Every year, every person must undergo a medical examination, during which a visit to an oncologist is mandatory. First of all, this specialist examines the body for the presence of blackened moles, which can be dangerous to human he alth and in the future cause skin cancer - melanoma.

What is a birthmark and how big is it
Moles are colored dots on human skin that form in melanin cells. They can be brown, black, red, blue, white.
In medical terminology, moles are called pigmented nevi. Their origin is associated with a large amount of melanin on a small cell, which forms a large or small bulge on the outer cover of a person.
The size of the mole is classified:
- small - from 0 to 15 mm;
- medium - their diameter can reach 10 cm, but no more;
- large and giant - localized in one area of the body, can completely cover the arm, leg, cheek, neck.

Forewarned is forearmed
You can find out whether moles are dangerous or not dangerous by carefully examining them. In most cases, ordinary spots do not pose a threat. Only 30% of blackened moles lead to the development of melanoma.
Benign specks have a neat appearance, they protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and are colored in light shades of brown, pink or black. If you look at the nevus through a magnifying glass, you can see that grooves characteristic of tissue cells can be traced on it. Safe moles do not cause discomfort, they do not hurt or itch. A size up to 6 mm in diameter is allowed, the shape of the spot is round or oval with smooth edges.

What to watch out for
- education has an unusual appearance, jagged edges, irregular shape;
- mole turned black and hurts;
- has a porous structure or looks like a dark polyp;
- began to change in size too quickly;
- cause discomfort - itchy, interfere with dressing, working, walking, constantly clinging and bleeding.
Another interesting observation: if a mole has changed color, but hair grows out of it, then it is safe.

Reasons for appearance
All age spots appear on the body under the influence of external factors. Nevi do not regenerate on their own. In order for them to grow or multiply, it is necessary that the following factors contribute to this:
- injuries;
- hormonal changes, menopause, pregnancy;
- ultraviolet.
Sunbathing in large doses is one of the primary factors affecting the blackening of moles and their growth. If you have a lot of such spots on your body and face, then sunbathing is contraindicated for you. People with pale skin are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time, as well as visit tanning salons.

Potential danger
If you notice that you have black dots or moles on the body of the same color, then set them under observation. Once a week, measure them and keep records. See if they cause discomfort. What causes potential danger:
- spots greater than 1 cm in diameter;
- if the neoplasm protrudes too high above the skin;
- a knot of dark color is visible;
- giant neoplasms over 20 cm in size2;
- flat spots that have a loose structure of scaly skin;
- spots having a blue color;
- senile age spots that appear on the face and have a loose structure and irregular shape;
- merging several moles into one;
- neoplasms inside which fluid accumulates.
AKORD Dangerous Mole Detection System
To find out if moles are dangerous or not dangerous, scientists from American universities suggest using the ABCD method. In our country, there is also a domestic analogue called AKORD:
A - asymmetry. If a mole on the fingeror in any other place has an asymmetrical shape, then it can be dangerous. You can check the symmetry if you conditionally divide the spot with a line into two parts and compare them.
K - edges. Dangerous formation has blurry fuzzy borders. It may be that the mole has turned black, and the edges have become red or burgundy.
O - coloring. This is the next factor indicating the degree of risk. If the color is light, uniform - everything is safe, otherwise you need to consult a specialist.
P - size. All moles larger than 0.6 cm in diameter are dangerous.
D - dynamics. If you notice that within a week or a month the spot has changed, this is a very bad sign.

Methods for diagnosing dangerous and non-dangerous moles
If you suspect that a mole is malignant, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The first examination is carried out in the usual way, using a magnifying glass. The specialist will examine the entire body, regardless of where the mole is located - on the finger, on the face, on the leg or elsewhere.
Next, scan the neoplasm with a flaw detector. This is a special device that allows you to look inside the nevus. It increases the size of the cell several times, so you can see the structure of the mole. And after that, the doctor will assess the patient's condition and send for further research, if necessary.
If the mole has turned black, then you can reliably find out about its nature by doing a biopsy. This is the most reliable and 100% optionresearch to tell if it has cancer or not. But a biopsy is possible only after the complete removal of the nevus from the body.
There is only one method of getting rid of the disease - complete removal. At the same time, a small piece of he althy tissue is also captured. If the mole has changed color and is causing concern, it is best to get rid of it immediately. Early diagnosis and prevention of further growth of the nevus is a way to protect yourself from melanoma. Moreover, the procedure is absolutely painless.
Methods for removing blackened moles:
- classic - scalpel surgical removal suitable for very large stains;
- laser - the point is evaporated with a laser, while the procedure is absolutely safe and does not cause discomfort, several moles can be removed at once;
- cryolysis - flat formations are removed with liquid nitrogen through freezing;
- electrocoagulation - moles on the leg are cauterized with electric current at the place of their growth;
- radio wave removal - another method that is now rarely used, but suitable for all moles, the removal is done using a powerful radio wave frequency.

Which moles should not be removed
If the stain on the body does not cause discomfort and does not interfere, it is better not to remove it. Nevi are considered safe if they have the following characteristics:
- dot diameter on the body does not exceed 5 mm;
- when viewed under a magnifying glass, the grooves of the fabric are visible;
- smooth, crisp round edges;
- you can see the hairs that grow frommoles;
- if it looks like a pigment spot, slightly protruding above the skin;
- does not hurt or itch;
- does not grow or change color.
Specialists recommend removing safe moles if they can be injured in everyday life, for example, at the junction of clothes, on the palms, in the armpit, on the finger, neck and other similar places. Nevi on the face are often removed to give beauty to delicate skin.
A mole is very easy to catch and damage while shaving, dressing, combing hair, bathing. Frequent injury can lead to rough skin in this area and have dangerous consequences.
Do not remove red moles. Contrary to popular fear, these types of spots are absolutely safe if they have signs of harmless nevi. Small neat red spots do not need to be removed.

Moles should be checked annually by visiting a specialist. Additionally, you need to do it at home, especially during the summer holidays. It is desirable to assess the state of each of the spots before and after the end of the solar period. If you notice growth, or the mole has turned black, you need to go to an oncologist.
The most dangerous time to be in the sun is from 11 am to 15 pm. Be aware that sunscreens do not protect against harmful UV rays. Dark spots attract the sun's rays much more than a light area of skin. Try to spend this time indoors or in the shade.
Summer clothes should be light and natural. Choose cotton fabrics.
If there are convex moles on the body that cause discomfort, or they have been injured, then you should not stick them with a band-aid. Under the sticker, the skin will not breathe and a greenhouse effect will occur. This is a very dangerous skin condition that can lead to further damage.
Go sunbathing in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening, after four in the afternoon. Keep children out of the sun and avoid burns.
Sunbathing is contraindicated:
- children under five;
- for large or giant birthmarks;
- if there are a lot of moles on the body.
Try to plan a trip to especially hot countries in the autumn. September is called the "velvet season" for a reason. At this time, the sun does not bake so much, but at the same time, warm air and pleasant sea temperatures are preserved. Young children should avoid traveling to hot countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Cuba, Spain. And, of course, always keep an eye on your little ones, do not let them sleep in the sun without protective umbrellas. Be sure to wear sunscreen at the beach.