Lose weight with hypothyroidism: consultation with an endocrinologist, diagnosis and examination, adjustment by treatment, a balanced diet and reviews of losing weight

Table of contents:

Lose weight with hypothyroidism: consultation with an endocrinologist, diagnosis and examination, adjustment by treatment, a balanced diet and reviews of losing weight
Lose weight with hypothyroidism: consultation with an endocrinologist, diagnosis and examination, adjustment by treatment, a balanced diet and reviews of losing weight

Video: Lose weight with hypothyroidism: consultation with an endocrinologist, diagnosis and examination, adjustment by treatment, a balanced diet and reviews of losing weight

Video: Lose weight with hypothyroidism: consultation with an endocrinologist, diagnosis and examination, adjustment by treatment, a balanced diet and reviews of losing weight
Video: Ungheni History (Moldova) 2025, January

Thyroid dysfunction is almost always associated with weight gain. In some patients, the problem reaches initial or moderate obesity. Losing weight with hypothyroidism becomes a real problem. The article presents ways to achieve a slim figure with endocrine pathology.

What is hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is located on the inside of the larynx and is an endocrine gland that is responsible for the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone and a number of others. In case of failure of its work, the activity of all systems in the body is disrupted. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is responsible for the metabolism that comes with food.

Metabolic processes are very complex, and even a slight decrease or increase in the production of TSH, T3 or T4 leads to serious consequences.

causes of hypothyroidism
causes of hypothyroidism

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction

Shouldalert and donate blood for hormones (and in some cases also perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland) if the patient noted the following symptoms:

  • overweight, which was not there before (while lifestyle and nutrition remained the same);
  • hair loss;
  • constant weakness, asthenia, fatigue;
  • rashes on the skin of the face - an abundance of acne and blackheads;
  • sleep problems;
  • anxiety and irritability;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • pain in the larynx.

Against the background of hypothyroidism, secondary diseases develop, for example, cardiovascular insufficiency, biliary dyskinesia, body weight increases, the amount of "bad" cholesterol, which contributes to the appearance of early atherosclerosis.

nutrition for hypothyroidism
nutrition for hypothyroidism

Causes of hypothyroidism

The reason most often becomes a strong nervous shock. Chronic stress, fatigue and neuroses accumulate. As a result, a nervous breakdown occurs, which many people are forced to experience "on their feet", without the ability to leave the workplace.

Hypothyroidism can be acquired or congenital. The first type can provoke the following conditions and diseases:

  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • postponed surgery to remove the gland;
  • taking some hormonal drugs;
  • Severe and prolonged iodine deficiency.

And yet, the first place among all the reasons for the development of hypothyroidism, endocrinologists assign it to stress andnervous shocks. If several causes coincide in one period of time, the development of the disease cannot be avoided.

Overweight and hypothyroidism

Pathologies of the thyroid gland are almost guaranteed to lead to weight gain. Losing weight with hypothyroidism is difficult, but possible.

Impaired metabolism is gradually restored when taking hormonal drugs. Regular intake of "Thyroxin" can help to lose weight with hypothyroidism. This is a synthetic hormone, a substitute for natural endogenous, the production of which in the body is impaired. Tips on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism will be meaningless without regular use of special drugs.

Often, in parallel with taking "Thyroxin", doctors prescribe iodine preparations. In the early stages of the disease, regular medication is sometimes enough to bring the weight back to normal. However, if the stage of obesity is not the first, you will have to seriously adjust your diet and lifestyle in order to achieve your dream figure.

how to lose weight with hypothyroidism
how to lose weight with hypothyroidism

The basics of proper nutrition for hypothyroidism

To lose weight with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland is possible only by reviewing your diet completely. If drug hormone therapy has already begun, and he alth has returned to normal, then it's time to take on the figure.

  1. You should avoid feeling hungry. People with hypothyroidism are already prone to asthenia and weakness, and if you experiment with strict diets and fasting, there is a high risk of getting diabetes. Large intervals between meals contribute tojumps in insulin, and this most often only contributes to a set of adipose tissue and a decrease in muscle.
  2. Compliance with the water regime is very important. A person weighing 70 kg should drink about one and a half to two liters of water per day. Only in this case, the cells of tissues and organs will receive enough fluid. It should be noted that tea, coffee, broths and alcohol cannot be compared in terms of value for the body with ordinary clean water. This is a real elixir for the body and if it is lacking, it will not work to lose weight with hypothyroidism.
  3. You can not deprive the body of any of the nutrients - no fats, no carbohydrates, no proteins. Each of them is necessary: carbohydrates give us energy, proteins are the building material for body cells, and fats are fuel for the hormonal system. If you regularly lose at least one of the nutrients, this will inevitably lead to an even greater failure in metabolism. In some cases, such experiments turn into even more weight gain over time.
  4. Eat three times a day with two snacks. Drink more clean water - this will help to avoid feelings of hunger. In some cases, drinking a glass of water will improve mood and give strength. But that doesn't mean you should skip meals.
  5. Reduce tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages to a minimum. Caffeine is the official psychostimulant. But many of us drink several cups of natural coffee a day - and then are surprised by insomnia, he alth problems, poor he alth, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
what to eat with hypothyroidism
what to eat with hypothyroidism

