Drug "Diabetal": reviews of physicians, instructions for use, description

Drug "Diabetal": reviews of physicians, instructions for use, description
Drug "Diabetal": reviews of physicians, instructions for use, description

Diabetes is a problem that brings big problems into the measured life of people. The strictest diet, taking pills on a schedule, maintaining a he althy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, good rest - all this should be followed by a diabetic. But unfortunately, not always people are able to completely change their diet. A unique product called Diabetal can help you cope with a change in nutrition faster, as well as prevent the occurrence of complications from diabetes. This development of Russian scientists and physicians is able to return patients to a full life, and also prevent the appearance of he alth problems. Today we will find out what this drug is, how it looks, what composition it has. And also find out what the doctors themselves think about him.

diabetal reviews of physicians
diabetal reviews of physicians

Means "Diabetal": product description

This drug is a dietary he alth food. This is not a dietary supplement at all, and also not a medicine. Means "Diabetal" has no analogues, it is completely natural. This drug wasdeveloped by Russian scientific institutes, where special attention is paid to the nutrition and diet of diabetic patients (applies to both children and adults).

Means "Diabetal" is a sable gel (jelly), placed in a special jar. This form of release of the drug guarantees faster, as well as gentle treatment, unlike tablets or capsules. The gel form of this product is more effective and also gentle on the stomach. At the same time, the body of a diabetic quickly absorbs therapeutic nutrition.

Diabetal is low-calorie, sugar-free. This Russian healing product has a cumulative effect, so its action lasts for a long time.

diabetal product description
diabetal product description


The medicine "Diabetal", according to the manufacturer, has the following advantages in use:

  1. Is ideal for a healing diet.
  2. Perfectly combined with other medicines.
  3. Reduces the risk of complications from diabetes.
  4. Increases the effectiveness of therapy, which allows you to delay insulin intake.
  5. Cleanses the body.
  6. Makes the patient feel better.
  7. diabetal instruction
    diabetal instruction

Composition of the drug

Means "Diabetal", the instructions for which must be attached to the jar of the drug, consists of the following components:

- Fucose. This component is obtained from marine brown algae of the Fucus family, which have an amazing composition. They contain whole42 elements, including magnesium, sulfur, zinc, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, silicon, barium, etc., as well as an extensive list of vitamins, pantothenic and folic acids, fiber, amino acids.

- Cranberries. The juice from this berry is a valuable source of vitamin C, a complex of minerals, as well as organic acids. Cranberries are able to remove toxic substances from the body of a diabetic.

- Jerusalem artichoke syrup. This element contains inulin, which prevents glucose from entering the intestines. And Jerusalem artichoke syrup increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

- Chromium in organic form. This component regulates glucose levels. A lack of chromium in the diet can cause hyperglycemia (a clinical syndrome in which there is an increase in blood sugar levels). And this component also helps to normalize blood pressure.

- Purified water.

medicine diabetal
medicine diabetal

What results can we expect?

According to the manufacturer, Diabetal is an excellent supportive remedy for diabetics. The product description has been reviewed, but what to expect from it has not. So, this remedy gives the following effects:

- Improves vision and retinal he alth (everyone knows that diabetics often have vision problems).

- Helps control weight.

- Improves metabolic processes.

- Prevents complications.

- Improves the emotional state of the patient.

- Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

- Improves conditionheart and vessels.

- Strengthens the body's defenses.

- Improves libido, fights impotence.

- Prevents the feeling of numbness in the limbs.

Means "Diabetal": instructions for use

Using this Russian-made product is quite easy. The jar with the drug contains 10 servings, that is, 10 times. For 1 time, the patient needs to take 50 g of this healing jelly. It does not matter when to swallow it: before meals, after or during meals. And the remedy "Diabetal" can be mixed with various juices and water. So, it is enough to take 1 dose of this jelly once a day to enjoy a full life soon.


The drug "Diabetal", the price of which for many people may seem unaffordable, can be purchased on the Internet. Unfortunately, this healing jelly is unlikely to be found in a pharmacy. What is the cost of this Russian remedy aimed at improving the condition of a diabetic patient? So, in Russia, about 3,500 rubles must be paid for 1 can of Diabetal. The price is for 10 servings, that is, this drug is enough for the patient for only 10 days. If you count for a month, then a tidy sum comes out: 10,500 rubles. This is a high cost product aimed at maintaining the normal state of a diabetic.

diabetal instructions for use
diabetal instructions for use

Contraindications. Storage conditions

Means "Diabetal", medical reviews of which can be read below, can not be used in only one case: whenindividual intolerance to the components of the product.

Keep the drug in a dry place, protected from the sun. You also need to keep it away from children. Despite the fact that it does not contain any harmful elements, all the same, this drug should not come into contact with boys and girls. The optimum temperature for saving the gel "Diabetal" is +2 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 6 months.

Produced in the Russian Federation, in Moscow.

diabetal price
diabetal price

Positive feedback from experts

Healing product "Diabetal" medical reviews are different. Since this is a relatively new drug, many doctors have not yet heard of it. But those who have already experienced its action note that Diabetal gel really works wonders. Doctors are confident that this drug performs its most important function - it returns the diabetic's body the ability to properly absorb sugar. Penetrating into the cells, fucose - one of the components of the drug - restores the functions of insulin receptors, and also resumes their ability to correctly respond to glucose in the blood. Doctors are confident that the product "Diabetal" not only eliminates the symptoms, but also fights the causes of the disease. Also, experts note the unique composition of this drug, which does not contain any preservatives, and also does not undergo heat treatment. All elements of this Russian product are natural and he althy. And the high price of the drug, according to doctors, fully justifies itself.

drug diabetal
drug diabetal

Negative feedback from experts

Unfortunately, the remedy "Diabetal" reviews of physicians is not only flattering, but also disapproving. So, many doctors have not yet encountered this product, which appeared on the market relatively recently. Therefore, doctors cannot give an adequate assessment of this remedy. However, many of them comment on the actions of their patients, who have not only heard about this drug, but also used it. It turns out that the patients, without consulting with the treating endocrinologists, simply abandoned their usual treatment with antidiabetic pills and purchased the Diabetal remedy. And in the end it turned out that the condition of patients only worsened. Some percentage of the blame in such a situation, doctors shift to the product "Diabetal". But of course, the root cause of the deterioration is the patient himself. After all, you do not need to quit the treatment prescribed by the doctor drugs. Experts say that you can take the product "Diabetal", but only in parallel with the treatment prescribed by the endocrinologist. After all, the gel itself cannot save a person from type 2 diabetes.

And endocrinologists also ask people to consult with them before purchasing this Russian product in order to exclude the appearance of negative consequences.


Now you know what the "Diabetal" remedy is, we also considered the reviews of doctors about it, the composition, the rules of admission. It turned out that this drug appeared recently, so some doctors have not yet encountered it. And those professionals who were lucky enough to learn aboutthis Russian healing product, they only respond positively about it. Patients should be aware that the cost of this drug is quite high, but surely many people are willing to give a lot of money to live a normal life, not overshadowed by various he alth problems.
