In the article, we will consider how prostate adenoma differs from cancer.
To date, these pathologies are considered one of the most common male diseases in the older age group. Most patients seek medical help only when the clinical symptoms become maximally pronounced, and the pathological disorders occurring in this organ are irreversible.
To prevent the development of a malignant or benign tumor in the prostate, it is important to seek help at the first symptoms.

Many people wonder if prostate adenoma in men is cancer? Let's figure it out.
The lack of specific medical knowledge often leads the patient to incorrect conclusions about his condition and the denial of the likelihood of developing oncological pathology. The process of therapy at the later stages of any disease is not only quite lengthy, but is also accompanied by many unpleasant, and sometimes very painful procedures. It is in this connection that it is important to consult a doctor already at the first warning signs. In this case, the patient has the highest chance of recovery.
How do prostate cancer and BPH manifest?
General clinical picture, identical signs of disease
According to the information of modern statistics, most men deny the possibility of any urological pathology, even if its clinical symptoms are pronounced. This is partly due to the fear of treatment, and sometimes the reason for this is the elementary delicacy of the male problem. Therefore, the vast majority of patients get to the doctor only when the disease is in an acute stage, and requires a long and persistent treatment. In general, the symptoms of prostate cancer and BPH are similar.
It is important to be able to recognize signs of pathologies in a timely manner, which will save the patient from using radical methods of therapy, and will eliminate the disease through minimal therapeutic measures.
Erectation problems
The development of adenoma or prostate cancer leads to the development of erection problems. Despite the fact that these diseases have different pathogenesis, the clinical picture, etiology and some symptoms of pathologies are largely similar. As a rule, this similarity appears only in the early stages of development.

Other similar signs
Among identical symptoms, the following signs can be distinguished:
- Difficulties of a varied nature,that occur during urination, such as burning, soreness, itching, regular feeling of being too full, even after going to the toilet.
- Permanent urge to urinate, which occurs mainly in the evening and at night.
- Soreness, burning, itching in the groin, lower abdomen.
- Erectile disorders of various nature, for example, decreased potency, lack or decrease in intimate desire.
- Pain in the groin. These pathologies are always accompanied by pain in the groin and urination disorders.
- Severe soreness during defecation.
Symptoms such as fatigue, deterioration in general well-being, weakness, cephalalgia, deterioration of the immune system are not excluded.
Any of the above signs is considered a direct prerequisite for contacting a urologist. Ignoring unpleasant symptoms can lead to the development of complications or to the development of advanced forms of the pathological process.
Before talking about cancer, let's take a closer look at prostate adenoma.
Symptomatics of prostate adenoma
The main signs of adenoma, regardless of the stage of the course of the disease, are almost similar to the manifestations of oncological pathology in the early stages. These include, first of all, urination disorders, erectile problems, as well as deterioration of well-being.
In the form of the main and most striking difference between adenoma, experts call the course of the disease. As this progressesdisorders such as hyperplasia, that is, pathological tissue proliferation, a benign tumor evenly increases. Against the background of such changes, a narrowing of the urinary canals occurs, which is the reason for the above signs.
Advanced events
As the benign tumor grows, the urinary ducts begin to narrow and there are obvious problems with urination.

In the later stages of adenoma development, that is, as the pathological process progresses and the tumor grows, the following phenomena may disturb the patient:
- Incomplete emptying of the bladder. After visiting the toilet, the patient again feels the urge to urinate. The reason for the development of such a symptom is the narrowing of the urinary canals, that is, a significant portion of urine is not excreted when visiting the toilet.
- In the early stages of adenoma, a man notes the development of problems with urination only at night. With further progression of the disease, such a symptom begins to occur during the day, and often the symptom is accompanied by sensations of severe pain.
- Severe pain during defecation is not ruled out, which occurs in the lumbar region and anus.
All of the above signs indicate that the pathological process is at the 2nd or 3rd stage. It is impossible to delay treatment during this period, because only if medical appointments are received in a timely manner, there is a possibility thatthe disease can be completely cured conservatively. In the later stages, surgery will be required, which is fraught with multiple negative consequences and a long recovery period.
We continue to consider the symptoms of prostate cancer and adenoma in men.
Signs of cancer
Symptoms of oncology, that is, the formation of a malignant tumor in the prostate, have a certain similarity with the signs of adenoma, but this is observed only in the early stages. With the progression of the disease and the spread of metastasis, the symptoms take on a slightly different character, not only general, but also local signs are noted. Among the most common of them are:
- Often in the process of ejaculation, the patient feels intense pain. In addition, the occurrence of bloody impurities in the semen or staining of the semen in pink color is not excluded. In the later stages of oncological disease, ejaculation of purulent masses may occur.
- Lack of appetite.
- Prostate cancer is accompanied by severe weakness.
- Streaked blood may also be present in the urine. In this case, urination is accompanied by acute pain in the urethra and lower abdomen. The appearance of pus is also considered a characteristic sign of cancer.

