What causes kidney pain in men? This issue will have to be de alt with by all the representatives of the stronger sex who want to prevent the occurrence of a serious disease associated with the kidneys. This is an important paired organ that can stop working productively for a variety of reasons. This can lead to a disorder of the digestive system, malfunctions of the genital organs, and a violation of the water-s alt balance. This article will present the main symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with this organ.
Locations of the kidneys

Particular attention should be paid to what causes kidney pain in men, since this is fraught with quite serious problems for the stronger sex. The kidneys are located behind the peritoneum, on the back wall of the abdominal cavity. It is not difficult to independently determine their location: just put your palmson the sides to the waist, and then put the thumbs up. In this case, their tips will be just above the organ.
The boundaries of the location of the kidneys may vary, but in most cases the right is lower than the left. The body operates around the clock and continuously. Several times a day, it pumps all the blood through itself, effectively cleansing it of toxins, toxins, promotes the formation of urine with its subsequent excretion through the appropriate channels. In addition, the kidneys are involved in the metabolic process. If any violations occur in them, all of the listed systems begin to fail.
The main causes of kidney disease include excessive alcohol consumption, hypothermia, constipation, infections, chronic fatigue and regular stress.

To start timely and effective treatment, it is necessary to determine which particular organ is bothering a person. By the way, if the urinary organ suffers, this does not always indicate a pathology. Discomfort is characteristic of appendicitis, pyelonephritis, biliary colic.
This article tells what to do if the kidneys hurt, how to treat symptoms in men. With all the variety of reasons why this organ can suffer, experts identify several typical signs that remain characteristic of almost all conditions.
These include:
- chill;
- puffy face in the morning;
- pale skin color;
- weakness and fatigue;
- increasedblood pressure;
- systematic headaches.
There are also local signs. It is worth remembering what symptoms occur when the kidneys in men hurt. The most typical of them is the presence of discomfort in the lumbar region. In this case, the pain begins to intensify with certain body movements, for example, if you stand on your toes, and then abruptly return to the starting position, as well as when urinating.
Other local features are:
- ammonia breath smell;
- unpleasant and peculiar smell of urine;
- pain and frequent urge to urinate;
- small pimples on the skin;
- reddish tint to urine.
Features of kidney pain in men

Compared to women, the symptoms of kidney pain are not so pronounced in men, but this does not mean that men are less likely to suffer from such problems. Because of this, diseases are often found in advanced stages, treatment takes much longer, it becomes more difficult to determine what causes kidney pain in men, since it is difficult to determine when the first symptoms of the disease appeared.
When pain in the kidneys in men, diseases such as urolithiasis, hydronephrosis are most often diagnosed, nephroptosis, pyelonephritis can also develop. The pain is localized in the lumbar region, may be permanent or paroxysmal.
Among other characteristic signs of diseased kidneys in a man, the following should be highlighted:
- swelling in the abdomen and on the face;
- high blood pressure;
- sluggish state;
- constant thirst and dry mouth;
- excessive urination;
- polyuria or anuria (that is, the complete cessation of urine entering the bladder);
- high body temperature;
- appearance of blood and cloudy urine;
- chill;
- hyperlipidemia.
Pain on the left side

When the first discomfort appears, it is necessary to analyze all the symptoms you have, seek timely and qualified help. The main thing is to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. Of great importance is the exact place in which the kidneys hurt. For example, with pyelonephritis, the pains are aching in nature, located in the lumbar region.
Now let's figure out what reasons can be if a man's left kidney hurts. There are a lot of such diseases, they all have similar symptoms. The pathologies and their characteristic signs are listed below:
- Urolithiasis. When this disease occurs, the patient develops severe pain, which can appear with a sharp change in body position, physical exertion. Cutting, itching, burning may be accompanied by urination, moreover, blood may be observed in the urine.
- Pyelonephritis is manifested by strong and sharp pains. There is also a change in temperature, fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, swelling of the whole body in the morning. Here,why does the left kidney hurt in men.
- Cancer is another common cause of pain in the left kidney. This disease is characterized by constant pain, which increases with the growth of the pathological neoplasm. Weight loss, high fever, bone aches and weakness, fever may occur.
Discomfort in right kidney
When a man's right kidney hurts, it indicates characteristic pathological processes. They can occur in the kidney itself or in surrounding organs.
There are many reasons why men have kidney problems. These are inflammation, right-sided nephroptosis, cancer, urolithiasis, pyonephrosis, cyst, parasitic diseases.
Here are some symptoms that will help determine why the right kidney hurts in men:
- blood in urine;
- right colic;
- itchy skin;
- fever;
- pain when urinating;
- fatigue;
- changing the composition and color of urine;
- skin rash;
- ammonia breath smell;
- deterioration of vision.
Features of painful sensations

If your kidneys hurt, this is an alarming symptom that should not be ignored. It is important to know what to do when the kidneys hurt in men. First, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the sign and its localization.
Kidney pain can radiate to other parts of the body. For example, in the groin, back, lower back, genitals. It is important to understand that diagnosing the disease yourselfimpossible, you should definitely seek help from a qualified specialist. To help the doctor accurately determine the disease, you should carefully listen to your own feelings, monitor where the pain comes from, how it develops, and changes. Then it will be possible to quickly determine the reasons why the kidneys hurt in men.
It is worth noting that in diseases of the kidneys, the nature of pain can be different, including paroxysmal, sharp, stabbing, aching, pulling. Only after a doctor's examination will it be possible to make assumptions about what causes kidney pain in men.

