Psychovegetative syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Psychovegetative syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features
Psychovegetative syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Psychovegetative syndrome is characterized by the fact that it can include a large number of different symptoms that arise from many systems and organs. Such signs are so diverse that a person can go to the doctors for a long time to clarify the diagnosis. But most often, numerous studies are not able to identify any pathology, and in this case, doctors recommend that the patient consult a neuropsychiatrist, suspecting the presence of a psychovegetative syndrome. So what is it?

Features of the manifestation of psycho-vegetative syndrome

psychovegetative syndrome
psychovegetative syndrome

This pathology is manifested by heart ailments, headache, increased sweating, nausea, dizziness, heaviness in the stomach, urination disorders, sensitivity to cold. All this is accompanied by anxiety,depressed and irritable state, internal restlessness, various phobias, apathy and insomnia. Careful examination shows that all organs are absolutely he althy, and all symptoms are false.


Psychovegetative syndrome is manifested due to the constitutional features of a person, mental and somatic disorders, under the influence of hereditary factors, as well as as a result of an organic lesion of the nervous system.

This disease can manifest itself due to hormonal changes in the body, psychosomatic diseases (bronchial asthma, hypertension, etc.), psychophysiological changes (acute and chronic stress), diseases of the nervous system, neuroses, mental disorders, some professional diseases.

psychovegetative syndrome symptoms
psychovegetative syndrome symptoms

Such causes lead to vegetative dystonia, which is often accompanied by panic attacks.


If there is a suspicion of a psychovegetative syndrome, its symptoms may be different. They can manifest themselves in the presence of a variety of syndromes that are treated only in a complex way.

Cardiovascular syndrome is usually manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the heart (tachycardia, bradycardia), high blood pressure, chilliness of the extremities, hot flashes, changes in the color of the skin (cyanosis, pallor).

Cardiological syndrome is characterized by the occurrence of pain of a different nature or a feeling of discomfort in the precordial region. It is sometimes believed that in this wayangina appears, but in this case, the pain does not go away even after taking nitroglycerin.

psychovegetative syndrome treatment
psychovegetative syndrome treatment

Also, with hyperventilation syndrome, a person may suffer from a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, cough. Due to rapid breathing, the body begins to experience a lack of carbon dioxide, which is manifested by muscle spasms and paresthesia in the perioral region and distal extremities. Lack of air causes the patient to faint - his eyes begin to darken, weakness and dizziness appear.

There are pains in the heart and abdomen due to impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract. A person loses his appetite, irritable bowel syndrome appears. In some cases, vomiting opens, there is a disorder of the stool, heaviness in the epigastrium.

Psychovegetative syndrome with cerebrovascular disorders is accompanied by headaches, a tendency to faint, noise in the ears and head, dizziness. They arise due to cerebral angiodystonia, the basis of which is considered to be dysregulation of the vascular tone of the brain of a hypotonic, hypertonic or mixed nature.

Psychovegetative syndrome is manifested by sexual dysfunction. In men, in this case, an erection or ejaculation is disturbed, and in women, anorgasmia or vaginismus occurs. Body temperature may rise or fall, chills appear.

What is a panic attack?

Quite a few people suffer from panic disorder from time to time. Most often, this pathology develops inaged 20-30 years and mostly in women.

Psychovegetative syndrome with panic attacks has the following symptoms:

  • respiratory, vascular reactions are disturbed;
  • thermoregulation changes, sweating;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • tachycardia occurs, heart rhythm is disturbed.

Such symptoms, occurring suddenly and for no reason, lead to the formation of emotional-affective disorders. In this case, there is an unreasonable fear, reaching the point of panic. It happens that the first panic attack later develops into a specific fear - there is a fear of a stroke, myocardial infarction, falling, loss of consciousness, insanity, etc.

psychovegetative syndrome with cerebrovascular disorders
psychovegetative syndrome with cerebrovascular disorders

Between attacks, patients usually develop secondary psychovegetative syndromes. A person cannot be in a crowd, a store, too far from home, or, conversely, alone in an apartment. This leads to depression, reduced social activity, the patient loses interest in the outside world, increased fatigue, weakness, decreased appetite, disturbed sleep.

Diagnosis of disease

To diagnose a psychovegetative syndrome, a comprehensive examination is required. First of all, the doctor must exclude all somatic diseases that manifest themselves in this way.

psychovegetative syndrome with panic attacks
psychovegetative syndrome with panic attacks

Qualitative diagnostics requires consultation of several doctors of different profiles. very importantthe questioning of the patient is considered. The doctor is obliged to ask him about all the sensations and find out all the subtleties of the manifestation of the disease.

In the process of examination, an electrocardiogram, computed tomography, MRI, vascular dopplerography are often prescribed.


If a psychovegetative syndrome has arisen, its treatment should take place, if possible, without the use of medications. The patient is prescribed sessions of massage, reflexology, physiotherapy exercises. To reduce the manifestation of hyperventilation, it is recommended to carry out breathing exercises.

In acute manifestations of the disease, the patient is prescribed benzodiazepines. In anxiety-depressive state with sleep disorders, antidepressants with a sedative effect are prescribed. Drugs such as beta-blockers are used for hypertension, heart pain, and tachycardia.

psychovegetative syndrome in children
psychovegetative syndrome in children

It is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, harden the body, apply treatment that strengthens the body. In many cases, a positive effect comes after rational psychotherapy, during which they try to convey to the patient that he does not have a disease that threatens his life.

Sanatorium-resort treatment is also practiced, which effectively affects the patient's body due to climate change.

Psychovegetative syndrome in children

In childhood, this disease is characterized by a combination of vegetative and psycho-emotional disorders that occur due to various pathologies of the nervous system. Contribute to the development of the diseaseinstability of such vegetative parameters as temperature and blood pressure, as well as poor tolerance of mental and physical labor. The syndrome is quite often observed with hormonal changes in the period of growing up. The disease is treated with drug and non-drug methods.


Thus, psychovegetative syndrome is a rather serious pathology that can be accompanied by panic attacks that exhaust a person. In addition to drug treatment, the patient should eat right, have a good rest and strive to get more positive emotions.
