Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, when there is a narrowing of their lumen, breathing becomes difficult, a cough with phlegm appears. Let's further define what bronchitis is. Symptoms and antibiotic treatment of this disease will be discussed in the article.

This ailment, as a rule, appears due to the penetration of infection into the body. Most often these are viruses (parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus), bacteria (staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, streptococci), intracellular parasitic elements. During a cold, the airways become inflamed. Now 100 microbes are known that cause this disease. Infections such as MS infection, influenza, directly attack the bronchi and already in the first days of illness lead to bronchitis. As a rule, a viral infection (for example, during the flu) is replaced by a bacterial one.
Factors of bronchitis
It is possible to isolate the following factors that lead to the development of this disease:
- physical factors –damp, cold air;
- Sharp temperature fluctuations;
- radiation, dust and smoke;
- chemical factors - substances in the air such as carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acid fumes, cigarette smoke;
- bad habits - alcoholism, smoking;
- diseases that lead to stagnation in blood circulation;
- infection of the nasal cavity, for example, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
- congenital pathology and hereditary predisposition;
- chest injury.
Bronchitis treatment
Distinguish between chronic and acute bronchitis.

Treatment of an acute illness includes:
• Bed rest.
• Drinking plenty of water leading to thinning of phlegm.
• Use of antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Prescribing mucolytic and antitussive medications.
Treatment of bronchitis in adults with antibiotics is the most difficult moment, the decision of which must take into account the validity of the use of these medicines.
The main cause of acute bronchitis is considered to be viral infections, so the use of antibiotics does not have the desired therapeutic effect. Moreover, the unreasonable use of such medications can lead to intestinal dysbacteriosis, which leads to a decrease in immunity, forms bacteria resistance to them, and causes allergic reactions.
Prophylactic prescription of antibiotic drugs affects the healing processnegative impact. And the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia with antibiotics, such as Levomycetin, Penicillin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline, can weaken the immune system.
Most often, antibiotic drugs are selected empirically, that is, without performing an appropriate study of the body's microflora for susceptibility to these substances.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults with antibiotics is done with the following symptoms:
• Temperature increase over 38°C for more than three days.
• Difficulty breathing.
• Severe intoxication.
• Detection of leukocytosis in the blood (over 12 thousand in one microliter), shift to the left of the leukoformula.
Acute bronchitis: therapy
Treatment is usually done at home on an outpatient basis.
• Mode - semi-bed.
• Drink plenty of water, twice the daily requirement.
• Dairy-vegetarian diet, limiting allergenic foods and spicy foods.
• Antiviral therapy: 5 caps. drug "Interferon" six times a day. For influenza, the remedy "Remantadine" is prescribed, and for acute manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections, the medication "Immunoglobulin" is prescribed.
• The drug "Azithromycin" is used for five days and often cures acute bronchitis.
• Antibiotic treatment is prescribed in the presence of an obvious bacterial infection, severe inflammatory changes detected in the general blood test,with a tendency to protracted illness.
• It is recommended to perform inhalations - soda-s alt, soda.

• If it is difficult to expectorate sputum, it is recommended to take expectorants ("Pertussin", licorice root syrup, "Muk altin", chest collection, "Thermopsis") and mucolytic drugs that are used for viscous sputum ("Bronchicum", "Erespal ", Mukopront", "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan", "Ascoril") in appropriate dosages.
• With abundant sputum discharge, vibration massage is prescribed.
• Antitussives ("Sinekod", "Kofeks") are prescribed for dry cough, in the first days of illness.
The use of herbal expectorant preparations (marshmallow, anise, thermopsis, psyllium, elecampane) helps to maintain bronchial motility, and also leads to an improvement in sputum output.
Obstructive bronchitis: treatment with antibiotics
This type of bronchitis manifests itself in the form of a narrowing of the lumen of small bronchi and severe bronchospasm. Its symptoms are leukocytosis, high fever, shortness of breath, cough, intoxication of the body.
Therapy of this disease includes bed rest, warm drinks in large quantities, the use of antitussives. At high temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

