Black dots on the lips are small open-type cysts, which consist of keratinized epidermal cells and sebum. Such formations are called comedones. They come to the surface of the dermis and become black as a result of oxidation under the influence of air. Infection of comedones is rare, they do not pose any danger to he alth, but they cause considerable psycho-emotional discomfort. Getting rid of black dots above the lip is not difficult - there are currently many effective remedies. To prevent their recurrence, it is necessary to study the reasons why they occur and how to eliminate them.

The reasons for the appearance of these formations
In the skin of the face, as well as throughout the body, there are special glands, through which a sebaceous secret is produced, which protects the dermis from environmental influences and the influence of pathogenicmicroorganisms. When they are blocked, black spots and dots appear on the forehead, on the nasal wings, on the lips, around them and on their inside. The pores are clogged with dead cells, which are mixed with the remnants of cosmetics and dust. Among the main factors contributing to the appearance of black dots on the lip are:
- Using inappropriate cosmetics - too greasy lipsticks, foundations, creams.
- Unbalanced diet.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Hormonal changes that often occur during menopause, menstruation, pregnancy, adolescence.
- Disorders in the endocrine system.
- Diseases of the intestines, stomach.
The appearance of comedones in the lips area is also promoted by prolonged sunbathing. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, they turn black and begin to contrast with the general skin color on the face.

Ways to eliminate dots
If black spots appear frequently on the lip, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct a visual assessment of the skin condition and, if necessary, prescribe certain laboratory tests. In some cases, you may need to consult such specialists as a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. To eliminate black dots completely, it is necessary to cure existing diseases. If he alth is in order, then it is necessaryseek cosmetic help.
It is important to remember that these medications can cause allergies, so you should consult a dermatologist before using them.
Scrubs and masks to get rid of this phenomenon
In addition, in specialized stores and pharmacies you can buy scrubs and masks that help eliminate blackheads on the lips:

- Floresan scrub. This drug improves skin respiration, normalizes the fat balance in the cells. It is recommended to use it daily until the comedones disappear.
- Purifying mask Siberian He alth. It contains extracts of St. John's wort, eucalyptus, tarragon, as well as panthenol and tea tree oil. Natural ingredients allow you to effectively remove comedones without causing skin irritation.
- Acne mask based on white clay. White clay is a natural adsorbent that removes excess sebum, tightens pores, and prevents clogging.
Ready-to-use products should be selected taking into account the type of skin, and before using them, it is important to study the attached instructions.
How do black spots around the lips get treated by a specialist?
Beautician treatment
Beautician will help professionally eliminate comedones that have arisen near the lips, using individually selected tools and methods. To do this, cosmetologists carry out absolutely painless and safe procedures:
- Cryomassage withusing liquid nitrogen.
- Peeling using special chemical compounds.
- Phototherapy - therapy with a beam of light rays.
- Laser, ultrasonic cleaning of the face from comedones.
In some cases, blackheads can be eliminated by introducing hyaluronic acid. Fillers increase the size of the lips, and the components included in their composition contribute to the destruction of masses clogging the pores.

Cosmetics and medicines
Small black dots on the lips appear, as a rule, in people whose skin is oily or combination type.
Dermatologists recommend using the following effective remedies:
- "Skinoren gel". The active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid, which has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine strongly dries out the skin in the lip area, so it must be used in combination with emollient, moisturizing creams.
- "Differin Cream". The active substance in its composition is adapalene, which is an analogue of retinoic acid. The tool has a long-term effect on comedones, contributes to their drying and elimination of pathogens.
- "Salicylic gel". This remedy is characterized by antiseptic properties, so its use helps to eliminate the inflammatory process on the dermis in the lip area, prevents the formation of new comedones.
- "Zinc ointment". It contains zinc oxide, whichdries inflamed skin, and Vaseline, which softens it and promotes the process of its regeneration. Against the background of the application of the ointment, the pores narrow, and their blockage by dead cells is prevented.

Other ways to eliminate comedones in the lips
Often, dermatologists receive questions about the possibility of mechanical removal of comedones. The answer is: it is strictly forbidden to squeeze black dots, as there is a high probability of infection. To quickly get rid of a comedone on or near the lip, you can use a patch soaked in a special compound.
You should not use such patches to remove a black dot that has appeared on the inside of the lip. In this case, it is more advisable to contact a beautician, because improper treatment can greatly harm the mucous membranes in the oral cavity.
Very often people complain that they have a black dot on their inner lip.

According to the reviews of many women, we can conclude that the most effective, simple, and not time-consuming ways to remove comedones are procedures performed by a cosmetologist - peeling, cleansing, cryomassage. In other cases, patience will be required, as self-removal of comedones with the help of drugs and cosmetics will take some time.
We looked at what it means if a black dot appears on the lip.