local treatment in adult patients is carried out by irrigation of the pharynx with antimicrobial agents "Bioparox", "Gexoral", as well as frequent gargling with solutions of "Gexoral", "Oracept". All these are medicines with antiseptic substances for the additional treatment of angina.
Sources of acute tonsillitis cannot be suppressed only with the use of local preparations. An otolaryngologist, having made such a diagnosis to a patient, definitely recommends systemic antibacterial agents.
As a rule, tonsillitis is called tonsillitis, which can be both acute and chronic. According to experts, this ENT disease can rarely be picked up from the environment, in most cases self-infection occurs due to a decrease in immunity. The loss of protective forces causes the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora of the mouth and pharynx. Tonsillitis constantly appears in the presence of caries, as well as sinusitis, stomatitis.

What antibiotics for the treatment of ENT diseases can be used by pregnant women
Diseases of ENT organs systematically appear in women in an "interesting position". For nine months, it is difficult not to catch bacteria or a virus that can provoke sinusitis or otitis media.
In severe situations, antibiotic therapy is indispensable, as there is a high probability of intrauterine infection of the fetus and the development of complex pathologies.
As a rule, otolaryngologists prescribe for pregnant women:
- penicillins;
- macrolides;
- cephalosporins.
Drugs of these groups cross the placental barrier, but do not have a detrimental effect on the fetus. It is strongly not recommended to use aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones, they have a destructive effect on the development and growth of the baby.
Other groups of drugs are allowed partially, depending on the period of pregnancy.
Any antibiotic for ENT diseases of the respiratory system should be prescribed to a woman in the "position" only by a medical specialist. The otolaryngologist may not know about the patient's pregnancy. Therefore, when visiting a specialist, it is necessary to indicate this condition.