Antibacterial agents for obstructivebronchitis is used if it is of bacterial origin. Often, medications from the macrolide category are used:
• The drug "Erythromycin". It is characterized by bacteriostatic and bactericidal action. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.
• The drug "Rovamycin". It has excellent tolerance, with it the treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults is effective. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on the patient's weight and the severity of the inflammation process.
• The drug "Azithromycin". This is a very effective remedy, well tolerated by many patients. The doctor determines the dosage of the drug, based on the age of the patient, the severity of the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of his body. The undoubted advantage of the tool is ease of use. The drug "Azithromycin" is used once a day. The course of treatment is six days.
Acute bronchitis: treatment with antibiotics
In this type of bronchitis, antibiotics are prescribed very rarely, since it most often occurs due to viruses against which these medicines are powerless. Therefore, such drugs for acute bronchitis are prescribed only when its treatment is complicated by a severe bacterial infection. In such cases, antibiotics of the penicillin group are usually used. If the patient is allergic to penicillins, then drugs such as Azithromycin or Macropen and the like can be prescribed.
Antibiotics for chronic bronchitis
Unlike acute bronchitis, chronic antibiotics are used in almost all cases. BUTif there is purulent bronchitis, antibiotic treatment is an effective way to defeat the disease. The main therapeutic agents used in the treatment of the chronic form of such diseases are medicines, which we will consider next.
These are Macropen, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin. They are effective antibacterial drugs, have a wide spectrum of action and remove most harmful microorganisms. Well tolerated by patients.

These include such remedies: "Flemoxin", "Solyutab", "Panklav", "Amoxiclav", "Augmentin". Antibiotics of this group are the basis for the treatment of chronic forms of the diseases under consideration. Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults most often begins with them. They have relatively few side effects, but, unfortunately, they do not help much in the fight against advanced cases of the disease. Therefore, if the causative agent of the disease does not respond to penicillins, antibiotics of other groups are prescribed.
Fluoroquinolones are medicines "Ciprofloxacin", "Moxifloxacin", "Levofloxacin". They, unlike all other antibiotics, have a unique chemical structure and origin. Used to combat chronic bronchitis. Fluoroquinolones work in the bronchi and have few side effects. Antibiotics of this category are prescribed only if the pathogens of bronchitis are resistant to other groups.antibiotic drugs.
These are Ceftriaxone and Cefuroxime. These new antibacterial agents will allow effective treatment of bronchitis in adults with antibiotics. The injections are prescribed by a doctor. In addition, these remedies have many side effects.
Antibiotics for bronchitis in pregnant women
As a rule, in expectant mothers, the body's immune system is often weakened and cannot resist various viruses and infections. Therefore, cases of bronchitis are common in pregnant women. The woman has a strong cough, sputum comes out. This is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child.
Strong antibiotic drugs are not advised during pregnancy (especially in the first 3 months). Antibiotics are prescribed only in case of a real threat to the he alth of the fetus and mother. As a rule, antibiotics of the penicillin group are recommended to pregnant women, as they are less harmful.

You can use the antibiotic "Bioparox", which enters the bronchi through inhalation and acts locally, so penetration through the placenta is excluded.
Self-treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults is not allowed, especially for pregnant women. Only a doctor can prescribe them!
Injections for bronchitis
Injections for bronchitis should be prescribed only by a doctor, after the necessary thorough examination.
1. If bronchitis is treated with antibiotics, injections should only be givenmedical worker. Also, only a specialist prescribes the dosage of the drug.
2. As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed simultaneously with decoctions of medicinal herbs and tablets ("Muk altin").
3. Most often, when treating bronchitis in adults with antibiotics, injections are prescribed intravenously with a solution of the drug "Benzylpenicillin". In some cases, it is diluted with the drug Streptomycin.
Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults should be combined with other drugs. Therefore, do not neglect the useful and valuable medical recommendations and use all the ways to help you recover faster. Often people suffering from bronchitis are advised to stop smoking, drink more warm liquids and drink herbal teas.