Preparation "Vartoks" - cream-paste for the elimination of plantar warts. This is how the instructions describe this medication. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a special prescription. Its cost is quite democratic. One bottle of 20 milliliters costs no more than 200 rubles. Consumers wishing to purchase this product must first read the instructions. You will also be interested to know about the reviews of experienced users who have ever bought this tool. Today's article will tell you everything.

Characteristics of the drug
The cream contains 40% urea and glycyrrhizic acid. The two components complement each other. Thanks to this, Vartoks cream-paste is considered to be quite an effective remedy in the fight against warts, spitz, corns and ingrown calluses.
Carbamide (urea) softens hardened tissue without any pain and discomfort. After that, you can easily remove it, without scarring and wounds. The second component - glycyrrhizic acid - has an antiviral effect. This substance is also effective againsthuman papillomavirus, which contributes to the growth of warts.

Cream-paste "Vartoks": instructions for use
The medication is for external use only. It is forbidden to take it inside. Before applying the composition, prepare everything you need. You will need a manicure set (pre-sterilized), plasters and sterile cotton swabs. Then do the following manipulations:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and steam out where the wart is.
- Use scissors or a special nail file to remove the surface of the build-up so that it is level with he althy skin.
- Apply a small amount of the drug to the damaged area. Cream-paste "Vartoks" should not be rubbed in.
- Place a cotton swab on top and cover with a band-aid. During the day, this design can not be wetted. Remove the compress after 24 hours.
- Cut off the swollen wart again and repeat the manipulation.
Cream-paste "Vartoks" is applied on average from 2 to 6 times. Also, the drug can be used to soften rough skin on the heels before a pedicure. In this case, there is no need to make compresses. Just lubricate the desired areas and leave the cream for 10-15 minutes.

Vartoks (cream paste): reviews
Instructions for the use of the drug you have already become known. But it's worth checking out the reviews. On what side has the composition proven itself? Can we talk about its effectiveness? Majorityconsumers who used the cream are satisfied. They say that, unlike many others, this medication is inexpensive. It takes him a long time. If necessary, several family members can use the drug at once. It is only important to observe asepsis.
Patients report that removed warts do not reappear. This effect is achieved due to the presence of an antiviral component in the composition. Many analogues of the drug do not contain it. It turns out that they eliminate the effect, but do not correct the cause. The drug "Vartoks" can be called inexpensive, effective and safe. You can use it even during pregnancy.

Doctors warn not to apply the drug to wounds and mucous membranes. Avoid getting the cream in your eyes. Persons using paste to soften corns before a pedicure should first inspect the treated surface. If there are cracks on the rough skin, then the drug should not be applied to this area. Doctors do not advise removing spitz and warts in children. If you find such growths in a child, then you need to treat them only on the recommendation of a doctor.

From the article you were able to learn about the inexpensive and effective medication Vartoks. Cream paste, the price of which you already know, is used to soften rough skin and growths, as well as to achieve an antiviral effect. Despite all the accolades and the guaranteedthe safety of the composition, it must be used very carefully. Be aware that some warts can be dangerous. In order to realistically assess all the risks, you need to consult a doctor and pass some tests. Good results!