In case of kidney problems, the primary diagnosis consists in questioning the patient and examining him by a doctor. As a result of a thorough and meticulous examination, it will be possible to find out a specific disease, understand why the kidneys hurt in men, and begin treatment at the earliest possible stage.
Currently, there are several types of examinations that can provide the most accurate results in the shortest possible time.
Mandatory diagnostic procedures - percussion and palpation. Both of these methods are part of the physical examination. During palpation, the doctor carefully probes the kidneys themselves, determines whether their size and location are normal. During percussion, by tapping, it is possible to establish the presence of a pain syndrome. Normally, tapping on the kidneys should not cause any discomfort.
Blood and urine test refers to a variety of laboratory diagnostics. Blood testhelps to determine with high accuracy why the kidneys hurt in men, in particular, to establish the presence of urea, reatinin, uric acid in the blood. Under normal conditions, all these substances should be removed from the body. The analysis also allows you to determine the presence of impurities.
Using ultrasound examination of the kidneys, it is possible to diagnose the presence of tumors and cysts, changes in the size of the organ.
Along with ultrasound, an X-ray examination is used, which allows you to assess the condition of the kidneys, to establish the presence of neoplasms and pathologies. There are two main types of research - this is with the use of a contrast agent and without it. When using contrast, it is injected into a vein, and after a certain time, the anatomical structure of the kidney is translucent, obtaining the most accurate picture.
All this allows you to determine why the kidneys hurt in men, The reasons allow you to determine which treatment will be most effective.

At the next stage, the doctor determines the methods of treating the diagnosed disease. They depend on what kind of disease it was possible to determine at what stage it is. We emphasize that when the kidneys hurt in men, the treatment should be determined only by a competent specialist, based on the findings of analyzes and relevant studies.
If the cause of the disease is an infection, then drug therapy using antibiotics is used. The choice of a specific drug depends on what disease the doctor diagnosed.
Urethritis,cystitis, pyelonephritis are treated with powerful and effective diuretics that help the body remove pathogenic bacteria. If the inflammatory process can be considered insignificant, drugs are prescribed that are responsible for relieving spasm.
As we have noted, many kidney diseases are associated with an increase in body temperature. In this case, you should definitely use antipyretic drugs. It is also important to increase the patient's immunity: this will require immunomodulators that will provide appropriate assistance to the body during the fight against the disease.
If your doctor has diagnosed a urinary tract disease, it is important to follow a diet that limits your intake of caffeine and s alt, which are highly dehydrating.
Folk recipes
In some cases, patients begin to use alternative methods in the treatment of kidney disease. Currently, complex therapy is often carried out, combining medical methods with phytotherapy. For example, folk remedies can remove most of the symptoms associated with pathologies of the urinary system. The main thing is to understand that the effect of grandmother's recipes will be only in the early stages of the disease, the use of any folk remedy should be agreed with your doctor. Do not self-medicate.
You can discuss with your doctor which of the traditional methods will be most effective in your situation. After all, herbal medicine often demonstrates its effectiveness, for example, significantly reducing the likelihood of relapse.
Reception of vegetable decoctions helpsstrengthen the body after a course of antibiotics, and also protects the intestines from their negative effects.
Among the main folk methods, the following should be highlighted:
- thyme, which has an immunostimulating and diuretic effect, helping to relieve pain and calm the patient;
- The diuretic properties of linden are effective if its flowers, leaves and inflorescences are used;
- an infusion of sage leaves helps with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys; it has hemostatic, diuretic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties;
- Birch sap also has a diuretic effect, in addition, it stimulates metabolism, helps with inflammation;
- motherwort is included in most diuretic decoctions, it is used as an antiseptic and antispasmodic;
- flax seeds also have a strong diuretic effect, so they should be taken with plenty of liquid; best in the morning, one teaspoon.
You should know that taking infusions and decoctions is contraindicated in conditions where you need to limit fluid intake, as well as edema. It is important to monitor the quality of the ingredients that are used as part of folk remedies. Otherwise, you risk getting chemical poisoning. Pay attention to how and where the herbs were harvested.
It will be possible to avoid pathologies if appropriate prevention is carried out. It is included in a specific list of events.
It is important to give up bad habits that lead tothe fact that the filtering organs work literally for wear and tear. It is required to monitor the increase in immunity, with regular physical activity, the risk of blood stasis in the body is reduced to a minimum.
Proper and balanced nutrition is of great importance. It is worth minimizing the amount of fatty and s alty foods, drink enough fluids. At the same time, from drinks, the main preference should be given to green tea, clean water, compotes, decoctions prepared on the basis of herbs. Follow the observance of intimate and personal hygiene, do not allow unreasonable use of medications without consulting a doctor.
Summing up, we can say that, of course, no one is immune from kidney disease. But if you take care of your body, and follow all the recommendations of specialists, you will be able to cope with these diseases, prevent it from moving into a dangerous chronic stage.
Always remember that the he alth of the whole organism depends on the normal functioning of the urinary system. If you carry out competent and timely prevention of kidney diseases, this will significantly prolong the he alth and stable functioning of this important internal organ for our body.