Proteins in the diet for thyroid disorders

Proteins are the building blocks of every cell in our body. Tips on how to lose weight in hypothyroidism with protein nutrition:

  • replace one meal with boiled chicken breast without seasoning, oil and garnish;
  • replace every dinner with a glass of fat-free yogurt;
  • eat protein shakes regularly - they will help gain muscle mass;
  • include fat-free cottage cheese in your daily diet.

In parallel with this, simple carbohydrates should be completely removed from the diet - these are sugar and any dishes with it, bakery products, pasta, fruits with a high glycemic index. Unlike diabetics, patients with hypothyroidism can afford to occasionally indulge in sweets. But if this happens regularly, you can forget about how to lose weight with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland. Patient reviews indicate that by changing the diet to predominantly protein, they managed to lose weight very quickly. On average, it takes about one to two kilograms per week.

protein nutrition for hypothyroidism
protein nutrition for hypothyroidism

Carbohydrates in the diet for hypothyroidism

A common mistake patients with hypothyroidism make is to cut out carbohydrates completely. In no case should you deprive yourself of these nutrients, because it is energy for the brain and body. Here is a list of carbohydrates that must be in the diet on a daily basis:

  • vegetables - raw, boiled, stewed;
  • diet bread;
  • low glycemic fruits;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • rice (brown, black, brown should be used);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal.

From these products you can prepare hearty meals that will not cause additional weight gain. If there is little physical activity, the process of losing weight will begin at first by one to two kilograms per week, and then it can even increase to three kilograms per week. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the rejection of simple carbohydrates.

weight loss with hormone deficiency
weight loss with hormone deficiency

Fat in the diet for hypothyroidism - good or bad?

Fats should be polyunsaturated - these are unrefined cold-pressed oils (olive, cottonseed, grape seed, linseed). You can season them with salads or add a teaspoon to cereals.

Animal fats should be abandoned almost completely. Occasionally, you can afford moderate-fat beef, as well as salmon fish. Salmon, trout, pink salmon, chum are a source of fats that are necessary for the beauty of hair and skin. In case of moderate use, the figure will not be harmed.

Sample menu for the day

Example of daily diet:

  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with skim milk, a glass of kefir and a few diet breads;
  • snack - a pack of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • lunch - vegetable puree soup, vegetable stew and chicken fillet goulash;
  • snack - one green apple or vegetable salad;
  • dinner - salad fromseafood or fish fillet grilled without oil.

Sports loads for thyroid dysfunction

Hypothyroidism is a serious disease. Patients must take lifelong hormone therapy. This puts some restrictions on their way of life.

"Help me lose weight with hypothyroidism" - such a request endocrinologists hear regularly. Many patients make a common mistake - they start serious physical activity, despite their diagnosis. In no case should you load yourself, especially if hormone therapy has been started recently.

Patients who lost weight with hypothyroidism with the help of sports know simple truths - excessive overwork leads to deterioration. And this is fraught with even more weight gain.

Excluded heavy loads associated with lifting weights. Classes with a barbell, horizontal bar, dumbbells are best left to completely he althy people. For patients with hypothyroidism, the following types of physical activity are optimal:

  • yoga;
  • stretching;
  • pilates;
  • light aerobics;
  • bike rides;
  • hiking in the mountains.

You can spin a hoop or have a morning run. The main thing is that this does not lead to a deterioration in well-being - you should carefully listen to the sensations of your body.

Endocrinologist's advice: how to lose weight with hypothyroidism

There are some rules of a beautiful figure that apply to absolutely all people. After hormone levels are restored withconstant intake of tableted hormones, you can start losing weight.

fat burning in hypothyroidism
fat burning in hypothyroidism

If a patient wants to know how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, he should carefully study the information on the three pillars of nutrition and endocrinology. These are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each of them performs its own specific functions in metabolism.

You should keep a food diary, in which you need to record the amount of food eaten. It’s good if you can buy a kitchen scale - this will help control the volume of your portions. They should not be more than two hundred grams. This will help the stomach return to its previous size. At first, you will be very hungry, but you should follow the rule: meals five times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks), each of which should be 200-250 grams. For men, the serving can be increased to 300 grams.