Feeling worse
In the process of growth of a malignant tumor, there is a strong deterioration in well-being. The patient complains of the following symptoms: partialor a complete lack of appetite, systematic dizziness, progressive weight loss, severe fatigue.
Distinguishing prostate adenoma from prostate cancer in the early stages is possible only with the help of appropriate diagnostic procedures. In this case, a biopsy is most often used.
Uneven growth
Unlike the adenoma of the gland, the growth of a malignant tumor and metastasis occurs unevenly. The narrowing of the urinary tract and problems with urination of the patient may not bother at all. However, metastases, which are lesions of other tissues and internal organs by pathological cells, are the main reason for the deterioration of the general condition and weight loss.
It should be noted that malignant tumors of the prostate progress at a relatively slow pace and are almost not accompanied by a negative clinical picture. It is for these reasons that most patients go to a medical facility only when the disease is advanced.
What is the treatment for prostate cancer and BPH?
Distinguishing signs and treatment
In medicine, there is a certain classification by which the degree of development of oncological diseases is determined. It is also possible to apply a similar scale to such a disease as gland hyperplasia. It is important to note that in the first two stages of these pathologies, the prognosis for a cure is almost always positive. The combination of surgical and medical treatment of prostate cancer and adenoma allows to eliminate malignant andbenign tumors completely, and return the patient to normal life.

At the second and third stages, the prognosis is not optimistic, especially for oncological pathologies. Most often, during this period, a radical spread of metastases occurs. Cancer cells enter not only the tissues and organs of the small pelvis, but also invade the skeletal system. Such pathological disorders are often irreversible and occur with severe pain, which can only be eliminated with the help of potent medications.
For cancer and prostate adenoma, surgery is often performed to remove a malignant or benign neoplasm.
Fourth stage
This stage of prostate cancer is characterized by symptoms that become extremely acute, metastases are observed in the lymph nodes, and it can be extremely difficult to save the patient. The fourth stage of cancer is practically not amenable to therapy. During this period, the tumor reaches its maximum size, there is an increase in metastases in the bones and soft tissues, the patient suffers from severe pain, the general state of he alth worsens significantly, the patient loses weight intensively.
Now I understand how grade 4 cancer manifests itself. Prostate adenoma of the fourth stage is characterized by such signs as the release of blood with seminal fluid and urine, impotence, lack of sexual desire, pain in the groin and pelvic area. Therapy of gland hyperplasia at this stage is possible only through a combinationradical and conservative therapy, that is, surgery and the use of potent drugs.
It is almost impossible to completely cure cancer at stages III-IV, and the main symptoms of this disease appear precisely at these stages. This distinguishes cancer from adenoma, when the disease is amenable to radical therapy at stage III-IV.

Are prostate adenoma and cancer treated with folk remedies?
When the disease is at an early stage or has a mild form, then there is a real chance to cure it with natural "medicines". Folk useful remedies have a general strengthening effect on the body of a man. The inflammatory process is blocked, and the tissues of the organ are restored. As a result, the prostate begins to work normally. To cure prostatitis in men, folk remedies use honey, garlic, pumpkin seeds, hazel, parsley, chestnut tea, herbs, aspen bark and so on.
Folk remedies should not be taken as an alternative to official medicine, but only as an addition. They cannot completely eliminate the problem, but they effectively eliminate the symptoms.
Can prostate adenoma turn into cancer?
Under certain conditions, an adenoma can develop into oncology. This point is sometimes impossible to notice, since benign and malignant pathological processes have similar clinical manifestations. With the development of adenoma, at a certain point, neoplasm cells can be transformed from benign toatypical, which leads to the development of cancer. They begin to divide chaotically and uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of an oncological tumor.

According to the information from the reviews, older men suffer from these diseases in most cases. Many people develop prostate adenoma, but it does not always turn into cancer. Men note that with effective treatment, the disease can be eliminated at an early stage. Those who have been diagnosed with malignant tumors say that they underwent serious radical treatment - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. With prostate adenoma, surgical intervention was used only in the later stages, while earlier patients were prescribed medication. Men note that such therapy did not always help to cure adenoma, and in these cases, the neoplasm is removed surgically. After the operation, treatment is prescribed that helps restore prostate function, eliminate erectile dysfunction and return to a normal lifestyle.
We looked at how prostate cancer and BPH manifest.