Is it possible to get HIV through oral: causes, risk factors and recommendations of experts

Is it possible to get HIV through oral: causes, risk factors and recommendations of experts
Is it possible to get HIV through oral: causes, risk factors and recommendations of experts

Today, more than ever, the problem of HIV is acute. Despite active propaganda, the risk of infection only increases, as there are more infected people every day. Thematic meetings are held annually in educational institutions, leaflets and booklets are distributed, program cycles are issued, but the statistics are ruthless. Approximately 40 million people are currently living with HIV. The probability of meeting with a virus carrier is high. Moreover, he himself may not yet know the diagnosis. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider all possible routes of transmission of the disease. Do you know if you can get HIV through oral? Many are already beginning to doubt the completeness of their knowledge on this issue. Let's study together the possible ways of getting into the blood of the immunodeficiency virus.

is it possible to get hiv through oral
is it possible to get hiv through oral

What is HIV

Despite the abundance of information, it would be useful to go over the theory again. So, the immunodeficiency virus is the scourge of the 20th century. It does not live in the environment and dies without a host within a fewseconds. However, in the cavity of the needle, where the remnants of human blood are stored, it may well live up to 5 days. When it enters the bloodstream, HIV attacks immune cells and deprives the body of the ability to resist various bacteria and viruses.

An HIV-positive person, with proper treatment, can live a normal life. If the treatment was stopped and the number of viruses in the blood increased, and the immune cells decreased, we can talk about the onset of the AIDS stage. This is a reversible state. With proper correction, the AIDS stage may not occur at all, although the disease cannot be cured.

Oral contact

Let's take a little digression into sexology. This term means that a person uses their mouth, tongue, and lips to stimulate their partner's genitals. There are various types of manipulations that have their own names. Many couples practice this way of getting sexual release, especially since this way you can avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

can hiv be transmitted orally
can hiv be transmitted orally

Your safety

In fact, there are infections that are more likely to be transmitted to a partner during oral sex. However, this method remains safer than unprotected vaginal contact. At the same time, there is a risk only for the receiving partner, who performs manipulations with other people's genitals. In this case, secrets, which are sources of various pathogens, enter the oral cavity. There is practically no risk for the passive partner, since he only comes into contact with the oral cavity, and not withgenital fluids. Therefore, if the partner is not permanent, reliable and proven, you should think about the means of protection.

Most often during oral sex you can get genital herpes, gonorrhea or syphilis. When it comes to HIV, there is no evidence that transmission in this way has ever happened. However, a combination of circumstances, wounds in the oral cavity can play against you. It is also theoretically possible to transmit hepatitis, genital warts and pubic lice. However, the risk is much higher with unprotected vaginal and anal sex, so it's worth weighing the pros and cons.

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is it possible to get hiv through yelling to a man

Different opinions

In fact, the question is quite relevant, especially considering that oral sex in modern society is no longer something unrealistic. It's not like it's even cheating. If sexual partners are selected according to a number of criteria, then oral sex is treated more lightly. And usually, many people later come up with the idea of whether it is possible to get infected with HIV through oral. In fact, the ways of transmission of the virus are very well studied, so you need to familiarize yourself with reliable sources, and all doubts will be dispelled.

Life of the virus outside the carrier

The answer to this question is very important if we want to know if it is possible to get HIV through oral. It is known that the virus lives outside the body for a very short amount of time. What is meant by this "outside"? This is primarily without contact with blood. If things were different, then one could become infected andhousehold way. However, this does not happen. So far, no such cases have been reported in medical practice.

However, let's take a real example. A syringe with the blood of an infected person, how long can a virus from a needle be dangerous? It depends on a number of factors. From the amount of blood in the syringe and the ambient temperature. Under favorable conditions, it can remain active for up to several days. We will definitely come to the answer to the main question, is it possible to get HIV through oral, but first we will make one more digression.

can hiv be contracted through oral sex
can hiv be contracted through oral sex

Transmission risks

This is probably already known to everyone, but it will never hurt to repeat it. HIV infection is transmitted through blood and semen, as well as vaginal secretions. However, infection occurs when they enter the body of an uninfected person. That is, the leading contact is "blood-blood". Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to catch HIV orally, it should be said that there is a risk, but it is not too big. But it will not be superfluous to take care of your he alth.

It is possible for the mother of her unborn child to become infected with HIV. Moreover, he can become infected and already in the process of passing through the birth canal. We will once again classify all modes of transmission.

Important to know

  • The very first option that doctors are shouting about at every turn is sexual contact. That is why the question so often arises whether it is possible to catch HIV orally. After all, this kind of caress in the mind is closely connected with a prelude or an alternative to the usualsex.
  • Drug injections. An extremely common route of transmission of the virus. However, the solution is very simple, today HIV centers provide free sterile injection syringes.
  • In the process of blood transfusion.
  • From mother to newborn.
  • From a sick patient to a he althcare worker.

As you can see, nothing is said about whether HIV is transmitted through oral sex. This option is theoretically possible, but so far this possibility has not been confirmed. That is, there were no such cases in world practice.

can you get hiv through kissing?
can you get hiv through kissing?

Intimate relationship

Let's take a closer look at this point. It is clear that this term can be understood as a whole range of actions. Starting from petting and mutual caresses, to classic penetration. In fact, each region still has its own statistics on how HIV is transmitted. In Russia today, the leading one is drug injections.

But back to our topic. We want to know if you can get HIV through oral sex. The risk is minimal, but it cannot be discounted. For example, the probability of infection during anal sex is up to 3%. The more often contact with a carrier of the virus occurs, the greater the likelihood of infection. Therefore, if one of the spouses becomes infected, very often the second one becomes HIV-positive even before the first one knows about it.

With a single vaginal contact, statistics show that the chances are even less. Transmission of the immunodeficiency virusoccurs in 0.15% of cases. In this case, the active partner, as a rule, cannot become infected. Nevertheless, among the representatives of the stronger sex, there are usually more concerns about this.

What about oral sex? The introducing partner does not risk at all, since the contact is only through saliva. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to become infected with HIV through oral to a man, we can safely say that such cases have not been registered. That is, theoretically, the probability cannot be denied, but in practice this has not yet happened.

is it possible to get hiv orally causes
is it possible to get hiv orally causes

For men and women

It turns out that the risks are not the same for both partners. Therefore, it is extremely important to know whether HIV can be transmitted orally. Reasons that increase this likelihood stem from the ways in which the virus is transmitted. The main thing is through the blood. Thus, if there are bleeding wounds in the woman's mouth, then theoretically there is a chance of becoming infected from an infected man. In the reverse scheme, if she is HIV-positive, we can talk about zero risk for a man.

In any case, the always receiving partner is more likely to become infected. Do not risk your he alth, it is much better to prevent a problem than to solve it later.

Not just HIV

Indeed, this is not the only danger that awaits those who practice oral sex. What can you get if your partner is not honest enough with you? These are a number of sexually transmitted infections. Herpes, gonorrhea and syphilis,candida and more.

How can you protect yourself? First of all, this is sex with a proven partner. If he himself told that he is a carrier of HIV, then it is important to use contraceptives. If you still decide to have sexual intercourse, then remember the following risk factors:

  • You are more likely to get sick if you currently have a sore throat, sores, sores or inflammation on your lips.
  • If a partner has sores, sores or cuts on the genitals, on the lips and in the oral cavity, then this should be the subject of an open discussion.
  • Infected fluids got into your mouth or throat, mucous membranes (eyes).

To protect yourself, you should also not have oral sex during your partner's menstruation, brush your teeth just before the act. Also, try to avoid direct contact with vaginal secretions or semen.

can hiv be transmitted through oral sex
can hiv be transmitted through oral sex

How HIV is not transmitted

The answer to this question is asked very often. And in most cases, people are interested in whether it is possible to get HIV through a kiss. The virus cannot be transmitted in this way. There is always a logical argument that in the presence of bleeding wounds on the lips and in the mouth, there is still a risk. Let's imagine this situation. You meet a stranger whose lips are bleeding, will you kiss him? Probably not. A minor crack cannot cause infection, because the chances are negligible.

The virus is not transmitted throughhugs and handshakes, hygiene items, that is, all household ways are absent. The virus does not survive in the pool. Only those who have unprotected sex in a pool where an infected person is bathing at the same time can be at risk. Mosquitoes are not carriers of HIV, as they inject into the body not someone else's blood, but saliva. Damage to the skin in public places, visiting the dentist and other horror stories are myths. The virus does not live outside the host, which means it will not be able to wait in the wings.
